[Central-MD-Chapter] Fathers' Day Event

Angela Woods sewexp at verizon.net
Wed Jun 7 19:27:19 UTC 2023



From: Amber Woods [mailto:woodsamber83 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2023 2:55 PM
To: Angela Woods; AMW; Michelle Hughes; Greg Martin; Eric NfB; Joyce Brooks; Nivens Brian; Ava Ferebee
Subject: NHCNFBMD Executive Board Meeting June 7 , 2023 1pm


Dear National Harbor Chapter  Board Members.


As a  reminder we have a  board meeting:

June 7, 2023 



Call to Order 

Roll Call

Reading  and Approval of Board Minutes

Agenda Items:


Convention Obligations  unspoken known rule to make a contribution  

Gift Cards /Door prizes amount /contributions $100.00 historical amount given

Do we maintain the $100.00 dollar donation to the National Convention?  Vote:  $100.00  

Mrs. Joyce Brooks to be reimbursed for 4 gift cards in increments of $25.00 each.


National Harbor Chapter  Financial Aid Assistance   Recipients receiving financial assistance we are obligated to provide service hours during the convention.  

Criteria And Obligations for assistance  Must have a roommate/ Requesting financial Aid 

$119.00 x 7 = $833.00 x 17%  $141.61  $966.28 = $980.00    $490.00  for the room and recipients must pay the other half between the roommates.

Award amount  $490.00   



                                                                        Fathers’ Day Event!!!!     

 “Rally For Father’s  Day Event” and HOPEE Ministries Anniversary   June 19th  2023   Come Join the Men of National Harbor Chapter and HOPEE Ministries in Celebration for Father’s and Mentors Day at Apple Bees Located at: 

            3447 Donnell Drive ******  Location: Forestville******  Time:   3:00pm – 6:00pm  (15:00-18:00)     

Please let us know if you can join us for a good time “Celebrating”  Father’s and Mentors.  RSVP by June 16, 2023.

                                                                         For Price Ranges click link below:

                                                                   https://www.applebees.com/en/menu?utm_medium=cpc <https://www.applebees.com/en/menu?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Google&utm_content=cpc&utm_campaign=Menu&gclid=CjwKCAjw1YCkBhAOEiwA5aN4AQRSYckWLNov69WpY0XsCyNZnmYxzJoJMtQwT0gX2aVtFIT5qIQRtRoCzHQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds> &utm_source=Google&utm_content=cpc&utm_campaign=Menu&gclid=CjwKCAjw1YCkBhAOEiwA5aN4AQRSYckWLNov69WpY0XsCyNZnmYxzJoJMtQwT0gX2aVtFIT5qIQRtRoCzHQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds









Date  and time  and location 


June 23 Event Table 



Board Retreat 

Location Date and Time 

Road Map of Activities 

Suggested  Activities  Brainstorm session 

Next Meeting 



Board  Dial-in Number:



(562) 349-7009




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