[Cinci-nfb] Important request from our Affiliate President

Walter Mitchell walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 19:54:22 UTC 2017

Hello Cincinnati Chapter and friends,


I have been contacted by President Positive Payne about the Flying Pig
Marathon. We are experiencing problems getting the 30 volunteers for the
event. We must have them registered by Friday of this week or we cannot


This just happens to be an event that occurs in Cincinnati. We want to show
that our Cincinnati chapter is ready to accept the challenge. This event
will provide funds for convention assistance as well other objectives of the
Affiliate of which all chapter members are a member of.


Please ask your family and friends as well any other organization that you
communicate with if they will participate with us in this endeavor.


Details and instructions to register on line:


Spring has sprung and so are the plans for the Cincinnati Flying Pig
Marathon! Mark your calendars for the morning of Sunday May 7, and gather
your friends and family to volunteer for the Flying Pig BLT Station! For
this event, we will line up at Mile 9 of the Half Marathon, on Madison Road,
and cheer on runners and hand out Puffs tissues to them as they go by. For
this task, All we need to do is make sure we have 30 members, family and
friends sign up to participate by April 28th . 

This was a lot of fun last year, and for those of you who were there, you
will remember how much the runners appreciated us, not only for the tissues,
but for the moral support we were able to provide. This is a great way for
us to give back to the community, while getting the brand of the National
Federation of the Blind of Ohio out in the public!



Here are the instructions to register as a volunteer:

1) Follow the direct link to our online volunteer registration site:

2) Find and select  National Federation of the Blind of Ohio    from the
Group list 

3) Complete Required Volunteer Information 

4) Use blt (all lower case) as the group password when asked near the end of
the form. 

5) Click "Get Me Registered" to submit your information


I will assist anyone with the online registration. Just call me utilizing
the contact information below.


Living the dream, by raising expectations!


Much Love,

Walter Mitchell

Member, NFB Ohio, Cincinnati chapter, Diabetes Action Network Ohio

Coordinator, NFB NEWSLINE Registered Ohio

(513) 334-9000 Mobil

(800) 340-8211 ext. 101  L2T Products and Services Toll free

Walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com Email


Follow the NFB of Ohio on:


Face Book, https://m.facebook.com/ohiosblind


Cincinnati Chapter:


Twitter @ohnfb, 

YouTube channel NFB OHIO




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