[Cinci-nfb] Fundraising committee recruitment

Paul and Paula Jordan paujor at roadrunner.com
Tue Feb 7 15:19:50 UTC 2017

Walter, I should be available any time you might want to meet, and I would
be happy to Participate.  




From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Walter
Mitchell via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 8:52 PM
To: NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
Cc: Walter Mitchell
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] Fundraising committee recruitment


Hello Cincinnati chapter,


The fundraising committee is taking shape. I have 4 interested members
including myself. I am interested in having a minimum of 5 members.


Please consider participating on this committee and contact me at the
information provided below the salutation.


This committee will identify, plan and initiate fundraising opportunities
that will be brought to the chapter membership for approval and support.
This committee is very valuable to the maintenance and growth of our
chapter. Involvement provides a level of pride and personal gratification as
we facilitate each project with diversity and professionalism. Please search
your heart to ascertain your level of commitment to our chapter. If
fundraising is a strength of yours or if you want it to be, please consider
joining this committee.


Living the dream, by raising expectations!


Much Love,

Walter Mitchell

Member, NFB Ohio, Cincinnati chapter, Diabetes Action Network Ohio

Coordinator, NFB NEWSLINE Registered Ohio

(513) 582-8606 Mobil

(800) 340-8211 ext. 101  L2T Products and Services Toll free

Walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com Email


Follow the NFB of Ohio on:


Face Book, https://m.facebook.com/ohiosblind


Cincinnati Chapter:


Twitter @ohnfb, 

YouTube channel NFB OHIO



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