[Cinci-nfb] {Spam?} National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati Meeting Minutes for April 2016

Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting info at onhconsulting.com
Wed May 25 19:39:30 UTC 2016

Thanks Judy.




From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Judy Rudig via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 11:23 AM
To: NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
Cc: Judy Rudig
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] {Spam?} National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati Meeting Minutes for April 2016



I was unable to attend the April meeting, so I really appreciate the great job you did on the minutes.

Thank you,

Judy Rudig




From: "Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb" <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org>
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List' <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> 
Cc: "Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting" <info at onhconsulting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 10:48 AM
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] {Spam?} National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati Meeting Minutes for April 2016


National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati

Meeting Minutes for April 2016


1.       The April 2016 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati was convened by President Deborah Kendrick at approximately 2:05 P.M.  On Saturday April 23, 2016 at the Washington Platform Restaurant in Downtown Cincinnati. In attendance were: Deborah Kendrick, Kim McEachirn, Annie McEachirn Carson, Sheri Albers, Deanna Lewis, Jessie McDaniel, Lisa Hall, Lilly Pennington, Christopher Sabine, Paul Jordan and Walter Mitchell. There was no “mini-blind” this month.


2.       Sheri Albers moved to approve the March 2016 minutes as emailed; Lilly Pennington seconded. The motion passed.


3.       Lilly Pennington reviewed the Treasurer’s report in place of Emily Pennington, who was absent from this month’s meeting. Sheri Albers moved to accept the Treasurer’s report as read; Annie McEachirn Carson seconded. The motion passed.


4.       Deborah shared some news concerning Chapter member David Perry, who was unable to attend today’s meeting. At the 105th Annual Meeting of the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired conducted on Friday April 23, David was reportedly named Employee of the Year of National Industries for the Blind representing the facilities of the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Deborah expressed that David also received an additional, higher honor—The “best of the Best” Award from National Industries for the Blind. Deborah indicated that National Industries for the Blind bestows the “Best of the “best” Award upon the best employee of the year for all 75 of the organization’s facilities. Deborah also indicated that she received special recognition from John Mitchell, Executive Director of the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, for 30 years of service on the agency’s Board of Directors.


5.       Deborah discussed the statewide conference call conducted by Eric Duffy, President of the National Federation of the blind of Ohio on April 11 2016. Deborah indicated that Eric announced on that call that he is leaving NFB Ohio to take a position with the New Jersey Commission for the Blind. Deborah reported that Richard Payne, Vice President of NFB Ohio, will become President, and Sheri Albers from the Cincinnati Chapter will become Vice President of NFB Ohio.


6.       Deborah indicated that she has two Jernigan tickets available for $10 each for an all-expenses-paid trip to the 2017 National Convention in Orlando, Florida.


7.       Deborah reported that Though the deadline for applying for the NFB National Scholarship has past, applications for the NFB Ohio Scholarship are still being accepted; the deadline is reportedly May 15, 2015. The application is entirely online, and interested students may complete an application by visiting NFB Ohio’s Website at http://www.nfbohio.org <http://www.nfbohio.org/> . Anyone with questions concerning the Scholarship can contact Deborah Kendrick, Chair of the NFB Ohio Scholarship Committee.


8.       Committee Reports:


a.       New Committee to Support Chapter Members:


Deborah announced that she is creating a new committee to provide support to members facing personal difficulties, such as hospitalization or the loss of a loved one. Judy Rudig and Annie McEachirn will reportedly co-chair this committee.


b.      Membership:


Christopher Sabine reviewed the report of the Membership Committee and presented a motion concerning membership dues. Christopher introduced the topic by sharing the background of the Committee’s proposal to increase membership dues before introducing the motion to the Chapter. He began by reporting that Walter Mitchell initially approached Christopher and Deborah to determine if annual membership dues could be increased to generate more revenue for the Chapter. Current annual membership dues are $5. Christopher expressed that Walter believed this should be referred to the Membership Committee, which took up the proposal.


Christopher expressed that the Committee initially believed that $5 per year was a national standard but agreed to reach out to all other Ohio Chapters and divisions to determine if this was the case. He reported that, as part of this process, Rachel Kuntz, who is absent from today’s meeting, reached out to all Ohio chapter and division presidents. She reportedly found that the four other major chapters in the affiliate, Cuyahoga, Cleveland, Capital City and Miami Valley, are currently charging $8 or $10 for annual dues. Christopher expressed that Rachel had a conversation with William Turner, President of the Cleveland Chapter. He reported that the Cleveland Chapter has charged $10 annual dues for a number of years. He also indicated that the Cleveland Chapter has allowed members to contribute an additional, $5 donation to a “benevolent” fund for members in need or facing personal difficulties—such as hospitalization. The Membership Committee agreed that Christopher would present a motion to the Chapter to institute a similar fee structure for the Cincinnati Chapter.


Christopher moved that The Cincinnati Chapter increase its mandatory annual membership dues from $5 to a base rate of $8, effective in 2017. Additionally, members will have the opportunity to make an additional $2annual donation with their dues to a new fund established for Chapter members in need. Those interested in contributing to the new fund will pay $10 annually, while others pay the base rate of $8. 


Deborah clarified that the new committee to support members in need would allocate the funds, which will be recorded in Treasurer’s Reports as a separate line item (per a question concerning the motion from Lilly Pennington).


Several members had questions concerning Christopher’s motion. Sheri Albers requested clarification regarding the new payment structure, which Deborah provided. Jessie McDaniel asked why the Chapter is not increasing mandatory dues to $10. Deborah clarified that the Membership Committee believed that it might not be possible for some members to contribute $10 per year.


Christopher, Deborah and Walter provided some additional clarification and context concerning the motion and the Committee’s decision making process. Deborah expressed that the Committee believed that this was a “gentle” way of instituting a membership increase (the first such increase for the Chapter in nearly 40 years) while giving members an easy way of supporting those in need. Paul Jordan asked if the Chapter could have monthly collections to support the new committee instead of a voluntary donation attached to the annual dues.


Christopher brought his motion to the Chapter for a vote as discussed. Walter Mitchell seconded, and the motion past.


Paul Jordan subsequently moved that the new fund have the ability to accept other donations at monthly meetings. Kim McEachirn seconded, and the motion past.


c.       Fund Raising:


As the Chapter currently has no fund raising committee, Deborah presented an update from Rachel Kuntz concerning preparations for fund raising activities at the NFB National Convention in Orlando. Deborah reported that since Rachel Kuntz and Sheri Albers will be staffing Ohio’s table at National Convention, they proposed that the Chapter have a “sucker pool” where participants could purchase lollipops at $1 apiece. Select lollipops with a string attached to them would win the participant a better prize than the candy.


Deborah expressed that Rachel wished the Chapter to discuss two items. First, Deborah indicated that Rachel will be donating 600 lollipops along with foam to place them in, string and tape to attach to the winning lollipops. The Chapter would recruit either $100 or $200 to the event for prizes.


Rachel reportedly proposed that 10 or 20 lollipops have strings attached to them; with each participant selecting a lollipop with a string attached receiving a $10 or $20 bill.


Second, Deborah reported that Rachel wanted Chapter members to select a name for this event, with several suggestions discussed.


Deborah reported that Rachel will be donating the cost of supplies, with the rest of the proceeds as profit. Rachel reportedly projected earnings from the Chapter of around $300 for this event. Sheri expressed that the chapter could make more from the event—as much as $500.


After some discussion, Paul Jordan moved that the Chapter allocate $100 to this event for cash prizes; Annie McEachirn seconded. The motion passed with all in attendance in favor except Walter Mitchell.


It was decided that the ad hoc committee in charge of the event work out the name and other details—with the name “lollipop stop shop” suggested. It was also agreed that members will share their ideas for names with Rachel prior to Midnight on Sunday April 25.


d.      Recreation:


Kim McEachirn presented the report of the Recreation Committee, which is attached to the minutes. The committee reportedly met twice by telephone conference on April 14, 2016 and April 21 2016. The following topics were discussed and are included in the committee report:


1.       Ann McEachirn Carson reported that 16 people are currently scheduled to attend the Spring Grove Cemetery Tour on May 7, 2016. An email has been posted to the Cincinnati Chapter Listserv regarding the tour, and Ann reported that she plans to send a follow up email by May 1.


2.       Annie McEachirn Carson was reportedly assigned to find a location and dates for the Annual Chapter Picnic to recommend to the Committee. The Committee was reportedly interested in the months of June or August. Several locations were discussed, but the Committee found none of them suitable. Annie reportedly asked Marianne Denning, President of the Ohio Association to Promote the Use of Braille and Treasurer of the Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users, if she could host the picnic. She reportedly agreed. Kim reported at today’s meeting that the picnic is currently scheduled for June 18 from 1:00 P.M. to approximately 4:15 P.M. at the home of Marianne Denning. Annie will reportedly communicate the details of the picnic to Marianne Denning and work with Sheri Albers, Deanna Lewis, Judy Rudig, Rachel Kuntz and Diane Carmony to ensure food service is provided to those who need it and cleanup is completed afterward. Those attending the event are asked to contribute $5 toward the cost of meat and drinks and bring a food item to share. Kim will reportedly bring games for those interested in structured activities.


3.       Walter Mitchell reportedly presented a preliminary sketch of his vision for organizing a “block party.” Kim indicated that extensive, ongoing discussions are taking place concerning Walter’s proposal.


4.       Kim reported that topics for the next Recreation Committee meeting will include the Chapter’s annual picnic and future ideas.


9.       Sheri Albers gave a report on the NFB Ohio Board meeting, which took place on April 16 2016. The following topics were reportedly discussed:


a.       President Richard Payne reportedly needs a list of the members attending the NFB National Convention. Sheri indicated that Richard is asking all those planning to attend to email him directly. She expressed that Rachel Kuntz is also requesting this information for Convention Table purposes. Sheri discussed the Convention Assistance Forms, which were placed on the Ohio-Talk listserv. Those needing assistance from NFB Ohio to attend National Convention should submit their request to President Richard Payne no later than May 7. Sheri indicated that funds are still available, but requests are being considered on a first come, first served basis.


b.      Sheri indicated that she is currently Ohio BELL Program Coordinator. She expressed that one of her duties is to recruit new members. Sheri expressed that BELL will be a residential program this year; it is scheduled for Jul 18 to July 20. Volunteers are reportedly needed for two shifts. The day shift will assist teachers with the curriculum. The night shift will cover evening activities, dinner, bed time routines and sleeping and begin at approximately 4:00 P.M. A request for volunteers has reportedly been sent to the Ohio-Talk Listserv. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Sheri Albers for an application. Sheri indicated that since this is a residential program, background checks will be conducted for all prospective volunteers.


c.       Sheri reported to Chapter members that Barbara Pierce has requested that all members contact the offices of Sens. Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown concerning the status of S. 2596, the Space Available Bill. She expressed that the bill is moving forward in the Senate, and all members need to contact the offices of both senators to vote in favor of this legislation.


d.      Sheri indicated that Shelbi Hindel has urged all Ohio chapters and divisions—including NFB of Cincinnati—to send electronic copies of their constitution for review by the NFB Ohio Constitution Committee for compliance with the State Constitution. 


e.      The next NFB Ohio Board meeting is reportedly scheduled for September 17 2016 in person at the Doubletree Independence Hotel in Independence, Ohio—the sight of the 2016 State Convention.


10           The Chapter agreed to hold its next meeting on Saturday May 28 2016.


11.          The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:20 P.M. on April 16, 2016.


Respectfully Submitted,



Christopher Sabine


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