[Cinci-nfb] May minutes.

Emily Pennington emilypennington at fuse.net
Thu Jun 18 19:08:44 UTC 2015

Yes; thanks for reiterating that. I double-checked with Sherry Ruth, and I did just that when I sent the checks several weeks ago.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Paul Dressell via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 2:37 PM
To: dkkendrick at earthlink.net; NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
Cc: Paul Dressell
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] May minutes.

The check to the ten'Broek Fund should be made out to the ten'Groek Fund itself; other checks should be made out to NFB with the specific designation be put in the memo line. Paul
----- Original Message -----
From: "Deborah Kendrick via Cinci-nfb" <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org>
To: "'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'" <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "Deborah Kendrick" <dkkendrick at earthlink.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] May minutes.

> Deanna,
> I see there is one error here that I missed when reviewing the draft 
> minutes.
> It is under #9.
> The contributions we are making to NFB National at convention are to 
> be sent in the form of a check to state affiliate president, Eric Duffy.
> They are not contributions to the state affiliate itself.
> Secondly, the minutes state the four funds receiving $25 each.  
> tenBroek fund is among them and should not be.  It requires a separate donation.
> I have some memory of our discussing that very thing at the meeting, 
> but this was late in the agenda and understandable that it was lost 
> from the minutes.
> To contribute the same amount, we could either send President Duffy 
> two checks, one for $25 to tenBroek fund and one for $75 for the other three.
> Alternatively, and I think much simpler, we could keep the amount the 
> same, but specif White Cane, Jernigan, and SUN in the check memo.  The 
> latter, I believe, was how it was resolved in discussion.
> Paul, since the motion was yours, you could help us here.
> I apologize for missing this in the draft version.
> Deborah
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Deanna 
> Lewis via Cinci-nfb
> Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 7:33 AM
> To: NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
> Cc: Deanna Lewis
> Subject: [Cinci-nfb] May minutes.
> 30th, 2015
> 1. The May 30th meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National
> Federation of the Blind was called to order by President, Deborah Kendrick 
> at 1:05 PM at Washington Platform Restaurant. The following were present: 
> Deborah Kendrick, Deanna Lewis, Emily Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Lisa 
> Hall, Kim McEachirn, Annie McEachirn Carson, Sheri Albers, Jessie 
> McDaniel, Paul Jordan, Paul Dressell, Bernie Dressell, Chris Sabine, 
> Rachel Kuntz, David Carr and Judy Rudig. We had a very special guest this 
> month, our former NFB of Ohio President, JW Smith.
> 2. The meeting started with our introductions and Mini-Blind, where
> members shared how and when a person or event sparked their interest in 
> the NFB.
> 3. We all read the NFB slogan aloud. Here it is for future reference:
> The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the 
> characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the 
> expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles 
> between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; 
> blindness is not what holds you back.
> 4. Lille Pennington moved that the April meeting minutes be approved
> as emailed. Jessie McDaniel seconded; the motion passed.
> 5. Treasurer’s Report:  Emily reported the following balances.
> Seniors: $40.68
> Checking: $3,391.61
> Income: $303.00
> A. $140 from the Game Day. This includes a $10 donation made from
> Marianne Denning in Bob Marquardt’s name
> B. $120 for City Access book sales
> C. $24 for last month’s auction items
> D. $10 in membership dues
> E. $9 for members not being clad with NFB insignia
> There were no expenses this month.
> Bernie Dressell made a motion that the Treasurer’s report be approved, and 
> David Carr seconded; the motion passed.
> 6. Deborah mentioned the loss of our dear member Bob Marquardt. The
> officers have purchased a gift for Lisa Hall in honor of Bob. She will be 
> receiving this gift at the upcoming NFB Picnic.
> 7. Jernigan Fund tickets: Unfortunately, all of the tickets that the
> state affiliate had were sold out when we requested them, so we did not 
> have the tickets to sell at this meeting. Those who had already paid were 
> issued refunds. Tickets will still be available at the National 
> Convention.
> 8. Deborah spoke briefly about the NFB of Ohio Scrip Program, a
> fundraiser for our state affiliate in which you purchase gift cards.
> You simply sign up online and create an account. You can purchase gift 
> cards from all sorts of retailers, and the retailers donate a percentage 
> of that cost to the NFB of Ohio. The next order is June 3rd. Contact 
> Deborah for more information or help signing up. If our Chapter has five 
> new Scrip users sign up, we will receive free registration for our members 
> to the state convention in November.
> 9. The following people are planning on attending the National
> Convention this year; Deborah Kendrick, Sheri Albers, Emily Pennington, 
> Lillie Pennington, Lisa Hall, and Rachel Kuntz.
> Emily Pennington moved that the Chapter give each member going $75 for 
> Convention Assistance. We are also going to request another $75 per person 
> from the NFBO Drive for 75 committee.  Chris Sabine seconded the motion 
> and it passed. President Kendrick will contact Eric Duffy to request the 
> money from the Drive for 75 committee.
> A motion was made by Paul Dressell that we donate $25 to the state 
> affiliate for each of the following National Convention funds: Sun, 
> Tenbroek, Jernigan, and White Cane. Sheri Albers seconded and the motion 
> passed.
> 10. Braille Monitor Article: Deanna Lewis shared an article from the
> Braille Monitor, titled, “Federation Favorites,” by Joe Ruffalo. It was a 
> short piece, written like a recipe that covered many of the fundamentals 
> needed to keep chapters and divisions strong.
> Annie McEachirn Carson has volunteered to cover a Braille Monitor article 
> in June.
> 11. Committee Reports:
> A. Membership Committee: Chris Sabine reported that the committee had
> a conference call last night. Here are some things he discussed:
> • They are working on keeping current members active and making sure
> that members who are not able to attend meeting are informed of the 
> chapter happenings.
> • The committee would like to set-up a Facebook page and a Wordpress Blog.
> • They are also making NFB of Cincinnati business cards, but would
> like to put a business address on them. The option of opening up a P.O. 
> Box was discussed. The P.O. Box would add legitimacy and make it possible 
> for people to send in donations. There was some discussion on the 
> estimated cost which would be approximately $60/year, and why the 
> committee felt the P.O. Box was necessary. Chris Sabine motioned that the 
> Chapter open a P.O Box; Sheri Albers made a friendly amendment that we 
> re-evaluate this in one year to make sure the P.O Box has been beneficial. 
> Jessie McDaniel seconded, and the motion passed. Please note that the cost 
> of the P.O. Box may exceed the approximated $60.
> B. Recreation: Kim McEachirn and Deanna Lewis (Co-chairs) reported on
> the upcoming picnic at Deborah Kendrick’s house on June 13th from
> 2:00-6:00 PM. Members and guests pay $5.00 to attend and are asked to 
> bring a side dish to share. If you prefer at certain drink, feel free to 
> bring your own. Members will be contacted soon by Karren or another 
> committee member asking for their preferences and other related 
> information. There will be cards and games at the picnic for entertainment 
> as well.
> C. Fundraising: Sheri Albers reported that the committee held a
> conference call on Tuesday evening. They discussed the following
> topics:
> • The Game Party at Paul and Bernie Dressell’s house was a great
> event, raising $140. A great time was had by all, and they hope to have 
> another one in the fall.  Thanks to Paul and Bernie for hosting and 
> providing the excellent food.
> • The Braille-a-thon will be taking place at the Kroger in North
> College Hill on July 18th from 10:00-2:00. They are asking people to bring 
> card tables for the event. The donation sheets will be sent out soon. 
> Donations should be made prior to the Braille-a-thon, since we are not 
> permitted to solicit donations at the event. Donors can give a flat fee 
> donation, or give a certain amount for the pages read.
> D. Meet the blind month committee: Sheri reported that they held a
> recent meeting, and that anyone interested in joining this committee 
> should contact her.
> 12. Sheri also was selling “75 in 75 live the life you want” bracelets
> in a variety of colors for $2.00. Proceeds benefit the NFB of Ohio’s Drive 
> for 75 committee.
> 13. Auction: Several auction items were brought in this month:
> A. Deborah Kendrick brought in a talking pedometer, won by Deanna
> Lewis with a bid of $6.
> B. Kim McEachirn brought in a set of umbrellas. These were won by
> Jessie McDaniel with a bid of $12.
> C. Deanna Lewis baked two batches of cookies, and auctioned them
> separately. The first one, S’mores cookies were won by Deborah Kendrick 
> with a bid of $5.50. The second batch, Cookies and Cream cookies were won 
> by Emily Pennington with a bid of $7.
> 14. The meeting was adjourned at 2:53 PM.
> Respectfully submitted,
> Deanna Lewis, Secretary
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