[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati, Meeting Minutes for October 2016

Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting info at onhconsulting.com
Fri Nov 25 20:40:56 UTC 2016

National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati

Meeting Minutes for October 2016


1.      The October 2016 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Cincinnati was held by telephone conference on Saturday October 22 2016 from
approximately 4:05 P.M. to 5:05 P.M. The meeting was facilitated in part by
President Deborah Kendrick and Vice President Lisa Hall, due to Deborah's
participation in out-of-state training. The meeting was initially convened
by President Deborah Kendrick. In attendance were: Deborah Kendrick, Paul
Dressell, Paul Jordan, Christopher Sabine, Joy Thomas, Annie McEachirn
Carson, Emily Pennington, Rachel Kuntz, Alan Lemly, Walter Mitchell, Kim
McEachirn, Lisa Hall and Deanna Lewis. There was no mini-blind" due to time


2.      After some discussion, Emily Pennington moved that the November
Chapter meeting be held at 1:00 P.M. on Saturday November 26 2016 at the
Washington Platform Restaurant in Downtown Cincinnati. Paul Dressell
Seconded and the motion passed.


3.      Walter Mitchell made a motion to approve the September 2016 minutes
as emailed; Emily Pennington seconded. The motion passed. Deanna requested
that two corrections be made to the September minutes. Walter Mitchell
amended his motion that the September minutes be accepted as emailed with
corrections. Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion passed.


4.      Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. Paul
Dressell moved that the Treasurer's report be accepted; Paul Jordan
seconded. The motion passed.

5.      NFB State Convention:


a.       Rachel Kuntz reported that the 70th annual Convention of the
National Federation of the blind of Ohio kicks off at 11:00 A.M. on Friday
November 11 with the Annual Board Meeting. There will be a two-hour break,
followed by General Session at 2:00 P.M., though Rachel expressed that the
convention agenda and list of speakers has not been finalized as of this
meeting. Friday evening, there will be food and games, including "Family
Feud" (NFB Style). Later on Friday evening, there will be a play hosted by
the Ohio Association to Promote the Use of Braille (OAPUB), in which Deborah
Kendrick, Paul Jorden and Emily Pennington have lead roles.


General Session will start on Saturday at 9:00 A.M. with the Exhibit Hall
scheduled from 12:00 Noon to 5:00 P.M. Exhibitors will include: Independent
Living Aides, Universal Low Vision Aides, Flying Blind, Inc., ICAN Connect
and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. Walter Mitchell will
reportedly represent NFB Newsline, and Rachel expressed that she would like
someone from the Chapter to staff a booth for fund-raising. A "Happy Hour"
is reportedly scheduled prior to the Banquet, in which Anil Lewis, Executive
Director at the Jernigan Institute of the National Federation of the Blind,
will give the keynote address. J.W. Smith, long-time Federationist and
former president of NFB Ohio, will serve as Master of Ceremonies.


Rachel indicated that Sunday will begin with a memorial service for NFB
Members who have passed away in the past year, followed by General Session
at 9:00 A.M. The Convention will officially conclude with elections to the
Ohio Board, in which seats are up for president, Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer and two Board seats. Rachel expressed that the Convention will be
adjourned by 12 Noon on Sunday.


Rachel also expressed that the Ohio Diabetes Action Network will be holding
its annual Breakfast on Saturday morning at 7:00 A.M. The breakfast is open
to everyone. The Ohio Association to Promote the Use of Braille (OAPUB) will
also be holding its annual breakfast on Saturday morning from 7:00 to 8:45
A.M. However, those interested in attending must purchase a ticket during
registration for the Convention.


Deborah expressed that Emily Pennington and Paul Jordan from the Cincinnati
Chapter are starring in the play. J.W. Smith and Shelbi Hindel, President of
the Capital Chapter in Columbus, also have prominent roles in the cast. The
proceeds from the play will benefit the OAPUB.


b.      Rachel indicated that 16 people from the Greater Cincinnati area
have expressed that they will be attending State Convention, and she has
contacted each by email earlier today. A van has been rented and will be at
maximum capacity. The van will be leaving on Thursday November 10 at 1:00
P.M. from the Clovernook Procter Center with an estimated time of arrival at
the Hilton Double Tree Independence at 5:15 P.M. Rachel expressed that
current plans are to leave the hotel between 12:30 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. Sunday
after the Convention. However, a drop-off point in Cincinnati has yet to be


c.       Emily Pennington asked if anyone was planning to attend the
Convention who is not riding in the van. Rachel expressed that Walter was
the only person so far who is not riding in the van.


d.      Emily Pennington expressed that the Chapter decided at its September
meeting to provide a $55 stipend to each member attending State Convention.
Emily asked the Chapter for clarification on how the funds should be
allocated. Rachel expressed that the cost of transportation in the van is
$40 per person, regardless of whether the ride is one-way or round trip.
After some discussion, it was agreed that the entire stipend will be
allocated for each member attending Convention. Those riding in the van will
receive $15 cash from Emily, with the remaining $40 going to Rachel Kuntz.
Those not riding in the van will receive the entire stipend directly. The
Chapter agreed to this without a motion.


e.       Rachel Kuntz indicated that the Ohio Fundraising Committee has
asked each chapter to bring a basket of donated items to be auctioned at the
State Convention Banquet. Rachel indicated that this was discussed at the
most recent state board meeting and during the president's conference calls.
It was also discussed on the Ohio-Talk Listserv. Deborah indicated that she
is unaware of these communications and asked if anyone is willing to take
charge of preparing the basket. Paul Dressell expressed that the Affiliate
Fundraising Committee was looking for items related to the Chapter's
specific area (i.e. Reds or Bengals Paraphernalia, Cincinnati Chili, etc.)
Rachel expressed that this is separate from door prizes or Money for the
Movement. There was no further discussion on this topic.


f.        Kim McEachirn moved that the Chapter allocate $80 to "Money for
the Movement" at State Convention. Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion


g.       After some discussion, Emily Pennington moved that the Chapter
allocate $40 for door prizes at State Convention. Kim McEachirn seconded,
and the motion passed. The Chapter agreed that the cash will be distributed
in four separate door prizes of $10 each. Deborah Kendrick, Walter Mitchell
and Rachel Kuntz expressed that they can also contribute door prizes
individually. Deborah requested that each member contributing door prizes
label them in both Braille and print.


6.      Committee Reports


a.       Recreation:


Kim McEachirn gave the report of the Recreation Committee, He indicated that
after considering all available options, the committee voted unanimously to
hold the 2016 annual Christmas party on December 10, 2016 from 1:00 to 4:30
P.M. at the Red Lobster located at 3564 Springdale Road, Cincinnati, Ohio
45251. The restaurant is located across from Northgate Mall on the 17 and 19
bus routes. ACCESS service is available to the restaurant. Kim expressed
that the restaurant has a private room with a mic, and members can order off
the menu. A wide variety of restaurant items are available. In response to a
question from Deborah, Annie McEachirn Carson indicated that the Committee
chose this location specifically because a private room is available.


Kim moved that the Chapter provide each member attending the Christmas Party
with $5 cash toward the cost of their meal. Walter Mitchell seconded, and
the motion passed. 


Annie expressed that the Committee has agreed to collect donations to a
non-profit organization at this year's Christmas Party, and Walter Mitchell
has agreed to take responsibility for the donations. The Committee will
accept donations of non-perishable food items and household goods, but not
clothes. The Committee has not chosen a non-profit organization, and the
Chapter agreed that members will send suggestions of non-profits to Annie
for the next Recreation Committee meeting.

b.      Membership Committee:


Christopher Sabine gave the report of the Membership Committee. Due to
preparations for the State Convention, the committee agreed not to meet in
October. Christopher reported that Jay Tolle has been installed as sighted
co-administrator of the Cincinnati Facebook Page. He has compiled the
membership list for submission to Barbara Pierce and Richard Paine in
Deborah Kendrick's absence and will be mailing it today. Lisa Hall is also
working on Brailling the membership cards from National Office for each
member. Annie McEachirn Carson indicated that she and Deanna Lewis are
working with Jackie Connor from the Multi-state Center at Clovernook to
disseminate the press release concerning the Ohio Braille Challenge, which
is scheduled for March 3 2017 at the Clovernook Center. Christopher
indicated that he has posted the press Release to the Cincinnati Chapter
Facebook page and several other relevant groups. Rachel expressed concerns
about potential inaccuracies concerning the membership list and asked to
meet with Christopher after the meeting before sending the list out.

7.      Paul Jordan moved to adjourn the meeting. Emily Pennington seconded;
the motion passed. The October 2016 meeting of the National Federation of
the Blind of Cincinnati was adjourned by Vice President Lisa Hall at
approximately 5:05 PM, October 22 2016.


Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


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