[Cinci-nfb] FW: Cincinnati NFB meeting minutes.

Deborah Kendrick dkkendrick at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 11 12:36:00 UTC 2014

This is my reply to Deanna yesterday which, because it contains mention of a
correction, should have gone to all of you.




From: Deborah Kendrick [mailto:dkkendrick at earthlink.net] 
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 7:21 PM
To: 'Deanna Lewis'
Subject: RE: Cincinnati NFB meeting minutes.



Thank you for such fabulous and detailed minutes.  

I have just one tiny correction.  Kaiti and I talked about the students
leading songs at the Christmas party and about a later, possibly Spring
2015, musical fundraiser.  We do not intend to make singing Christmas
carolsat the party a fundraiser.  

I'll just being the point up at the Aug. 18 meeting and we can vote to have
minutes approved as corrected.  


You are truly doing a wonderful job and I appreciate you so much!





From: Deanna Lewis [mailto:deannakay03 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2014 5:40 PM
To: cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org; Abby Bolling; Bob Marquardt; Chantel Cuddemi;
Charles Hiser; Chris Tolle; Dale Barta; Dave Perry; Deborah Kendrick;
easterlingbrbr at aol.com; Elif Emir ; Emily Pennington; Jessie McDaniel;
joyt at zoomtown.com; Judy Cook; Judy Rudig; Karren Innis; Lillie Pennington;
Lisa Hall; Marianne Denning; Midge Hall; Paul Dressell; Paul Jordan; Sheri
Albers; tammysmith at zoomtown.com; wmitchell at l2tpands.com
Cc: Aleeha Dudley; Amber Meloy; Timothy J. Meloy; Kaiti Shelton
Subject: Cincinnati NFB meeting minutes.



Meeting minutes for July 28th, 2014


1. The July 28th meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind was called to order by President, Deborah Kendrick
at 6:01PM at Washington Platform Restaurant. The following were present:
Deborah Kendrick, Deanna Lewis, Emily Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Kim
McEachirn, Lisa Hall, Bob Marquardt, Bill Innis, Karren Innis, Bernie
Dressell, Paul Dressell, Joy Thomas, Paul Jordan, Chris Sabine, and our
newest member Kaiti Shelton. 

2. This meeting began with Introductions and the Mini Blind. Deborah
mentioned that she had spent the last week at the NFB of Ohio's BELL
(Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning) Program. The event is
currently being held at the Ohio State School for the Blind in Columbus, OH.
Every morning at the BELL Program the participants would do a "Bell Ringer",
where every person would say something that they accomplished that day. The
Chapter members introduced themselves and gave a Bell Ringer in place of the
Mini Blinds.

3. Members shared their praises and concerns.

Kaiti Shelton blessed us with two songs, "Bell Rap Song", and "Don't stop
believin'" by Journey. 

Deborah mentioned that she and Kaiti, the President of the Ohio Student
Division discussed the students singing at our Christmas Party. Deborah
wants to do this as a fund raiser.      

4. Paul Jordan moved that the June meeting minutes be approved, as emailed.
Emily Pennington seconded. The motion passed and the minutes were approved.

5. The treasurer reported the following balances:

Checking: $3,634.69 

CD: Matured and was deposited into our checking account.

Senior's: $40.68

Income: $2,718.38. 

.       $2,013.08 from the CD.

.       $664.30 from the Braille-a-thon fundraiser.

.       $41 from the June meeting ($28.00 for the auction items, $5.00 in
dues, and $8.00 for members not being clad with NFB insignia)

Expenses: $832.15

.       $400 in Convention assistance checks (four checks for $100 to those
attending National Convention and requesting assistance)

.       $100 for NFB Convention funds ($20 for each of the five funds)

.       $332.15 donation to the BELL program, the amount of half the


Paul Jordan made a motion that the Treasurer's report be approved, and Paul
Dressell seconded; the motion passed.


6. Bob Marquardt was awarded the prize from our Quarterly competition. He
won a $15 gift card from Starbucks for bringing the most new members to the
meetings. Bob was also given a 75 in 75 NFB bracelet because of the hard
work he does for the organization. 

7. The Auction took place with the following items:

A. Deanna brought in a $15.00 Subway gift card. It was won by Kim McEachirn
with a bid of $17.00.

B. Paul Dressell brought in 2 books on CD. They were auctioned separately.
The first was, "Kill the messenger" by Tami Hoag. This book was won by
Karren Innis for $12.00.

C. The second book was, "Spenser: For Hire," by Robert B. Parker. This book
was won by Lisa Hall with a bid of $13.00. 


8. Convention Highlights: Members who attended the National Convention this
year reported on some of the highlights.

A. Deborah went first. She reported on:

.       Our new National President, Mark Riccobono.

.       A beautiful farewell tribute video to honor our past President, Marc

.       The Bureau of Engraving and Printing will be providing an iBill
money identifier to every blind or visually impaired person, so that they
may read their money independently. Convention participants could get one
while at Convention. If you are an NLS patron, you can pre-order one in
September, by calling 1-888-657-7323. Those who are not NLS patrons can
order their's in January 2015.

.       Walgreens is now offering a device to read your medication
instructions, it is called Pill Reminder. Contact your local Walgreens for
more information.

.       The KNFB reader iPhone app will be released in late August. It can
read printed materials from up to 25 feet away. The cost of the app will be

B. Lillie mentioned that she really enjoyed her first National Convention.
Her highlights were meeting new people and the Banquet speech.

C. Deanna mentioned two items that stood out for her. The presentation about
how accessible Comcast products are, and the new Nagdu (National Association
of Guide Dog Users) app. The app will have easy access to state and federal
laws and a quick link to the Nagdu hotline. 

D. Lisa was happy to report that she won her first door prize at this year's
Convention. She was also re-elected as President of the Blind Office
Professionals division. 

E. Emily, who won a National Scholarship this year, mentioned that she
enjoyed working with a different mentor each day. She also enjoyed Mark
Riccobono's letter to Dr. Jernigan. Emily got to meet Dr. Maurer and had a
picture taken with him at the banquet.

9. Deborah mentioned that OOD (Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities)
will be holding a focus group about work experiences. There will be one on
Tuesday, July 29th from 3:00-5:00 at the Cincinnati Association for the
Blind and Visually Impaired. Deborah urges anyone who can to attend this

10. Deborah reminded everyone about last month's guest speaker, Beth
Crenshaw from the Great Miami Rowing Center. Beth and Deborah have been
working on setting a date for the open house event in Hamilton. The Chapter
decided on Saturday, September 13th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Bob Marquardt
mentioned that he is able to transport three people in his car, and can make
multiple trips to help people get to Hamilton. 

11. Karren reported on the Picnic which will be August 9th at 2:00 PM. The
address of Paul and Bernie's is 2714 Ruberg. Karren is calling people and
making a list of who is bringing what items. The committee is also working
on setting up some type of entertainment or games that we can play in a
large group. 

Deborah will talk to Arnolds about having the Christmas Party there.

There were no other committee reports this month.

12. Deborah mentioned the 75 in 75 NFB National campaign. The goal is to
start and/or strengthen 75 chapters or divisions in 75 days. The campaign
starts on September 2nd, and runs until November 16th (the day of the 75th
Anniversary of the NFB). 

13. At our State Convention, our guest of honor will be Art Schreiber,
author of the book, "Out of sight and doing alright". Mr. Schreiber, a news
broadcaster, gave a presentation at the National Convention about his
experiences in touring with the Beatles. Mr Schreiber has also toured with
JFK and Martin Luther King. 

At the State Convention, tickets will be sold, as a fundraiser, to attend
Art Schreiber's speech. There will also be a silent auction and a local

The Cincinnati Chapter will be working out how to get the majority of our
members to Convention this year in Columbus.

14. Bob Marquardt has offered to give rides to the picnic on Saturday,
August 9th. Please contact Bob at 931-7070. Bob is able to make multiple

15. Please note that our next meeting will be on Monday, August 18th,
instead of the 25th. Deborah will confirm the 18th with Washington Platform.

16. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 PM. 


Respectfully submitted,

Deanna Lewis, Secretary    





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