[Cinci-nfb] FW: March 28 minutes

Emily Pennington emilypennington at fuse.net
Sat Apr 25 14:29:07 UTC 2015

Hi, all.

I just saw and  edited the minutes to reflect the proper account balance and
fix some typographical things. Here they are, in accurate form.


March 28th, 2015

National Federation of the Blind Cincinnati

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 PM at Washington Platform

The following members were present: Deborah Kendrick, Rachel Cunts, Sherry
Albers, Jessie Mcdaniel, Chris Tull, Paul Dressel, Christopher Sabine, Lisa
Hall, Judy Rudig, Karen Inis, Bill Inis, Joy Thomas, Walter Mitchel, Lillie

There were several guests, including Jay Tolle.


President Kendrick started out the meeting by asking everyone to introduce
themselves and talk about whatever they wished to talk about since the
chapter is a family.

During this introduction, Lisa Hall gave a brief update on Bob Marquart, who
has been having health issues.

President Kendrick counted the number of people planning to attend national
convention.  A good number of chapter members are planning to attend.  She
urged all planning to attend to preregister and get hotel reservations and
flights booked as soon as possible.

She also expressed gratitude for Paul Jordans continuing support with
microphones at every meeting.

Motion to approve minutes from Febuary, moved by Walter, seconded by Rachel.

Treasurers report was read by Lillie Pennington, standing in for Emily


seniors: $40.68

checking: $2953.61

revenues: $57

$20 from book sales

$8 for people not being clad

$24 from auction items

$5 for new member dues

expenses: $500 for NFB of Ohio BELL check


moved by Paul Jordan, seconded by Lisa.

President Kendrick then played the National presidential release.  She also
discussed the new NFB app released for IOS devices earlier this week.

Lillie Pennington then gave a report on the article "daring to be all we can
be" written by Paul Gabias printed in the March Braille Monitor.

President kendrick then gave talked about the various ways that readers can
access the braille monitor.

Committee reports

Recreation: No report was given since Kim Mckeechern nor Deeanna Lewis were
not there.


Fundraising: a 25 dollar gift card to Wall Mart  was given to Paul and
Bernie Dressel for selling the most City Access books.  Sherry also urged
anyone who has outstanding money from City Access to pay it to her and the

Walter raised the point of NFB of Cincinnati needing a nonprofit tax
identification number.  Our previous tax ID has expired.  President kendrick
will look into this.

There will be a game night on Saturday May 9th at the Dressels from 2:00
until 7:00.  There will be food, games, drinks, and good company.  Everyone
wishing to attend should RSVP to the Dressels.


membership: The committee had their first conference call on March 27th with
Christopher Sabine serving as the new chair.  Discussion focussed on growing
the chapter membership, hosting recruitment events, establishing a facebook
page and website, and providing information at other events concerning those
with special needs.


Several announcements were made about the state aphiliet, including the
release of the new Buckeye Bulletin, Malley's Chocolates, and the BELL


Lillie Pennington brought in two auction items this month: a flash drive and
a pair of handmade earrings.  Rachel brought a Billy Hamilton bobblehead.
The flash drive sold for 6 dollars, the Bobblehead sold for 10 dollars, and
the earrings were sold for 7 dollars.


Respectfully submitted, Lillie Pennington



From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Deborah
Kendrick via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2015 10:21 AM
To: cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] FW: March 28 minutes



Here are the March meeting minutes.  

I'm asking Lillie to read minutes at meeting as well, since they are being
sent out late.




From: Lillie Pennington [mailto:lilliepennington at fuse.net] 
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2015 9:20 AM
To: dkkendrick at earthlink.net; emilypennington at fuse.net;
deannakay03 at gmail.com; 'Lisa Hall'
Cc: 'Walter Mitchell'



March 28th, 2015

National Federation of the Blind Cincinnati

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 PM at Washington Platform

The following members were present: Deborah Kendrick, Rachel Cunts, Sherry
Albers, Jessie Mcdaniel, Chris Tull, Paul Dressel, Christopher Sabine, Lisa
Hall, Judy Rudig, Karen Inis, Bill Inis, Joy Thomas, Walter Mitchel, Lillie

There were several guests, including Jay Tull.


President Kendrick started out the meeting by asking everyone to introduce
themselves and talk about whatever they wished to talk about since the
chapter is a family.

During this introduction, Lisa Hall gave a brief update on Bob Marquart, who
has been having health issues.

President Kendrick counted the number of people planning to attend national
convention.  A good number of chapter members are planning to attend.  She
urged all planning to attend to preregister and get hotel reservations and
flights booked as soon as possible.

She also exprcssed gratitude for Paul Jordans continuing support with
microphones at every meeting.

Motion to approve minutes from Febuary, moved by Walter, seconded by Rachel.

Treasurers report was read by Lillie Pennington, standing in for Emily


seniors: $40.68

checking: $2253.61

revinues: $57

$20 from book sales

$8 for people not being clad

$24 from auction items

$5 for new member dues

expenses: $500 for NFB of Ohio BELL check


moved by Paul Jordan, seconded by Lisa.

President Kendrick then played the National presidential release.  She also
discussed the new NFB app released for IOS devices earlier this week.

Lillie Pennington then gave a report on the article "daring to be all we can
be" written by Paul Gabias printed in the March Braille Monitor.

President kendrick then gave talked about the various ways that readers can
access the braille monitor.

Committee reports

Recreation: No report was given since Kim Mckeechern nor Deeanna Lewis were
not there.


Fundraising: a 25 dollar gift card to Wall Mart  was given to Paul and
Bernie Dressel for selling the most City Access books.  Sherry also urged
anyone who has outstanding money from City Access to pay it to her and the

Walter raised the point of NFB of Cincinnati needing a nonprofit tax
identification number.  Our previous tax ID has expired.  President kendrick
will look into this.

There will be a game night on Saturday May 9th at the Dressels from 2:00
until.  There will be food, games, drinks, and good company.  Everyone
wishing to attend should RSVP to the Dressels.


membership: The committee had their first conference call on March 27th with
Christopher Sabine serving as the new chair.  Discussion focussed on growing
the chapter membership, hosting recruitment events, establishing a facebook
page and website, and providing information at other events concerning those
with special needs.


Several announcements were made about the state aphiliet, including the
release of the new Buckeye Bullsjin, Malleyes Chocolates, and the BELL


Lillie Pennington brought in two auction items month: a flash drive and a
pair of handmade earrings.  Rachel brought a Billy Hamilton bobblehead.  The
flash drive sold for 6 dollars, the Bobblehead sold for 10 dollars, and the
earrings were sold for 7 dollars.


Respectfully submitted, Lillie Pennington




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