[CentralOK] (no subject)

Joseph Bundy jbundy at waministry.org
Sat Nov 12 22:08:49 UTC 2022


Hope all is staying warm in this random cold weather. I just wanted to
share that my non-profit ministry has three events left on this year's
calendar and we will be sending info about next year pretty soon we
hope. We want to share what we have left to see if anyone is
interested in coming to these events. If transportation is a concer,
let me know and I will work with you to see if I can get you
transportation to them.

December Third Christmas in Noble
This is where businesses will set up booths up and down main street to
handout info, sell products, just met and network with members of the
cummunty from 12-6 PM. If weather is bad, it will be moved inside the
Family Life Center of First Baptist Church.

December Nineth
We are hosting our second annual silent auction fundraiser at Canadain
River Winery from 5-11 PM. We have items from jewelry, hunting trip,
vacation, family photos, cooking supplies, passes to local attractions
and much more. We also will be have a BBQ dinner which is $10 for
adult, $7 for a child and $30 for a family of four. To buy tickets
visit waministry.org/calendar. There will be entertainment from Colby
Hays and the Middle of Nowhere Band.

December Tenth
>From 11 AM to 5 PM we will be at Cohiba Lounge in Norman doing meet
and greet and networking. We also will be selling raffle tickets to
win an once in a lifetime hunting trip to South Africa, New Zealand or
Argentina. And Poe Prepping LLC will be there service food thoughout
the day. We will draw the winners at the end of the event.

If you have any questions or interested in coming to any of these
events, please reach out and I will see what I can do. Have options
for transportation if needed.

Thank You,
Take Care and God Bless

Joseph S. Bundy
President of Wilderness Adventures Ministry
Phone: 4056934771
E-mail: jbundy at waministry.org
For I  am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for
salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the
Greek.-Romans 1:16
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. —
Helen Keller

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