[Cinci-nfb] Membership committee conference to discuss administrative rules and posting for new Facebook page

Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting info at onhconsulting.com
Tue Nov 10 00:25:48 UTC 2015

Hello all.


This is a reminder that Membership Committee will be holding a phone
conference tomorrow, November 10 at 7:00 PM to discuss the new Facebook Page
for NFB of Cincinnati, including moderation and posting rules. We have
confirmed as a guest Nickie Pearl from the NFB of Greater Louisville. Nickie
has generously agreed to share her experiences as administrator of the
Louisville Chapter's page and consult with us concerning our new social
media presence.


To dial into the conference, please call (712) 775-7031. When prompted for
an access code, dial 528-279-584. IF any of you have any questions about our
new page prior to tomorrow night's meeting, please let me know. The
following is the link to the Facebook Page of the NFB of Greater Louisville:
lle-NFBGL-340329626057980/. You might want to take a look at this page and
think of any questions you have for Nickie before the conference.


I hope to hear from as many of you as possible tomorrow night, as we need
input from all of you to ensure that our Facebook page is a success.


Very Best Regards,





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