[Cinci-nfb] Summary of Membership Committee Meeting, May 23 2016

Dale Barta dbarta at fuse.net
Thu May 26 11:16:12 UTC 2016

Hey Chris: Great Summary! Just one thing, I don't have an opthomologist, Dr
Smith is my primary care physician. Sincerely, Dale Barta 


From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 8:54 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'
Cc: Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] Summary of Membership Committee Meeting, May 23 2016


Hello all.


The following is a summary of our Membership Committee Meeting conducted by
telephone conference at 7:00 P.M. on Monday May 23, 2016. In attendance
were: Rachel Kuntz, Dale Barta, Walter Mitchell and Christopher Sabine. The
focus of this meeting was an email from Danielle Trevino, Social Media
Coordinator at National Office, concerning their recommendations for
membership recruitment. This email was distributed on April 30 to officers
of state affiliates, including Rachel.


NFB is recommending that representatives of each chapter share information
about the Federation to health care providers and related organizations
(i.e. doctor's offices, VA's, support groups, etc.). The goal of each
chapter is to visit ten sites during the next quarter. National Office is
also producing membership cards, which can be given to new members. It was
discussed that these cards will include the new members' name in Braille.
Rachel agreed to contact Lisa Hall concerning having cards Brailled for new
members. It was also agreed that the Chapter will put together a "new member
packet" for those joining the Chapter. The Committee agreed to devote its
next meeting to this topic.


Christopher discussed his booth at the Autism and All Special Needs Expo,
which was held at the Sharonville Convention Center on May 7. He reportedly
brought Braille alphabet cards and Kernel Books to the event. Several
professionals visited his booth requesting information concerning NFB, which
was provided. A lead TVI from the Hamilton County Educational Service
Center-which provides all vision services to Hamilton County public school
students-took many of the Braille Alphabet cards and expressed that she has
been using them to introduce Braille to students, families and professionals
working with blind students attending school districts in Hamilton County.


Christopher also indicated that he can share information about the
Federation with an endocrinologist he sees. Dale Barta indicated that he
will share literature and information with his ophthalmologist. Walter
Mitchell suggested that we contact veterans service organizations.


The membership also discussed a database of new members being compiled at
National office. The email distributed to state leadership contains a link
to an online form for chapter leadership to enter information on new
members, who will receive email updates from National Office. The Committee
agreed that Christopher will be in charge of entering information, provided
that new members agreed to share their information with National Office. 


Finally, the Committee promised to reinvigorate earlier discussions
concerning special meetings on topics of interest for potential new members
at venues such as CABVI and Clovernook. These could include IPhone
tutorials, benefits information, etc.


The Committee agreed to hold its next meeting by telephone conference on
Monday, June 13, 2016 to discuss new member packets and other ideas.


Very Best,



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