[Cinci-nfb] FW: August 18th Recreation committee Meeting Minutes

Annie McEachirn annie.edgertonmceachirn at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 14:55:39 UTC 2016

Hi NFB Family:


As always, any one who is interested in joining our recreation meetings are
invited; I apologize for not sending out the notice in addition to the
reminder to all when I sent the information below.  Please read through this
email to find out the topics that will be discussed.


The call-in number:

(712) 432-1212 and the Access code: 372174842#.  We look forward to a
wonderful meeting with lots of ideas.







From: Annie McEachirn [mailto:annie.edgertonmceachirn at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 8:56 PM
To: rachelrkuntz at gmail.com; deannakay03 at gmail.com; Judy Rudig; Walter
Cc: annie.edgertonmceachirn at gmail.com
Subject: FW: August 18th Recreation committee Meeting Minutes


Please see the notes below as there is a scheduled recreation meeting for
this Thursday evening at 7:00.  By now I am sure everyone has kept the phone
number and access code; however, if not, please let me know and I will send
it to you.


I hope you have had a great weekend.







From: Annie McEachirn [mailto:annie.edgertonmceachirn at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 8:30 PM
To: info at onhconsulting.com
Cc: dkkendrick at earthlink.net; rachelrkuntz at gmail.com; Deanna Lewis
Subject: August 18th Recreation committee Meeting Minutes





Recreation Committee Meeting on August 18, 2016


The recreation committee meeting was held on Thursday, August, 18th, 2016,
at 7:00 P.M. by conference call.  The following People were in attendance:


Judy Rudig, Annie Mceachirn carson, Walter Mitchell and Kim McEachirn.  The
meeting was opened with prayer by the presider, Kim McEachirn.  The topics
discussed are as follows:


1.       Update on Book Club:  Thus far the following books have been read
and discussed:

A.       The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, DB81189

B.      Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, DB64175

C.      Blessings by Anna Quinlan, DB54938

D.      South of Broad by Pat Conroy, DB 69381

E.       Golden Gate by Kevin Starr, DB71731

F.       Thunderdog by Michael       DB73300

G.       God Help the child by tony Morrison, DB 81605

H.       The current book, The girl On the Train by Paula Hawkins, DB80635
will be discussed in September 

2.        Deanna Lewis's Recommendation:  Deanna asked Kim to propose a
movie and a dinner for the month of September; however, the committee
decided plans for a movie and  dinner are not logistically feasible.

3.        White Cane Walk:  The white cane walk is scheduled for October.
Annie contacted Deborah Kendrick to find out our expected involvement but is
waiting for a reply.  

4.       NFB Ohio State Convention:  Walter stated that the convention will
be Nov. 11-13.  He encouraged everyone to go and support all of the

5.        Christmas Party:  The committee agreed to entertain
ideas/proposals to be submitted to Kim by September 15th; e.g., location,
date, menu, cost, entertainment etc.  At least two proposals will be brought
to the September or October membership meeting to vote on.  

6.       Walter's birthday/company anniversary/NFB Fund Raiser:  There will
be a fish fry on September 10th at 10044 Chester road, Woodlawn, Oh  45215.
This event (benefiting NFB) will begin at 1:00 P.M.  If you are interested
in purchasing a fish dinner or attending this function,  contact Walter at

7.        Louis Braille Birthday Function:  There is a question as to
whether or not an event should be planned.

8.       Long Range Plans:

A.       Braille Challenge Being Hosted by The Clovernook center:  Annie,
with the committee's consent,  will contact Clovernook to see if we can help
and how.

B.      Hosting a booth at the 2017 Black Family Reunion:    Walter
recommended (and the committee agreed) that we explore hosting  a booth at
the Black Family Reunion.  The purpose would be to educate people about
blindness and pass out NFB literature. 

9.        Adjournment:  the meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.  The next
recreation committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 15th at
7:00 P.M.


Kim Mceachirn, Recreation Committee Chairman




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