<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><BR>United States<BR>Election Assistance Commission<BR>1225 New York Avenue N.W. - Suite 1100<BR>Washington, DC 20005 <BR>For Immediate Release Contact: <BR>Jeannie Layson, Sarah Litton<BR>06/01/2009<BR>(202) 566-3100 <BR><BR><BR>120-Day Public Comment Period for VVSG 1.1 Begins Today <BR><BR><BR>WASHINGTON- The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) will hold a<BR>120-day public comment period for the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines<BR><http://www.eac.gov/News/press/120-day-public-comment-period-for-vvsg-1-1-be<BR>gins-today/portal_factory/PressRelease/program-areas/voting-systems/voluntar<BR>y-voting-guidelines> (VVSG) version 1.1 beginning June 1, 2009. The purpose<BR>of the comment period is to provide an opportunity for the public to offer<BR>input on proposed revisions to the 2005 VVSG.<BR><BR>The VVSG are a set of federal specifications and requirements that are used<BR>to test voting systems for basic functionality, accessibility and security<BR>capabilities. EAC certifies voting systems according to this standard and<BR>requires testing to determine compliance with it. EAC certification is<BR>entirely voluntary - states are not required to use EAC-certified voting<BR>systems and voting system manufacturers are not required to obtain federal<BR>certification.<BR> <BR>Why the revision is needed<BR>The guidelines are being revised to improve the quality and efficiency of<BR>testing performed under the EAC testing and certification program by<BR>including new software development and testing protocols and practices. This<BR>includes the development of uniform test suites by the National Institute of<BR>Standards and Technology<BR><http://www.eac.gov/extlnk/lnkframehead.htm?http%3A//www.vote.nist.gov/><BR>(NIST). This revision will also clarify several ambiguities in the standard,<BR>providing test labs and voting system manufacturers with a clearer sense of<BR>performance and test requirements for EAC certification.<BR><BR>The revision process<BR>In partnership with NIST, EAC routinely examines the VVSG to make sure they<BR>reflect the best and most recent software development and testing standards<BR>and protocols. This involves informal observation and information gathering<BR>as well as formal requests for input from a broad group of stakeholders,<BR>including computer scientists, usability and accessibility experts, election<BR>officials, voter advocates, voting machine vendors and federally accredited<BR>test labs.<BR><BR>The proposed revisions are largely informed by the EAC Technical Guidelines<BR>Development Committee <http://www.eac.gov/News/about/committees/tgdc> ,<BR>which issued recommendations for the next iteration of the VVSG, and the<BR>thousands of public comments on the recommendations that the EAC solicited.<BR>The EAC also held seven roundtable discussions with groups of stakeholders<BR>to gather additional information on the recommendations.<BR><BR>By revising the guidelines now, the EAC expects to improve the test process<BR>over the short term while allowing additional time to develop more complex<BR>revisions to be included in the second complete iteration of the guidelines,<BR>the VVSG version 2.0.<BR><BR>Areas to be revised<BR>The EAC and NIST selected the revisions based on their ability to yield<BR>immediate and marked improvements to the test process and be implemented<BR>with relative ease. Moreover, the revisions do not require any hardware<BR>changes or significant software changes, and can be adopted without extended<BR>research.<BR><BR>The revisions replace outdated practices with modern, proven methods that<BR>improve the development, analysis and testing of voting system logic. For<BR>example, by adding block structured exception handling to the list of<BR>acceptable control constructs, vendors will be able to use modern error<BR>handling techniques to better guard against undetected errors and improve<BR>system robustness.<BR><BR>The proposed revisions are limited to usability and accessibility, security,<BR>and core areas such as software workmanship. Following is a complete list of<BR>areas to be revised:<BR> <BR>1) Hardware and software performance benchmarks and test method<BR>2) Software workmanship<BR>3) Test plan and test report<BR>4) TDP and voting equipment user documentation<BR>5) Non-EMC environmental hardware<BR>6) Human factors requirements<BR>7) System security documentation requirements<BR>8) Election records<BR>9) Voter verified paper audit trails (VVPAT)<BR>10) Cryptography<BR>11) External interface requirement<BR>12) EAC requests for interpretation (RFI) decisions<BR>13) General edits<BR><BR>A draft of the proposed revisions along with frequently asked questions<BR><http://www.eac.gov/News/program-areas/voting-systems/voting-system-certific<BR>ation/2005-vvsg/draft-revisions-to-the-2005-voluntary-voting-system-guidelin<BR>es-vvsg-v-1-1> about the process are posted on the EAC Web site.<BR><BR>Timeline for adopting the revisions<BR>At the conclusion of the 120-day public comment period, the EAC and NIST<BR>will review the comments received on the proposed revisions, and will issue<BR>the revised guidelines, VVSG version 1.1, in late 2009.<BR><BR>Methods for submitting comments<BR>Comments may be e-mailed to votingsystemguidelines@eac.gov<BR><mailto:votingsystemguidelines@eac.gov> or mailed to Voluntary Voting<BR>System Guidelines Comments, U.S. Election Assistance Commission, 1225 New<BR>York Avenue, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005. In addition, an online<BR>comment tool will be available this summer at www.eac.gov<BR><http://www.eac.gov/News/press/120-day-public-comment-period-for-vvsg-1-1-be<BR>gins-today/portal_factory/PressRelease/portal_factory/PressRelease/> . The<BR>are posted on the EAC Web site.<BR><BR>Background information<BR>For more information about the VVSG and the Voting System Testing and<BR>Certification program, visit the Voting Systems Center<BR><http://www.eac.gov/News/program-areas/voting-systems/> at www.eac.gov<BR><http://www.eac.gov/News/press/120-day-public-comment-period-for-vvsg-1-1-be<BR>gins-today/portal_factory/PressRelease/portal_factory/PressRelease/> .<BR><BR>The EAC is an independent commission created by the Help America Vote Act.<BR>The EAC serves as a national clearinghouse and resource of information<BR>regarding election administration. It is charged with administering<BR>payments to states and developing guidance to meet HAVA requirements,<BR>adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and accrediting voting system<BR>test laboratories and certifying voting equipment. It is also charged with<BR>developing and maintaining a national mail voter registration form. The<BR>three EAC commissioners are Gineen Bresso Beach, chair; Gracia Hillman, vice<BR>chair and Donetta Davidson. There is one vacancy on the Commission.<BR><BR>________________________________<BR><BR> This Disability Relations Group e-mail is sponsored in part by:<BR><BR>Caring & Sharing Center for Independent Living, Inc. - Empowering People<BR>with Disabilities <HTTP://www.cascil.org/> <BR><BR>Caring and Sharing Center for Independent Living (CASCIL) is the<BR>Congressionally mandated advocacy organization for people with disabilities.<BR><BR>It operates in Pinellas and Pasco counties Florida. With a mission of<BR>Empowering people with disabilities it serves its consumers based on<BR>principles of respect, choice and change. The core services of advocacy,<BR>mentoring, training, transition, information and referral are only the<BR>beginning of the path to empowerment. Come visit us on the web at<BR>www.cascil.org. <http://www.cascil.org> <BR><BR> <BR><BR>________________________________<BR><BR>Disability Relations Group <HTTP://www.drgglobal.com/> <BR><BR>Disability Relations Group<BR><BR>12552 Belcher Rd. S.<BR><BR>Largo, FL 33773<BR><BR>Voice:727-531-1000<BR><BR>Fax: 727-539-7588<BR><BR>We are on the Web!! Come visit us at:<BR><BR>www.drgglobal.com<BR><BR> <BR><BR> <BR><BR> <BR><BR> Disability Relations Group is a global disability relations image and<BR>policy facilitation firm. Its clients range from small community nonprofits<BR>to Fortune 500s all wishing to better their relations with the disabled and<BR>elder communities. It works not only in the areas concerning general issues<BR>related to disability and elder concerns, but also specializes in the areas<BR>of accessible voting, technology and transportation.<BR><BR>________________________________<BR><BR>Important Note<BR><BR>The above information is provided as a service and is not necessarily the<BR>opinion of Disability Relations Group its management, members, sponsors or<BR>clients. If you have questions, concerns or problems with this e-mail please<BR>contact nicoler@drgglobal.com <BR><BR>________________________________<BR><BR>Unsubscribe information:<BR><BR>If you would like to be removed from future mailings please send e-mail to<BR>drg@drgglobal.com and type REMOVE in the subject line Please do not reply to<BR>this e-mail as we are unable to respond to messages sent to this address or<BR>write us at 12552 Belcher Rd. 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