[Cinci-nfb] NFB Minutes October 2014

Elif Emir filerime at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 01:32:42 UTC 2014

agree with Deborah.
Thanks for this

2014-11-10 18:11 GMT-05:00, Deborah Kendrick via Cinci-nfb
<cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org>:
> Fabulous job, as always, Madam Secretary!
> Many, many thanks!
> Deborah
> From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Deanna
> Lewis via Cinci-nfb
> Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 5:26 PM
> To: cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [Cinci-nfb] NFB Minutes October 2014
> Meeting minutes for October 27th, 2014
> 1. The October 27th meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National
> Federation of the Blind was called to order by President, Deborah Kendrick
> at 5:58 PM at Washington Platform Restaurant. The following were present:
> Deborah Kendrick, Marianne Denning, Deanna Lewis, Kim McEachirn, Emily
> Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Lisa Hall, Bob Marquardt, Joy Thomas, Chris
> Sabine, Paul Dressell, Paul Jordan, Jim Tudor, Elif Emir, Sheri Albers, and
> Jessie McDaniel. We had several guests this month, Alan Lemly, Connie Misch,
> Brandon Misch, Chantel Cuddemi, and Mike Welty.
> 2. The meeting began with our introductions, due to a packed agenda, we did
> not have a Mini-Blind this month.
> 3. Invocation: Members shared their praises and concerns. Paul Dressell led
> us in prayer, followed by Lillie Pennington singing an NFB song, “Glory
> Glory Federation”. Everyone joined in for the second chorus.
> 4. Deborah informed everyone that Karren and Bill Innis were not able to
> attend the meeting and State Convention, due the death of Karren’s father.
> They will soon be going to Texas for the services. Karren Innis does a
> wonderful job at calling all the members to remind them of the upcoming
> meetings.
> 5. Paul Jordan moved that the August meeting minutes be approved, as
> emailed. Emily Pennington seconded. The motion passed and the minutes were
> approved.
> 6. Emily reminded everyone that she is collecting money for dues. She also
> reported the following balances:
> Seniors: $40.68
> Checking: $ 3,345.47
> Income: $15.00 ($2.00 for members not being clad with NFB insignia, and
> $13.00 for the auction items).
> Expenses: $747.30
> ·       $78.20 (Bell Home presentation)
> ·       $39.10 (Space on Fountain Square for the White Cane Walk)
> ·       $350.00 (Convention transportation stipends of $25.00 each for the
> 14 people attending)
> ·       $280.00 (Convention assistance for first timers, Chris Sabine and
> Jessie McDaniel, each received $140)
> Sheri Albers asked if the Treasurer’s Report was given by the bank
> statement, or per our own records. Sheri recommended that the balances be
> given according to the bank statements, once all of the items have cleared.
> The chapter agreed on this until more research can be gathered.
> Sheri asked about the Convention stipends and wanted clarification. Every
> member attending the State Convention will be getting $25 to help with
> transportation costs. The money raised at the Yard Sale ($280.00) will be
> split between the two first timers, Chris and Jessie.
> Sheri’s friend in Columbus donated $20 to the Yard Sale fundraiser, and it
> was agreed upon to deposit that money into the Chapter’s checking account.
> Lillie Pennington made a motion that the Treasurer’s report be approved, and
> Deanna Lewis seconded; the motion passed.
> 7. White Cane Walk: Deborah reported on the walk on Fountain Square on
> October 15th. There were about 100 people who participated in the walk,
> including several of our Chapter members. Our NFB of Ohio President, Eric
> Duffy and Secretary, Shelbi Hindel were also able to attend the event. A
> special thank you was given to Sheri Albers, who reserved the space on
> Fountain Square and to Paul and Bernie Dressell for working the NFB
> literature table that day.
> 8. Deanna Lewis briefly reported on the Bell Home Presentation and pizza
> party, that the Membership Committee organized. A group of our chapter
> members; Deanna Lewis, Deborah Kendrick, Lisa Hall, Bob Marquardt, Elif
> Emir, Paul Dressell, Karren Innis, Bill Innis, and Judy Rudig were able to
> come and help out. Deanna’s mother, Diane Carmony also came to volunteer.
> A presentation and information about the NFB was given by Deborah and Lisa.
> Pizza, drinks and cookies were enjoyed as we met new people and told them
> how much the NFB means to us. There were approximately 20 people at the
> event, including our members.
> The committee would like to hold similar events at Cincinnati Association
> for the Blind and Clovernook Center.
> 9. Convention: Deborah briefly reminded everyone about the upcoming
> Convention, Oct 31-Nov 2 at the Holiday Inn Worthington. She briefly
> discussed the agenda, starting on Thursday night with the Board meeting and
> concluding at 12:00 noon on Sunday.
> Marianne Denning has been working on transportation for members to and from
> the Convention. Here is the information:
> Thursday afternoon, Jessie McDaniel and Sheri Albers will be taking Paul and
> Bernie Dressell and Lisa Hall.
> Friday morning, Bob Marquardt will be taking Chris Sabine, Joy Thomas, and
> Elif Emir. They will be meeting at Clovernook.
> Friday afternoon, Paul and Marianne Denning will be taking Deanna Lewis.
> Sunday, Jessie and Sheri will be taking Paul and Bernie Dressell home. Bob
> will be taking, Lisa, Deanna and Chris home. Elif’s husband will be taking
> Elif, Deborah, Alan, and Joy home.
> We will be selling our NFB song CDs at Convention this year, they are $5.00
> each. Paul Dressell made a motion that our chapter gives 5 CDs away for door
> prizes. Each CD will be accompanied by $20, so a total of $100. Sheri Albers
> seconded the motion and it passed.
> Deborah discussed contributions to the state affiliate. Last year, our
> Chapter gave $100 for the movement. Marianne Denning made a motion that we
> give $100 for the movement and another $75 for the 75 in 75 campaign. Lillie
> Pennington seconded the motion and it passed. Marianne Denning donated her
> Convention stipend to us for the state affiliate.
> 10. Happy Birthday to Chris Sabine and Alan Lemly.
> 11. Lillie Pennington is working on a school assignment and is creating a
> mentoring project, for blind youth ages 12-20. Mentees will be matched with
> successful mentors, with similar interests and career goals. Lillie is
> looking for mentors and mentees. Qualifications for mentors: must be blind
> or visually impaired, and employed in gainful employment or have worked in
> the last 5 years. Qualifications for mentees: must be blind or visually
> impaired and between the ages of 12-20. Please contact Lillie if you or
> someone you know would be interested in being a mentor or mentee. More
> information will be posted on the list.
> 12. Deanna brought in the following item for the auction, a fluorescent
> orange rain poncho with the new NFB logo. Kim McEachirn won the auction with
> a bid of $9.00.
> 13. Bob Marquardt asked about the 75 in 75 campaign. On November 15th, there
> will be a meeting at the library in Canton to form an NFB Chapter in that
> area. There is no news about forming a Butler County Chapter at this time.
> The state affiliate is working on trying to get 75 Ohioans to the 2015
> National Convention in Orlando to celebrate the NFB’s 75th Anniversary.
> 12. The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM, with the next meeting scheduled on
> Monday, November 24th at 6:00 PM.
> Respectfully submitted,
> Deanna Lewis, Secretary
> --
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