[Cinci-nfb] Sharing news on our more or less private list that you all need to have

Deborah Kendrick dkkendrick at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 12 01:59:42 UTC 2015

Dear Cincinnati Chapter, 
As you all know, we have been blessed for some time by the welcoming
attitude of Washington platform, where we hold our monthly meetings.
More than once, the owner has said to me, "We love NFB.  We love having you
Typically, restaurants who have a back room large enough for a group such as
ours require a payment for the room, a guaranteed dollar amount in sales,
and/or a fixed gratuity.
Washington Platform has never placed any such requirements on us, but have
welcomed us with open arms.

Two days ago, I received a call which embarrassed and saddened me
Essentially, the owner of Washington Platform was questioning whether or not
we could return.
It turns out that he has hired extra servers specifically for our group, and
we have not held up our end of the unspoken bond of courtesy and propriety.
Our November meeting involved people ordering throughout a four-hour period.
Servers reported that some members were rude or condescending to them.  And,
most embarrassing of all, some of our members left that meeting without
paying their bills.  
Each of us as individuals and all of us as a chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind carry the responsibility of being ambassadors to the
public of what it means to be blind.
We know that blind people are not rude, are not discourteous, and do not
leave without paying.  

I persuaded him to allow us to come on January 23, and allow me time to
discuss the matter with our board. 
He graciously agreed, and the board has met.  

The board decision is, unanimously, that we want to work hard to set the
record straight with this business that we are responsible, appropriate
citizens, that we pay our bills and, most importantly, that we appreciate
the hospitality that has been extended to us.  

In this spirit, the board voted unanimously to do the following:

Beginning January 23, we will order lunch at 1:00 p.m.  If you arrive early,
order when you arrive, but please try not to arrive sooner than 12:30.  

It is not required that you order anything, but fellowship is as important
as the business we do, so I hope you will come by or before 1:00 PM to share
a meal, a beverage, or the company of your fellow Federationists.  
Next, we are going to suggest to the management that all our members have an
18 percent gratuity added to their tabs.  This eliminates the need to figure
a tip, as it will already be included in your check.  
Again, ordering food or beverage is not required.  

With lunch beginning at 1:00, all orders will be placed at around the same
time, and all tabs paid in a more orderly manner.  
Next, we will begin the business meeting at 2:00 PM.  

Finally, some of us on the board plan to meet at the restaurant this week to
bring a note of thanks and small gift for the staff.  

I am sending this information to you on the email list rather than
announcing at the party, because the board consensus was that this is our
personal business and should  not be broadcast via microphone in a public

We owe it to ourselves and the rest of the Federation to work hard as a
group to leave a positive impression on businesses who support our efforts.

Washington Platform has done so in many ways - not the least of which was
contributing a substantial gift in gift card door prizes to us just
recently, despite our unfortunate behavior in November.  

I implore you to join with me in cooperating with the new plan as outlined
by our board, to be the most positive self you can be at our January
meeting, and to thank servers for the work they do.  

If you are one who left without paying your bill, don't tell me.  I do not
need to know.  Everyone has moments of stress, transportation anxiety, and
all manner of other issues to address.  But, if you are one who did not pay
your bill in November, I implore you to make it right with the staff in

Finally, the board directed me to send this message this evening so that all
would be aware of it tomorrow, without having to "air our laundry" so to
speak in a public place.  

I love you all and look forward to our Christmas celebration.  

Let's go build the Federation!

Peace and joy,

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