[Cinci-nfb] Cincinnati NFB White Cane Walk

Walter Mitchell wmitch at zoomtown.com
Thu Sep 17 22:04:18 UTC 2015

Hello all,


I apologize for just now replying to Deborah's message. My birthday was
Sunday, and I have been celebrating since Sept. 1. It is now over, so back
to business.


I am opposed to changing the date of the walk. Jesse's message was very
clear and direct to the point. This is a nationally recognized day and the
event to celebrate it should not be changed. Other events thru out the month
is great, but the white kain day in my opinion and evidently the nation will
not change.


As far as the participation of other organizations, it would be great for
every organization to participate in this event, but should we cancel or
change the event because they can not come? Deborah and I had a discussion
last year on this topic. We are the NFB Cincinnati chapter, it is not
necessary for us to jump to anyone else's tune. This event would be a
success with orwithout their involvment. The intent for this is to raise
awareness, remember fundraising can not be associated with this event or
CABVI will not participate, so now we are changing the date because of
what??? What is next? If you don't stand for something, you will fall for
anything! For me, I stand for the NFB and all that it represent. I would
like for the Cincinnati chapter to consider just what you stand for.


Much Love,

VP Walter Mitchell

(513) 334-9000



From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Deborah
Kendrick via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 3:03 PM
To: cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org
Cc: Deborah Kendrick
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] Cincinnati NFB White Cane Walk


Greetings Cincinnati Federationists, 

First, I thank all of you who responded to me publicly and privately with
your thoughts on changing the date.  

I also consulted with Eric Duffy, our Ohio president, and he, along with me
and most chapter members, feels that it is best to have the event on a date
when as many stakeholders  as possible can participate.  

At our last chapter meeting, we discussed the value of building
relationships with local agencies, and the consensus was that those
relationships are extremely valuable.  

Thus, to have this collaborative event when the CEO's of both agencies and
their key staff would be elsewhere would be unwise.  

The committee has met this afternoon and has selected October 22 as the date
for the walk, and I hope every one of you will be with us.

John Mitchell and Chris Faust have both agreed to give participating
employees time off with pay and to provide transportation to and from the

Sheri, Kathy Gottsleich indicated that you were securing the space on
Fountain Square, so I am double checking with you here for confirmation.

In addition, since you withdrew from the planning committee, please let me
know if you are still planning a follow-up event for Meet the Blind Month.  

I want to publicly commend Marianne Denning for making this event a priority
for her visiting exchange student.  She is a teacher who truly recognizes
the value of a teaching moment!

More details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks, but for now, make
your plans to be at City Hall by 11:00 a.m. on October 22.

Let's make this the most successful White Cane Walk we have held to date!



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