[Cinci-nfb] May minutes.

Rachel Kuntz rachelrkuntz at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 18:52:21 UTC 2015

Very impressive notes. I have been a part of many groups and your notes are by far the best. 

Rachel Kuntz
937 245-0547 

-----Original Message-----
From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Deanna Lewis via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:33 AM
To: NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
Cc: Deanna Lewis
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] May minutes.


1.	The May 30th meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind was called to order by President, Deborah Kendrick at 1:05 PM at Washington Platform Restaurant. The following were present: Deborah Kendrick, Deanna Lewis, Emily Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Lisa Hall, Kim McEachirn, Annie McEachirn Carson, Sheri Albers, Jessie McDaniel, Paul Jordan, Paul Dressell, Bernie Dressell, Chris Sabine, Rachel Kuntz, David Carr and Judy Rudig. We had a very special guest this month, our former NFB of Ohio President, JW Smith.
2.	The meeting started with our introductions and Mini-Blind, where
members shared how and when a person or event sparked their interest in the NFB.
3.	We all read the NFB slogan aloud. Here it is for future reference:
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
4.	Lille Pennington moved that the April meeting minutes be approved
as emailed. Jessie McDaniel seconded; the motion passed.
5.	Treasurer’s Report:  Emily reported the following balances.
Seniors: $40.68
Checking: $3,391.61
Income: $303.00
A.	$140 from the Game Day. This includes a $10 donation made from
Marianne Denning in Bob Marquardt’s name
B.	$120 for City Access book sales
C.	$24 for last month’s auction items
D.	$10 in membership dues
E.	$9 for members not being clad with NFB insignia
There were no expenses this month.
Bernie Dressell made a motion that the Treasurer’s report be approved, and David Carr seconded; the motion passed.
6.	Deborah mentioned the loss of our dear member Bob Marquardt. The
officers have purchased a gift for Lisa Hall in honor of Bob. She will be receiving this gift at the upcoming NFB Picnic.
7.	Jernigan Fund tickets: Unfortunately, all of the tickets that the
state affiliate had were sold out when we requested them, so we did not have the tickets to sell at this meeting. Those who had already paid were issued refunds. Tickets will still be available at the National Convention.
8.	Deborah spoke briefly about the NFB of Ohio Scrip Program, a
fundraiser for our state affiliate in which you purchase gift cards.
You simply sign up online and create an account. You can purchase gift cards from all sorts of retailers, and the retailers donate a percentage of that cost to the NFB of Ohio. The next order is June 3rd. Contact Deborah for more information or help signing up. If our Chapter has five new Scrip users sign up, we will receive free registration for our members to the state convention in November.
9.	The following people are planning on attending the National
Convention this year; Deborah Kendrick, Sheri Albers, Emily Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Lisa Hall, and Rachel Kuntz.
Emily Pennington moved that the Chapter give each member going $75 for Convention Assistance. We are also going to request another $75 per person from the NFBO Drive for 75 committee.  Chris Sabine seconded the motion and it passed. President Kendrick will contact Eric Duffy to request the money from the Drive for 75 committee.
A motion was made by Paul Dressell that we donate $25 to the state affiliate for each of the following National Convention funds: Sun, Tenbroek, Jernigan, and White Cane. Sheri Albers seconded and the motion passed.
10.	Braille Monitor Article: Deanna Lewis shared an article from the
Braille Monitor, titled, “Federation Favorites,” by Joe Ruffalo. It was a short piece, written like a recipe that covered many of the fundamentals needed to keep chapters and divisions strong.
Annie McEachirn Carson has volunteered to cover a Braille Monitor article in June.
11.	Committee Reports:
A.	Membership Committee: Chris Sabine reported that the committee had
a conference call last night. Here are some things he discussed:
•	They are working on keeping current members active and making sure
that members who are not able to attend meeting are informed of the chapter happenings.
•	The committee would like to set-up a Facebook page and a Wordpress Blog.
•	They are also making NFB of Cincinnati business cards, but would
like to put a business address on them. The option of opening up a P.O. Box was discussed. The P.O. Box would add legitimacy and make it possible for people to send in donations. There was some discussion on the estimated cost which would be approximately $60/year, and why the committee felt the P.O. Box was necessary. Chris Sabine motioned that the Chapter open a P.O Box; Sheri Albers made a friendly amendment that we re-evaluate this in one year to make sure the P.O Box has been beneficial. Jessie McDaniel seconded, and the motion passed. Please note that the cost of the P.O. Box may exceed the approximated $60.
B.	Recreation: Kim McEachirn and Deanna Lewis (Co-chairs) reported on
the upcoming picnic at Deborah Kendrick’s house on June 13th from
2:00-6:00 PM. Members and guests pay $5.00 to attend and are asked to bring a side dish to share. If you prefer at certain drink, feel free to bring your own. Members will be contacted soon by Karren or another committee member asking for their preferences and other related information. There will be cards and games at the picnic for entertainment as well.
C.	Fundraising: Sheri Albers reported that the committee held a
conference call on Tuesday evening. They discussed the following
•	The Game Party at Paul and Bernie Dressell’s house was a great
event, raising $140. A great time was had by all, and they hope to have another one in the fall.  Thanks to Paul and Bernie for hosting and providing the excellent food.
•	The Braille-a-thon will be taking place at the Kroger in North
College Hill on July 18th from 10:00-2:00. They are asking people to bring card tables for the event. The donation sheets will be sent out soon. Donations should be made prior to the Braille-a-thon, since we are not permitted to solicit donations at the event. Donors can give a flat fee donation, or give a certain amount for the pages read.
D.	Meet the blind month committee: Sheri reported that they held a
recent meeting, and that anyone interested in joining this committee should contact her.
12.	Sheri also was selling “75 in 75 live the life you want” bracelets
in a variety of colors for $2.00. Proceeds benefit the NFB of Ohio’s Drive for 75 committee.
13.	Auction: Several auction items were brought in this month:
A.	Deborah Kendrick brought in a talking pedometer, won by Deanna
Lewis with a bid of $6.
B.	Kim McEachirn brought in a set of umbrellas. These were won by
Jessie McDaniel with a bid of $12.
C.	Deanna Lewis baked two batches of cookies, and auctioned them
separately. The first one, S’mores cookies were won by Deborah Kendrick with a bid of $5.50. The second batch, Cookies and Cream cookies were won by Emily Pennington with a bid of $7.
14.	The meeting was adjourned at 2:53 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Deanna Lewis, Secretary

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