[Cinci-nfb] Update On Deborah Kendrick
Lisa Hall
lhall007 at cinci.rr.com
Thu Feb 9 06:04:40 UTC 2017
Hi everyone,
Today I attended the Braille Challenge Planning Committee meeting on
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 around 1:30 P.M. I gave a short report on
our local President Deborah Kendrick and her need for prayers. I have
been asked to get an address where get well cards can be sent to her.
As Vice President of this chapter and a representative of Clovernook
Center for the Blind, please send me the address so that I can forward
this to my supervisor Sam Foulkes and to Jackie Conner who is the
Coordinator for the Braille Challenge of Ohio. I personally know that
Debrah Kendrick is a big supporter of Braille. Some of you may not know
that many years ago back in 1985 through around 1999, Deborah Kendrick
was the editor of a magazine in braille called Tactic and it was
produced by Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Today she still write articles from time to time for American
Foundation for the Blind in an online magazine called AccessWorld. If
any of you have not seen her writings, I urge you to take time and read
some of those articles. The magazine is free.
My email is lhall007 at cinci.rr.com
and I appreciate you in follwoing through on my request.
Thanks in advance.
Lisa Hall, Vice President
National Federation of the Blind Cincinnati Chapter
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