[Cinci-nfb] February minutes.

Marianne Denning marianne at denningweb.com
Thu Mar 19 20:21:58 UTC 2015

She plans to have a blog so, hopefully she will share the blog
information with us.

On 3/19/15, Chris Tolle via Cinci-nfb <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> You will have to send us some updates while you're there. Things like the
> color of your Pog it's name etc.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 19, 2015, at 9:08 AM, Deanna Lewis via Cinci-nfb
>> <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Thanks! I will see you all at the April meeting along with my new
>> partner in crime! /smiles/
>> Dave, I will continue to pray for Jacque, hang in there.
>> Deanna
>>> On 3/19/15, Deborah Kendrick <dkkendrick at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> Deanna,
>>> I just have to say one more time how fortunate we are to have you as
>>> secretary.
>>> What a wonderfully clear summation.
>>> Safe travels to you this weekend and give everyone at GDB my greetings!
>>> Best,
>>> Deborah
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
>>> Deanna
>>> Lewis via Cinci-nfb
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 8:03 AM
>>> To: cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org
>>> Subject: [Cinci-nfb] February minutes.
>>> February
>>> 28th, 2015
>>> 1.     The February 28th meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the
>>> National Federation of the Blind was called to order by President,
>>> Deborah
>>> Kendrick at 1:06 PM at Washington Platform Restaurant. The following
>>> were
>>> present: Deborah Kendrick, Walter Mitchell, Deanna Lewis, Emily
>>> Pennington,
>>> Lisa Hall, Sheri Albers, Jessie McDaniel, Bill Innis, Karren Innis, Paul
>>> Jordan, Chris Sabine, Chris Tolle, Elif Emir, and our newest member,
>>> Rachel
>>> Kuntz. We had several guests this month, Lisa Tolle, Martin Tolle, Mike
>>> Kuntz, Tonya Cooper (Walter's
>>> cousin) and Angelica Williams (Elif's friend). Paul and Bernie Dressell
>>> also
>>> participated via speaker-phone since they were snowed in.
>>> 2.     The meeting started with our introductions and Mini-Blind,
>>> where members shared their interesting snow stories.
>>> 3.     Walter Mitchell moved that the January meeting minutes be
>>> approved as emailed. Emily Pennington seconded; the motion passed.
>>> 4.     Treasurer's Report: Deborah mentioned that the Chapter did
>>> receive the $75 check for the Gavel Award, so that is reflected in the
>>> report below. Emily reported the following balances.
>>> Seniors: $40.68
>>> Checking: $3,396.61
>>> Income: $806.00
>>> A.    $620 from City Access book sales
>>> B.     $75 for the Gavel Award
>>> C.     $50 for membership dues
>>> D.    $30 from a donation from Chris Sabine's friend
>>> E.     $25 for auction items
>>> F.     $6 for members not being clad with NFB insignia
>>> There were no expenses this month.
>>> Sheri Albers made a motion that the Treasurer's report be approved, and
>>> Karren Innis seconded; the motion passed.
>>> 5.     Deborah Kendrick briefly reported on some of the important
>>> things that the NFB of Ohio is working on.
>>> A.    The Scholarship application is on the NFB Ohio website
>>> (www.nfbohio.org<http://www.nfbohio.org>). The deadline for applications
>>> is
>>> May 15th.
>>> B.      National Convention will be taking place from July 5th-10th,
>>> 2015 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida. Convention
>>> assistance
>>> forms are available on the NFBO website. First-time convention attendees
>>> can
>>> apply for the Jernigan Scholarship Fund through the National office
>>> (www.nfb.org<http://www.nfb.org>).
>>> C.     The NFB of Ohio is working on a coalition consisting of
>>> consumers, disability professionals, and parents of children with
>>> disabilities to work with OOD (Opportunities for Ohioans with
>>> Disabilities).
>>> This coalition will have a different structure than the previous
>>> Consumer
>>> Advisory Council and will be a stronger voice for
>>> the blind and people with other disabilities.   More information will
>>> be announced soon.
>>> 6.      Deborah Kendrick, Sheri Albers, and Walter Mitchell reported
>>> on Washington Seminar. Over 500 NFB members gathered in Washington, D.C.
>>> to
>>> meet with congressional reps about important NFB issues. The NFB had a
>>> very
>>> strong voice this year.
>>> *        There were two main issues this year, the TEACH and TIME Acts.
>>> *        Sheri and Deborah were a team, and Walter was paired with
>>> Barbara Pierce. Sheri and Deborah had four appointments and they were
>>> well
>>> received and productive.  Walter enjoyed his first seminar and the
>>> feeling
>>> of empowerment, all while being independent and meeting new people.
>>> *        At the great gathering they celebrated the 75th Anniversary
>>> of the NFB, with guest speakers and legislative representatives.
>>> Aleeha Dudley, Vice President of the Ohio students and Guide Dog
>>> divisions
>>> spoke briefly about her troubles with Miami University.
>>> 7.     Braille Monitor Article: Chris Sabine volunteered last month to
>>> talk about an article or give a summary of the Braille Monitor's
>>> February
>>> issue. Chris gave a great summary of the issue, highlighting some of the
>>> stand out articles. Chris enjoyed David Cohen's article (Seeing is
>>> believing), and the article from Wired magazine about digital rights.
>>> Another standout was Jennifer Dunham's article
>>> (Calibrate) which was similar to Freedom for the Blind. It was a
>>> compelling
>>> article about how sighted people typically place blind people on a
>>> pedestal,
>>> and how with the NFB we can calibrate our own skills against the
>>> standard
>>> and live the lives we want.
>>> Emily Pennington will report on the Braille Monitor article next month.
>>> 8.     Committees: President Kendrick will send out new committee
>>> lists to the email list soon. Contact her is you would like to serve on
>>> one
>>> or more committees.
>>> A.    Fundraising: Sheri Albers will continue as Chair for this
>>> committee.
>>> B.     Membership: Chris Sabine will become the Chair of this
>>> committee, since Deanna Lewis is stepping down.
>>> C.     Recreation: Deanna Lewis and Kim McEachirn will be Co-Chairs
>>> for this committee.
>>> D.    White cane walk committee: Sheri Albers will be Chair.
>>> Please note that this is a newly formed committee. A discussion took
>>> place
>>> in which Sheri Albers and other members expressed a need for this
>>> committee
>>> as a way to organize an event after the White Cane Walk. President
>>> Kendrick
>>> recommended that the event be done in collaboration with CABVI and
>>> Clovernook.  She also reiterated that the White Cane Walk is an
>>> awareness
>>> event and should not be done in conjunction with a fundraiser.
>>> 9.     Committee Reports: The Fund Raising committee reported that we
>>> raised $1,060 from selling the City Access books. The committee met via
>>> conference call earlier this month. Paul Dressell moved that we give
>>> $500
>>> to
>>> the NFB of Ohio to support the Bell Program. Jessie McDaniel seconded,
>>> after
>>> some discussion the motion passed.
>>> Sheri mentioned that there will be another Dine to Donate Event at the
>>> IHOP
>>> in Springdale/Tri-County on March 16th from 4:00-9:00 PM. The address
>>> for
>>> IHOP is 1309 East Kemper Rd, the zip code is 45246.
>>> 10.                         Meeting date: For the past two months we
>>> decided to try meeting on a Saturday afternoon, instead of Monday
>>> evening.
>>> We now needed to discuss how things were going with Saturday meetings.
>>> Paul Dressell moved that the Chapter continue to meet on the fourth
>>> Saturday
>>> of the month from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at Washington Platform.
>>> Bernie Dressell seconded and the motion passed.
>>> 11.                        Paul Dressell mentioned that the NFB
>>> Independence Market has new catalogs out in Braille and Print. He did
>>> not
>>> see any jewelry with the NFB insignia in the catalog, but will call to
>>> see
>>> if it is still available. He will report his findings at the next
>>> meeting.
>>> 12.                         Karren Innis brought in this month's
>>> auction items, two ceramic animals made by a blind artist at Clovernook
>>> Center for the Blind. The first one, a turtle was won by Rachel Kuntz
>>> with
>>> a
>>> bid of $15. The second one, a lamb was won by Deanna Lewis, with a bid
>>> of
>>> $9.
>>> 13.                         The meeting was adjourned at 2:41 PM, with
>>> the next meeting scheduled for Saturday, March 28th, 2015 at 1:00 PM.
>>> Respectfully submitted,
>>> Deanna Lewis, Secretary
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Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053

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