[Cinci-nfb] October Meeting Minutes

Annie Edgerton McEachirn annie.edgerton-mceachirn at twc.com
Thu Nov 5 20:47:16 UTC 2015

I would like to see, as other committees mention the name of the reporting
person, the fact that Kim McEachirn gave the recreation committee report and
that he thanked Deanna for her involvement in the Spring grove planning but
acknowledged that Annie McEachirn carson had done most of the work for the



Thank you.


Annie McEachirn carson



From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Emily
Pennington via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 2:14 PM
To: cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org
Cc: Emily Pennington
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] October Meeting Minutes


National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati Meeting Minutes for October
24, 2015


1.  The meeting was called to order at 1:01 PM by President Deborah
Kendrick.  The following were present:

Deborah Kendrick, Emily Pennington, Christopher Sabine, Judy Rudig, Lisa
Hall, Kim McEachirn, Annie McEachirn Carson, Joy Thomas, David Perry, Tammy
Smith, Jessie McDaniel, Sheri Albers, Rachel Kuntz, and Walter Mitchell.
There were also three guests: Rachel's husband, Mike Kuntz, as well as Tony
and Anita Fithen, a couple Rachel and Mike met on their trip to Italy.

2.  We began with the reading of our one-minute speech, which is as follows:

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future.  Every day, we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams.  You can live the life you want.
Blindness is not what holds you back.

3.  President Kendrick briefed us on Paul Dressell, who was recently
discovered to have lymphoma.  He is in Good Samaritan Hospital, but will be
going home soon.  The doctors are optimistic, and he sounded very upbeat
when Deborah spoke to him this week.  Paul is a wonderful person and an
important member of our chapter, and we are keeping the Dressells in our
thoughts and prayers.

4.  The chapter received the September minutes from Deanna via the list.
Sheri Albers made a motion to approve the minutes, and Rachel Kuntz
seconded.  The motion carried.

After the minutes were approved, Annie pointed out the need for a correction
going forward.  Annie wanted it noted that she had done a lot of the legwork
with the Spring Grove Cemetery tour, and played a large role in giving the
report at the last meeting.

5.  Emily Pennington read the Treasurer's report.  Sheri Albers made a
motion to accept it as read, and Jessie McDaniel seconded.  The motion

6.  Emily Pennington gave a Braille Monitor report on an article in the
August/September issue entitled The 2015 Convention of the National
Federation of the Blind: A Personal Reflection, written by immediate past
president Marc Maurer.  Rachel Kuntz will give a report on the November
monitor.  As always, Deborah reminded members of what the Monitor is, and
all the ways people can read it.

7.  Deborah gave a report on the White Cane Walk.  She described the day as
low-key but wonderful, with perfect weather.  At least 100 people showed up
to walk, with at least 60 from CAB.  Unlike other years, our proclamation
was in a nice, padded frame and included everything from Blind American
Equality Day to Meet the Blind Month.  City Councilman Kevin Flynn - who
himself is in a wheelchair - read the proclamation and participated in the
walk.  Affiliate president Eric Duffy came down for the walk, and one of the
kids from the Ohio BELL Program, Andrew Gillespie - who is from Cincinnati -
came with his O and M instructor and grandmother, which was very neat.
Deborah hopes it will be even bigger and better next year, with media

8.  Next, we discussed our State Convention, which will take place November
19-22 at the Double Tree Hotel in Independence, Ohio, near Cleveland.

A.  Deborah gave a summary of the convention.  It will be a wonderfully
action-packed convention with a board meeting, cool workshops, informative
general sessions, another fabulous NAPUB play, a great banquet, and a band
afterward.  Pam and Roland Allen from Louisiana are our national
representatives.  For the first time in years, we will have exhibits all day

B.  We are renting a fifteen-passenger van for the weekend, which comes
roughly to $750, with the rental fee and gas.  Rachel made a motion to have
the chapter pay for the transportation worth $750, and David Perry seconded.
Walter proposed a friendly amendment to take the cost out of the motion and
instead say that the chapter would pay for the fifteen-passenger van and
necessary costs, like gas.  There was some discussion on how to divide out
the costs between the chapter and the people going.  Walter also proposed
that the people who don't need to use the van still get the stipend, whereas
people who ride the van do not get an additional stipend.  We voted on
Rachel's original motion, although we said that we would pay for up to $750
instead of giving a flat number.  The motion carried.

9.  We moved onto committee reports.

A.  Fundraising:

1.  The fundraising committee will have a bake sale on Saturday, October 31,
at 2435 Harrison Avenue at the corner of McHenry and Harrison.  It will take
place from 10:00 to 2:00, rain or shine.  We will sell baked goods and
distribute complementary treat bags and NFB literature.

2.  The question of whether or not to sell City Access books this year was
discussed.  Sheri Albers made a motion to do the City Access Book campaign
again this year, but start with 50 books instead of the 100 books we sold
last year, with an average of five books per member.  Jessie McDaniel
seconded.  It was discussed how tricky it can be to sell the books, but how
it can literally pay off.  The chapter amended the motion to say that each
member could take two or three books, rather than five.  The motion carried.

3.  Lastly, we talked about fundraising at state convention.  In addition to
selling our CD's of fight songs for $5, Tammy Smith made bracelets to donate
to the chapter to sell at convention.  She recommended a price of $5.

B.  Membership:

1.  The membership committee had a movie night at Clovernook on October 9.
Deborah, Rachel, Mike, Lisa, Dale, Kate, Deanna, and David Lichtenfeld were
present, as well as five employees from Clovernook.  They had pizza,
popcorn, and drinks, and Diana Fatora, the new Director of Recreation, was
very helpful in facilitating it.  Not very many people showed up, but there
was some good discussion of the NFB and life in general.  Those who
participated seemed to have a good life outside of Clovernook.

2.  Chris Sabine also shared a great story of getting a new client for his
consulting business in the middle of the White Cane Walk.  It shows that
even while celebrating the Federation, blind people have lives and
accompanying successes.

C.  Recreation:

1.  The recreation committee apologized for needing to cancel the Spring
Grove Cemetery tour, but it will be rescheduled for next spring.  More
details will come as the time approaches.

2.  Judy Rudig talked about the Christmas party, which will be held on
December 12 at 1:00 in the courtyard of Arnold's.  The restaurant is
graciously opening the kitchen early for us.  The restaurant needs a final
count of attendees two weeks before the party, and Judy will send out an
e-mail to the list.  The food choices are chicken and waffles, seared
salmon, a Greek pasta dish, and since it's early, there will be lighter fare
in the form of a burger and fries.  A 20% tip will be added.  Any extra
food, desserts, and alcoholic beverages will be paid for individually.  The
recreation committee will also work on a possible gift exchange.  Judy made
a motion that the chapter subsidize every member $5 towards the cost of the
meals.  Annie Carson seconded.  Sheri Albers pointed out that we have
subsidized $10 per member in the past.  Some other chapter members thought
that $5 was fair, though.  It was put to a vote, and the motion carried.
Judy also mentioned that some ACB members were interested in coming, and the
chapter agreed that they were welcome to come.

10.  Next, Deborah shared some announcements.

A.  There will be a blind bowl-a-thon at Stones Lanes on December 5 from

B.  Jackie Conner from Multistate is coordinating a book club with the
Tennessee and Ohio Libraries of the Blind, Clovernook, and a bookstore on
Fountain Square called Booksellers.  They will read four books a year, and
other plans are forthcoming.  The first book for January is Harper Lee's Go
Set a Watchman, which Clovernook just Brailled in UEB and English versions.
Those interested in the club should connect with Jackie.  Lisa Hall is
helping with the project and will keep us posted. Deborah will forward the
book club announcement to the list.

C.  Lisa made us aware of a tech circle at Clovernook on November 18,
focused on taking pictures with the iPhone.

D.  Deborah mentioned that the affiliate will be selling Malley's Chocolates
again this year.

11.  We discussed door prizes for state convention.  Rachel Kuntz will
donate a $25 Bob Evans gift card, and Tammy Smith donated two $10 Starbucks
gift cards.  The chapter purchased two $25 Amazon gift cards through the
Scrip program.  Anybody is free to donate more door prizes.

12.  The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 PM.  The next meeting will take place
on Saturday, November 14 at 1:00 PM at the Washington Platform.  Elections
will occur.


Respectfully Submitted,

Emily Pennington: Acting Secretary



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