[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati Meeting Minutes for February 2017
Dave Perry
daveperry509 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 05:32:11 UTC 2017
Great job Chris!
> On Mar 22, 2017, at 10:01 PM, Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati
> Meeting Minutes for February 2017
> 1. The February 2017 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati was convened by Vice President Lisa Hall at approximately 2:00 PM on February 25, 2017. In attendance were: Lisa Hall, Christopher Sabine, Tammy Smith, Joy Thomas, Paul Dressell, Sheri Albers, Kim McEachirn and Annie McEachirn Carson.
> 2. There was no Treasurer’s Report this month, as Emily Pennington was absent from Today’s meeting.
> 3. Paul Dressell moved to approve the January 2017 minutes as emailed; Sheri Albers seconded. The motion passed.
> 4. Lisa Hall began the meeting with an update on Ohio’s Braille Challenge which is scheduled for March 3 2017 at the Clovernook Center for the Blind in Cincinnati. Lisa expressed that the event currently has 26 participants from throughout Ohio. At this point, the plan for the day is for volunteers to arrive at the Clovernook Center at 8:00 A.M. on Friday March 3. Participants will arrive at 9:00. The event itself will begin with an assembly at 9:45, with the competition itself starting at 10:30. Each session will last about 45 minutes (including practice time), and there will be one session for each of the five areas of the competition. Volunteers will assist in gathering test materials for the event. Lisa indicated that she will take part in scoring the event along with several other volunteers. She has reportedly ordered literature for parents from the NFB National Office in Baltimore to distribute to parents. Lisa will have other NFB literature at the event as well. Sheri Albers recommended that Lisa share a flier concerning a meeting on March 12 to re-establish the Ohio Association of Parents of Blind Children, which Heather Leiterman from the Capital City Chapter is reportedly spearheading.
> 5. Christopher Sabine gave a report of the Membership Committee, which met by teleconference on February 20 2017 at 7:00 P.M. In attendance were: Christopher Sabine, Walter Mitchell, Dave Perry and Paul Dressell. Christopher expressed that the bulk of the meeting addressed a proposal from Walter Mitchell that the committee agreed to introduce to the Chapter at a later date. The proposal involves a collaboration with the Recreation Committee, which is scheduled to have its next meeting on March 16 at 7:00 by teleconference. Christopher reported that he has reached out to Annie McEachirn Carson concerning this. Christopher also indicated that he has spoken with Jay Tolle, sighted administrator of the Chapter Facebook Page, concerning posting photos with descriptions. He asked anyone who can to send photos of themselves or post them to the Chapter Listserv. Christopher expressed that this will make it easier for Jay to identify Chapter members in photos when posting text descriptions to the Facebook page. Christopher indicated that he can also add these photos to his existing contact list in IOS 10. A new feature in IOS will allow him to identify members using Voiceover on the IPhone.
> 6. Paul Dressell discussed his most recent visit to long time Federationist Marion King at her apartment Lisa Hall, Sheri Albers and Deanna Lewis also made the visit.
> 7. Sheri Albers reported that the Ohio Affiliate is signed up for the Flying Pig Marathon this year; she is in charge of the event for the State affiliate. The affiliate will reportedly have the same “BLT” station as last year—located on Madison Road at Mile 9. The Affiliate will staff the station at the Half Marathon on Sunday morning, May 2 2017. Everything will be as it was during last year’s event. The Ohio affiliate will earn $500 for participation in the event, and we need 30 participants for this task: either members, friends or family. Sheri has reportedly posted a link to the registration page for this event on the Ohio-talk List-serv. She will also be attending an informational meeting on the event on Wednesday March 1 for further details.
> 8. Sheri Albers expressed that the Ohio Affiliate is also signed up for the “Piggest Raffle Ever”, a fundraising event which allows participants to adopt piglets—with proceeds to benefit the Ohio affiliate. Sheri expressed that this is an online raffle that can be publicized on social media; paper raffle tickets are also available. The cost to adopt a piglet is $5 with all proceeds to benefit the Ohio affiliate. Sheri indicated that she will share further details on the raffle on the Ohio-Talk Listserv.
> 9. Sheri Albers reported that this year’s BELL Program is now scheduled to start on June 25 2017. This is a one-week residential program for blind children to be held at the Ohio State School for the Blind in Columbus. Sheri indicated that the program is seeking competent volunteers, and anyone interested should reach out to her directly.
> 10. Sheri Albers indicated that the Legislative Committee of the Ohio Affiliate is organizing a “Columbus Seminar” to discuss bills of interest to the Blind with members of the Ohio General Assembly and State Senate. This event is tentatively scheduled for April 21. The Legislative Committee plans to discuss a bill guaranteeing the rights of blind parents and the Resolution on Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities passed at the 2015 State Convention.
> 11. Annie McEachirn Carson presented the report of the newly established Fundraising Committee at the request of Walter Mitchell, its chair. Annie reported that the committee met on Friday February 17 2017. In attendance were: Elif Emir Oksuz, Emily Pennington, Bernie Dressell, Paul Dressell, Paul Jorden, Annie McEachirn Carson and Walter Mitchell. Deanna Lewis and Kim McEachirn were not in attendance but will reportedly be part of the committee. Annie expressed that Walter plans to divide the committee into three categories: sales, events and contributions. He wants leaders for each division; Emily Pennington will chair the events Division, but the leaders of the other two divisions have not been finalized. A guest Speaker, Ramona Walhof, President of the National Federation of the Blind of Idaho and leader of cash and carry for the National Organization, provided input concerning strategies to implement and evaluate fundraising activities. Annie and Paul Dressell expressed that a more detailed report of the meeting is forthcoming.
> 12. Annie McEachirn Carson presented a report of the Recreation Committee Meeting, in which Judy Rudick, Annie McEachirn Carson, Walter Mitchell and Kim McEachirn attended. The meeting began with prayers for President Deborah Kendrick and other Chapter members in need. Annie expressed that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss ideas for recreational activities for this year. She indicated that the committee has received many ideas this year, including an electronic game night, bingo, dinner and a movie, support groups (with professional guest speakers), a tour of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, dinner at an Italian restaurant, a musical at Playhouse in the Park and a walk with the ACB Walkers. A name change from the Recreation Committee to the Sports and Recreation Committee was also discussed, as this is the name of the national committee. Tammy Smith asked Lisa Hall later in the meeting if there is a process for changing the name of the Recreation Committee. Lisa indicated she will have to research this further. Various other ideas were discussed, including hosting a guest speaker from the National Justice Network, of which Annie is a part. Finally, annual events such as the Chapter Summer Picnic and the Christmas Party were mentioned. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee was scheduled for March 16 at 7:00 P.M.
> 13. Lisa Hall publicly thanked Walter Mitchell for posting information about Ohio’s Braille Challenge to NFB Newsline and expressed that this could have helped bring the number of participants from 3 early in the past week to 26 at today’s meeting. Lisa also indicated that the Clovernook Center for the Blind will feature a new prototype Braille tablet from the United Kingdom called a Canute, which has a 40-cell-by-eight-line Braille display. Lisa reported that there was a podcast on blindbargains.com concerning the device which is available from the Web site. She indicated she would post the link to the podcast to the Cincinnati Chapter Listserv. She also reminded the Chapter that tours of Clovernook’s printing house are available and suggested this might be an activity for the Recreation Committee to consider.
> 14. Sheri Albers expressed that she believed the format of Chapter meetings needs to be streamlined so that committees would only present agenda items that need to be acted upon by the Chapter as a whole. The Chapter agreed to move forward with this without a motion.
> 15. The February 2017 meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind was adjourned at approximately 3:15 P.M. on Saturday February 25 2017.
> Respectfully Submitted,
> Christopher Sabine
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