[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati, Meeting Minutes for March 2017
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
info at onhconsulting.com
Fri Apr 21 00:38:55 UTC 2017
National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati
Meeting Minutes for March 2017
1. The March 2017 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Cincinnati was convened by Vice President Lisa Hall on Saturday March 25,
2017 at approximately 2:15 P.M. at the Washington Platform Restaurant in
Downtown Cincinnati. In attendance were: Lisa Hall, David Perry, Christopher
Sabine, Joy Thomas, Elif Emir Oksuz, Lilly Pennington, Emily Pennington,
Paul Dressell, Walter Mitchell, Annie McEachirn Carson and Sheri Albers.
Richard Payne, President of the Ohio Affiliate, also attended today's
2. Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. David
Perry moved to accept the report. Christopher Sabine seconded. The motion
3. Paul Dressell moved to approve the February meeting minutes as
emailed. Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion passed.
4. Lisa Hall encouraged everyone in the Chapter to volunteer at the
"BLT" Station that the Ohio Affiliate is staffing at Mile 9 of the Flying
Pig Half Marathon, which is scheduled for Sunday May 7 2017. The station is
located near the intersection of Madison Road, Victory Parkway and Martin
Luther King Drive. Sheri Albers indicated that arrangements for the event
are the same as last year. Volunteers need to arrive at 6:30 A.M. the
morning of the event. The link to sign up online is posted to the Ohio-Talk
and Cincinnati Chapter Listservs. Sheri expressed that only five people have
reportedly signed up. 30 are needed to attend the event for the affiliate to
earn $500 for sponsorship. This includes friends and family members of
Federationists in the Ohio Affiliate. Christopher Sabine indicated that he
has also posted the link to sign up for the event on the Cincinnati Chapter
Facebook Page.
5. Lisa Hall encouraged all Chapter members to purchase a ticket for
the "Piggest Raffle Ever", which is being held in conjunction with the
Flying Pig Marathon. Tickets are 1 for $5, 6 for $25 and 12 for $50, with
proceeds going to the Convention Assistance Fund of the Ohio Affiliate,
according to Sheri Albers. Sheri presented paper raffle tickets to those
6. Lisa encouraged all Chapter members to read the March issue of the
Braille Monitor,
(https://nfb.org/images/nfb/publications/bm/bm17/bm1703/bm1703tc.htm). This
issue includes a summary of the activities of this year's Washington Seminar
and the current national legislative priorities. There is also an article on
the future of Braille and refreshable Braille displays. The Braille Monitor
is available online through NFB's Web site (See above link for March 2017
issue). It is also available in Text, MP3 and Daisy formats as well as
through NFB Newsline.
7. Christopher presented his report from the joint meeting of the
Membership and Recreation Committee that met by telephone conference on
March 2016 2017 at 7:00 P.M. to discuss a proposal presented to the
Membership Committee by Walter Mitchell to form a support group for Blind
people in Greater Cincinnati. Christopher expressed that unlike the current
group operated by the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually
Impaired, this group will provide advice and support to the Blind Community
based on the Federation's Philosophy of raising expectations. It will meet
at more accessible times of the day at public locations-like restaurants,
community centers and churches. Christopher proposed that the Chapter form
an ad hoc working group to plan and organize the group. This group's
responsibilities would include selecting venues and disseminate information
about the group to prospective members. Walter elaborated that this group
will ultimately serve to increase the Chapter's overall membership by taking
the Federation's organization to various communities around Greater
Cincinnati. He also expressed that the Membership Committee believes there
are several people within the Chapter that could be "very influential" in
this working group. Walter presented this as a proposal to the Chapter in
the form of a motion; David Perry seconded, and Lisa Hall opened the floor
for discussion. An extensive discussion of this proposal followed, in which
several concerns were raised. In particular, Richard Payne expressed
concerns about having a separate working group supporting the Blind
community in Greater Cincinnati when the chapter as a whole should be
recruiting and mentoring new members. He articulated that the Chapter as a
whole could be taking its meetings to different locations as a means to
actively solicit new membership. He also emphasized that the Affiliate and
Chapter Constitutions state that the Federation is not a social group, but a
conduit for raising expectations of blind people. Sheri Albers gave similar
views. Elif Emir Oksuz articulated that she believed the Membership
Committee, the Recreation Committee and other Chapter members should
organize outreach efforts, which could focus on special topic areas-like
independent shopping. Annie and Elif expressed that this group should be
facilitated by the Membership Committee and a vote from the Chapter as a
whole is not necessary. It was agreed that Christopher Sabine will spearhead
the group and outreach efforts as Chair of the Membership Committee. Elif
Emir Oksuz introduced a motion that the Membership Committee organize
outreach events to recruit new members (with Recreation Committee as closest
contact) and seek a vote of the Chapter only if it needs any assistance. In
turn, Walter removed his original motion. Walter seconded Elif's motion, and
the motion carried.
8. Annie McEachirn Carson continued with her presentation of the
report of the Recreation Committee from the March 16 joint meeting. Annie
expressed that Kim McEachirn will be spearheading an electronic game night.
This event will be set up as a tournament and use either the Dice World or
Blind Bowling Apps, available on IPhone and Android devices. In tournament
play, winners from each round will advance to a final round where a champion
is crowned. The event will be held April 21 or April 28 2017 from 6:30 to
8:30 P.M. If fewer than ten people sign up, the event will be held at the
Perkins Restaurant at 7108 Hamilton Avenue, North College Hill. If more than
ten people are interested, another venue will be selected. Anyone interested
in signing up can contact Kim McEachirn. Elif Emir Oksuz recommended that an
announcement be sent to the I-device instruction Group at the Cincinnati
Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Annie also discussed the
Committee's plans for a tour of the National Underground Railroad Freedom
Center scheduled for May 6 2017 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. The cost is $7 for
people ages 3-12 and $12 for ages 13 and up. Annie's contact at the freedom
Center indicated that the Center generally considers 15 or more people to be
a group but is willing to accommodate the Chapter. Wheelchairs are available
on a "first-come, first served" basis. The Centre does not serve lunch, but
there is an area where participants can eat their own lunches. The Center is
located at 50 E. Freedom Center Way in Downtown Cincinnati. Elif asked if
any of the staff will be offering accommodations for Blind participants, as
most of these types of tours are primarily visual in nature. Annie indicated
that much of the content of the tour is pre-recorded, and she believes there
will be staff on hand to give narrative descriptions of exhibits when
necessary. Annie reported that the annual Chapter Picnic will be held in
June, but the Committee has yet to decide on a location.
9. Walter Mitchell presented a report from the Fundraising Committee,
which met by teleconference on March 14 2017. In attendance were: Emily
Pennington, Deanna Lewis, Lisa Hall, Paul Jordan and Walter Mitchell. Walter
expressed that the Committee would like the ability to accept credit cards
at events it organizes. Sheri Albers indicated that Square is available for
the Ohio Affiliate to take donations by credit card at National Convention.
Sheri expressed that Sherry Ruth, Treasurer of the Ohio affiliate, handles
these donations and the funds are deposited to the account of the State
Affiliate. If credit card funds are to be allocated to a given chapter, that
chapter presents a report to Sherry Ruth, who reimburses that chapter.
Walter expressed that he would like funds from credit card transactions to
go into a separate bank account reserved for the purpose. Richard Payne
expressed strongly that having a separate account for credit card
transactions is a bad idea and recommended that all credit card transactions
go directly into the Chapter treasury. Walter agreed to this and concluded
his report after some further discussion.
10. Paul Dressell moved that the Chapter reimburse Lisa Hall for shipping
costs for the Federation literature she ordered for the braille Challenge
from the national Office. Lilly Pennington seconded, and the motion passed.
11. Sheri Albers expressed that Ohio BELL Academy will be held from June
25 to July 1 at the Ohio State School for the Blind in Columbus. Volunteers
are needed by the 24th. Five students are currently signed up for the
program, and Annie McEachirn Carson is kitchen volunteer. Sheri announced
that she is stepping down as BELL Coordinator to pursue her Counseling
degree and find a job; Heather Leiterman from the Capital Chapter is
reportedly taking her place. Richard Payne also encouraged everyone in the
Chapter to volunteer for Ohio's BELL Program and emphasized the need for
competent Blind people as mentors.
12. Sheri Albers gave a brief overview of the "Columbus Seminar" event,
which is now scheduled for May 9 2017. The affiliate plans to discuss three
issues with the Ohio Legislature at this event: proposed cuts in
transportation funding from the sales tax on Medicaid Managed Care
Organizations (MCO's), the Parents Bill of Rights and the 2015 resolution
concerning Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities.
13. Richard Payne concluded the meeting by thanking everyone for their
participation in the Federation-particularly in light of Deborah Kendrick's
absence. He also encouraged everyone to attend the Ohio Affiliate Board
meeting scheduled for April 22 in Columbus.
14. Lisa moved that the next Chapter meting be scheduled for April 29 2017
to accommodate the State Board meeting on the 22nd. Paul Dressell seconded,
and the motion passed. Christopher agreed to provide Paul with the
membership list, so that he can contact the membership concerning the
meeting date and time.
15. The March 2017 meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind was adjourned at approximately 3:40 P.M. on March 25
Respectfully Submitted,
Cristopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati
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