[Cinci-nfb] Meeting information

Deborah Kendrick dkkendrick at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 1 13:59:04 UTC 2017

Good morning NFB Cincinnati,
First, this is your reminder that our November meeting is being held this
coming Saturday, December 2, at the Washington Platform.  
We will gather for lunch at 1:00 and begin the meeting as close to 2:00 as
possible. We are having a guest speaker and, of course, our election of
officers and board members. Marianne Denning, who has led our BELL program
with fellow teacher Debbie Baker, will be talking to us about a new grant
program which is making it possible for more Ohioans to learn braille.

On another note, a bit of housekeeping is in order.
When I talked to the staff at Washington Platform last week to confirm our
meeting date, I learned that there are once again concerns about the manner
in which some of us are conducting ourselves.
As some of you will recall, there were some problems two years ago. Those
problems were addressed, and all has been well - until recently it seems.
Our agreement with Washington Platform has been that our members will arrive
between 12:30 and 1:00, and orders will be taken and lunch served in as
timely a manner as possible. By eating and socializing first, our goal is
then to be ready to begin the meeting as close to 2:00 as possible with
minimal disruption.
The concern expressed to me was that some of our members have been arriving
late, 1:45 or later, and expecting service and then being discourteous to
servers who interrupt to take or serve those late orders.  
Please try to arrive as close to 1:00 as possible. 
The Washington Platform has been so generous to us for a very long time.
They never charge us for the room. They rejected our offer of a fixed
gratuity, and they put no minimum dollar requirements on our group.
It is truly a pleasure to spend time with our fellow Federationists at each
meeting, and we are representing all blind people when we arrive on time,
support businesses that support us, and, of course, are courteous.
I so look forward to seeing every one of you tomorrow!
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