[Cinci-nfb] April NFB minutes

Deanna Lewis deannakay03 at gmail.com
Tue May 12 12:59:14 UTC 2015

Meeting minutes for April 25th, 2015

1.     The April 25th meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the
National Federation of the Blind was called to order by President,
Deborah Kendrick at 1:12 PM at Washington Platform Restaurant. The
following were present: Deborah Kendrick, Walter Mitchell, Deanna
Lewis, Emily Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Kim McEachirn, Sheri
Albers, Jessie McDaniel, Bill Innis, Karren Innis, Paul Dressell,
Bernie Dressell, Joy Thomas, Jim Tudor, David Perry, Chris Sabine,
Elif Emir, and Rachel Kuntz. We also have two new members; David Carr
and Annie McEachirn Carson.
2.     The meeting started with our introductions and Mini-Blind,
where members shared how and when they filed their taxes this year.
Turbo tax and Tax Act are two fairly accessible sites.
3.     Deborah emailed the new NFB slogan, and we all read it aloud.
Here it is for future reference:
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create
obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life
you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
4.     Deborah updated the Chapter about our member Bob Marquardt, who
has been having several health issues for the last few months. Bob is
currently in hospice at Heritage Springs. His health is declining and
he is in kidney failure.
David Perry gave a brief update on his wife Jacquie. She has suffered
several strokes and a few seizures, due to Moya Moya disease. She is
on the road to recovery, but still has a long way to go. We all had a
moment of silence for our dear friends.
5.     Lillie Pennington took the minutes from the March meeting, and
she read them to the Chapter. Deanna Lewis moved that the March
meeting minutes be approved as read. Emily Pennington seconded; the
motion passed.
6.     Treasurer's Report:  Emily reported the following balances.

Seniors: $40.68
Checking: $3,088.61
Income: $135.00

A.    $105 from City Access book sales

B.     $23 for the auction items

C.     $7 for members not being clad with NFB insignia
There were no expenses this month.
Paul Dressell made a motion that the Treasurer's report be approved,
and Bernie Dressell seconded; the motion passed.
7.     Braille Monitor Article: Deborah Kendrick mentioned the many
ways that you can read the Braille Monitor. You can have it emailed to
you, use Newsline, view it on the website, or with the iPhone app. You
can also request a Braille or large print copy, or a thumb drive that
you return after reading it.
The article Deborah covered was titled, "The Deaf-blind Dilemma," by
Kathy Guillory Miller. The article focused on the culture of the
deaf-blind, which Deborah found very interesting since she has been
teaching technology to deaf-blind students. It also mentioned the
deaf-blind division of the NFB.
Another article that stood out for her, was one regarding Microsoft

Deborah also mentioned that there is an NFB publication "Future
Reflections" a magazine for parents and teachers of blind children.
Deanna Lewis volunteered to cover a Braille Monitor article in May.
8.     Jernigan Fund tickets: It's that time again for our Chapter to
sell Jernigan tickets. Each ticket costs $10 and you are entered in a
raffle for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip for two to the
2016 NFB National Convention.  The winner also gets $1,000 spending
money. Deborah passed the microphone around the room to see who is
interested in purchasing tickets, and how many they would like. An
overwhelming response was met, and Paul Dressell made a motion that we
order the remaining tickets that the state affiliate has, but not to
exceed 20. Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion passed.
9.     Committee Reports:

A.    Fundraising: Sheri Albers reported that the committee held a
conference email meeting, discussing the upcoming Game Party and

*        The Game Party will take place on May 9th from 2:00-7:00 PM
at Paul and Bernie Dressell's house in Westwood. The cost will be $10
per adult and it is for our members and friends. A meal will be
provided; sloppy joe's with coleslaw and chips. Cookies and soda will
also be served.  Paul and Emily will be discussing what games to
bring. Paul will be sending an announcement to the Cincinnati Chapter
email list soon.

*        The Braille-a-thon is still in the planning stages, and more
information will be coming soon.

*        JW Smith is having an event at Arnold's Bar and Grill on
Wednesday, April 29th from 7:00-9:00 PM. He will be preforming and
there will also be raffles and a silent auction. Proceeds will go
towards the Drive for 75.

Chris Sabine suggested that this event be dedicated to Bob Marquardt.
Since the Drive for 75 is not a direct project of the Cincinnati
Chapter, Sheri would have to check with JW Smith.  Walter Mitchell
also mentioned that there will also be an Inspirational concert on May
30th, which may be a better event to dedicate to Bob Marquardt. Jim
Tudor moved a formal proposal to the Drive for 75 campaign, that we
dedicate this event to Bob Marquardt. Paul Dressell seconded, and the
motion passed. The Drive for 75 committee will make the final decision
with our proposal in mind.

The Blind Inspiration concert will have several blind performers,
including JW Smith and Emily Pennington.  It will take place at:

House of Joy

5912 Hamilton Ave.

>From 6:00-8:00 PM

Walter will be sending out more information on the event soon.

B.     Recreation Committee: Deanna Lewis reported that the committee
had a conference call on 4/19 with 8 participants. Many ideas were
discussed, but we would like to focus on two upcoming projects, the
dinner and a movie and the picnic. Deanna also informed the chapter
that Bootsy Collins would be doing a concert this evening at
Washington Park if any chapter members were interested in attending.

*        Dinner and a movie. Rachel Kuntz did some research on this
project and reported the following. The Oakley Station movie theater
has audio described movies and there are several nearby restaurants,
one that was discussed was Arthur's in Hyde Park. The least expensive
option is seeing a matinee movie and going to dinner afterwards. Early
Bird and matinee prices range from $6.65-$8.15. With the price of the
movie and dinner, it will most likely cost each person $25 to attend.
Rachel moved that we go to the movies on Saturday, August 8th. Kim
McEachirn seconded and the motion passed.  Emily Pennington made a
motion that the Chapter covers the cost of the movie tickets, and the
members pay for their own dinners. David Carr seconded and the motion
passed. The movie and restaurant will be decided soon. The committee
will also be working on transportation options.

*        Picnic: President Kendrick has offered to host the picnic at
her house this year.  Rachel Kuntz moved that the picnic take place on
Saturday, June 13th at Deborah's house. David Carr seconded and the
motion passed. The cost for the picnic will be $5.00 and each member
should bring a side dish to share. More details will be coming soon.

C.     Membership Committee: Chris Sabine reported that the committee
recently had a conference call with 8 participants. On April 4th,
Chris attended an expo for people with autism and other special needs.
He handed out NFB literature and Braille alphabet cards. The next
Membership call will be on May 17th at 1:30.
10.                         President Kendrick reminded everyone that
the NFB of Ohio's scholarship deadline is May 15th. She asked everyone
to spread the word to any blind students that they know.

11.                         President Kendrick is making a list of
people who are planning to attend the National Convention in Orlando.
So far, the following people are attending: Deborah Kendrick, Emily
Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Sheri Albers, Lisa Hall, Walter
Mitchell, Rachel Kuntz, and Paul Jordan.

12.                         Elif Emir made a brief announcement about
a training workshop that the University of Cincinnati is conducting.
The workshop will focus on teaching their students the skills needed
to work with blind clients. Elif would like our Chapter to help
present at this event, demonstrating some of the tools we use every
day, like canes, guide dogs, access technology, and Braille. This
event will be taking place in either October or November, so we
believe it would be good to conduct this as a Meet the Blind Month
activity. Elif and the Meet the Blind Month committee will be working
further on this endeavor.

13.                         Paul Dressell handed out a few of the new
NFB Independence Market catalogs to those who wanted one.

14.                         Paul Dressell brought in two books on CD
to auction off. The first one, "Big Bad Wolf," by James Patterson was
won by Deborah Kendrick with a bid of $5. The second one,
"Retribution," by Jilliane Hoffman was won by Deanna Lewis, with a bid
of $7.

Sheri Albers brought in a $10 gift certificate to Washington Platform.
It was won by Kim and Annie McEachirn with a bid of $12.

15.                         The meeting was adjourned at 2:52 PM. Due
to the Memorial Day Holiday, our next meeting will take place on May
30th at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Deanna Lewis, Secretary

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