[Cinci-nfb] FW: fyi FW: [Chapter-presidents] Focus on Membership: Finding New Members through the Healthcare Community
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
info at onhconsulting.com
Mon May 23 22:15:29 UTC 2016
I understand that this email was originally meant for chapter leadership. However, I’d like to make this the focus of tonight’s Membership Committee meeting. As a reminder, the meeting is at 7:00 P.M., and the conference line is (712) 775-7031, Access Code 528-279-584.
All the Best,
From: Rachel Kuntz [mailto:rachelrkuntz at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 3:58 PM
To: Deborah Kendrick
Cc: 'Lisa Hall'; Christopher Sabine
Subject: FW: fyi FW: [Chapter-presidents] Focus on Membership: Finding New Members through the Healthcare Community
Deborah, Lisa, and Chris
Richard forwarded this message to me as the membership chair for the state. It would be great if we could get the membership cards mentioned below for our chapter. Also, we should begin registering new members online at NFB’s website so that they can begin to receive the new member messages. The website is https://nfb.org/oaform . Only chapter leadership can submit this information.
See below for details about the new member cards and membership challenge presented by national.
Rachel Kuntz
937 245-0547
From: Chapter-presidents [mailto:chapter-presidents-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Trevino, Danielle via Chapter-presidents
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 9:38 AM
To: NFB Chapter Presidents discussion list <chapter-presidents at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Trevino, Danielle <DTrevino at nfb.org>
Subject: [Chapter-presidents] Focus on Membership: Finding New Members through the Healthcare Community
Hello Fellow Federationists:
As you may recall, we promised to send biweekly emails with suggestions of different things you could do to recruit new members. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Recently, a man named George and his wife came into the Jernigan Institute for a tour. During their visit, I learned that George had lost his sight only five weeks prior. As I was waiting for them to make their purchases at the Independence Market, George’s wife told me that he was being treated at one of the largest ophthalmic institutions in Baltimore, and she was surprised that they never referred her to us. “I figured they’d send us to you since you’ve got all these resources, but they never even mentioned you.” The couple left armed with lots of information and a few gadgets for their kitchen. They promised to follow up with their local chapter.
It’s great that they found the National Federation of the Blind, but what about all of the people who leave their doctors with a diagnosis but no resources?
This is where we come in. As members of our communities, we have the ability to visit doctors’ offices, support groups, VAs, dieticians, and so many more places to inform consumers and employees of these locations that there are resources out there. More importantly, there is a Federation family waiting to offer education, advocacy, community, and support.
Your goal for this quarter is to visit ten offices—whether it’s eye doctors, endocrinologists, physical/occupational therapists, support groups, veterans' affairs, counselors, or dieticians, it only takes a few minutes to hand them some literature about the NFB and give them your contact information.
Remember that many hands make lighter work. This is a great opportunity to engage as many chapter members as possible. Assign each volunteer a number of offices to visit, designate someone to be your new member coordinator, etc.
Materials are available. NFB literature, alphabet cards, and Kernel Books are all available for you to order from the Independence Market. These are great leave-behinds for the offices you visit.
Furthermore, we’ve just gotten our new membership cards. The cards are bi-fold, similar in size to a business card when folded. On the front, they feature our logo. They open vertically and on the upper half of the card is a QR code that leads to a webpage that contains basic NFB information such as our one minute message and the NFB pledge. The bottom half has a place for the new member’s name to be written or Brailled, the date they joined, and the signature of the chapter president. President Riccobono’s signature is on the lower right-hand side. The very back of the card says “Live the life you want.” These are in bundles of twenty-five; you can contact me directly to order the cards.
As always, we would love to hear about your activities in your communities, so please share your stories via phone, email, and social media. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Let’s go build the Federation!
Danielle Trevino
Coordinator for Social Media and Member Engagement
National Federation of the Blind
200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place
Baltimore, MD 21230
P: (410) 659-9314, Extension 2358
E: dtrevino at nfb.org
W: www.nfb.org <http://www.nfb.org/>
FB: National Federation of the Blind
TW: @NFB_voice
Live the life you want in 2016. Join the NFB today! <https://nfb.org/how-join>
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
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