[CCCNFBW] Pharmacy Commission meeting tomorrow (Friday) with update on Accessible labeling Rule

Marci Carpenter mjc59 at comcast.net
Fri May 3 03:00:18 UTC 2024

I know this is coming to you with short notice but I wanted everyone to know what  is happening with this. The attached document contains Zoom links and other information for those who would like to call in. There is no  hearing on accessible labeling but their staff person will be giving an update on the status of the rule making process. They have been “working” on some provisions of the proposed rule for several months and it is time for them to finalize it. They are dragging their heels.

There is an open public comment period at approximately 10:45 AM. We do not need to tell our story about why we need a rule to mandate that all pharmacies provide accessible prescription labels. If you decide to speak briefly during public comment we need to tell them to finish the rule and that every day that goes by without it means that many of us do not have access to accessible prescription labels, and that this can pose real risks to our health.

Contact me if you have questions.

Marci Carpenter, President
National Federation of the Blind of Washington
pronouns: she/her/hers
mjc59 at comcast.net <mailto:mjc59 at comcast.net>
www.nfbw.org <http://www.nfbw.org/>
Live the life you want.

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