[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati, Meeting Minutes for October 2017
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
info at onhconsulting.com
Mon Nov 27 19:01:16 UTC 2017
National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati
Meeting Minutes for October 2017
1. The October 2017 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Cincinnati was convened at approximately 2:20 P.M. by President Deborah
Kendrick at the Washington Platform Restaurant in Downtown Cincinnati. In
attendance were: Deborah Kendrick, Paul Jordan, Tammy smith, Walter
Mitchell, Christopher Sabine, Joy Thomas, Lilly Pennington, Emily
Pennington, Deanna Lewis, Parnell Diggs, Lisa Hall, Elif Emir Oksuz, Jean
Selvidge, Annie McEachirn Carson, Paul Dressell, Kim McEachirn, Sheri
Albers, Kate Radke and Dale Barta. Gloria Robinson from the Miami Valley
Chapter attended this meeting as a guest. There was a mini-blind this
month-acts of kindness.
2. A motion was introduced to approve the September minutes as
emailed. The motion carried. Walter recommended to the Chapter Secretary
that the minutes be written and emailed to the Chapter within one week of
each meeting. Christopher Sabine promised to do so without further action.
3. Emily Pennington gave this month's Treasurer's report. Sheri Albers
moved to approve the Treasurer's report. Parnell Diggs Seconded and the
motion passed.
4. Christopher Sabine gave a report of the Membership Committee, which
revolved around the Chapter's outreach Event at Assumption Parish Mt.
Healthy on October 18. The Committee itself did not meet this month due to
preparation for this event and last minute issues concerning transportation
from State Convention for several members. However, a meeting is scheduled
for October 24 2017 at 7:00 P.M. Deborah Kendrick, Sheri Albers and
Christopher Sabine reportedly conducted the outreach presentation at
Assumption Parish Mt. Healthy on behalf of the Chapter, which Ann Gruenwald,
Director of the Senior Ministry at Assumption and St. Margaret Mary
Parishes, organized. Approximately 30 members of both parishes attended,
including a few who expressed that they had relatives who were losing their
sight and could benefit from vision services. Christopher expressed that
Deborah discussed the purpose of the National Federation of the Blind and
the services available from the Chapter and local organizations,
particularly the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Sheri Albers related her experiences as a person coping with vision loss and
the skills and confidence she gained as part of the Federation. Christopher
discussed some of the technology resources available to the Blind of
Cincinnati and conducted a demonstration of the KNFB Reader. Christopher,
Deborah and Sheri expressed that the presentation went extremely well and
encouraged all Chapter members to promote the Federation in the community.
5. Christopher also reported that he was able to arrange
transportation home from State Convention for several Chapter members after
complications arose with Greyhound.
6. Walter Mitchell and Kim McEachirn gave a report from the
Fundraising Committee. Kim expressed that sales of the T shirts from the
"Meet the Blind" event have generated substantial revenues for the Chapter
and stated that the Committee's goal is "100% participation" in T shirt
7. After some further discussion of the revenues the Fundraising
Committee Generated over the past several months, Walter Mitchell moved that
the Chapter give a $60 stipend to up to seven members attending State
Convention. Kim McEachirn seconded, and the motion passed.
8. Annie McEachirn Carson began her report from the Recreation
Committee by commending those involved in the planning of the White Cane
Walk -Annie McEachirn Carson, Walter Mitchell, Sheri Albers and Kim
McEachirn--for their efforts. Annie reported that over fifty people
attended. Annie took time to thank Vice Mayor David Mann for reading the
proclamation at City Hall, Lisa Hall for reading the proclamation at
Fountain Square, Sheri Albers for resolving a last minute complication with
the route and Kim McEachirn for his announcements about the National
Federation of the Blind. Annie McEachirn Carson has written an article about
the event for the Chapter Facebook Page. She expressed that she also plans
to send the article to the Communications Team at National office for
possible publication in The Braille Monitor. Kim McEachirn also expressed
his thanks to those from the Clovernook Center and the Cincinnati
Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired for attending the event.
Annie indicated that a room has been reserved for the Annual Chapter
Christmas Party on December 9 at the Northgate Red Lobster at 3564
Springdale Road, Cincinnati Ohio 45251. Twenty people have reportedly RSVP'd
as of today's meeting. Annie indicated that she would like for all members
interested in attending the Christmas Party to contact her by the middle of
November, so she can report final figures to the manager at Red Lobster.
Annie moved that the Chapter allocate $5 to each member attending the
Christmas Party to help cover the cost of the meal-as in previous years.
Walter Mitchell seconded. The motion passed. Annie asked all members to
submit recommendations for nonprofit organizations to send food, clothing
and other items donated by members attending the Christmas Party. Finally,
Annie concluded her report by thanking those who provided door prizes and
auction items for State Convention.
9. Sheri Albers announced that a hearing has been scheduled in
Columbus on October 25 at 3:00 P.M. in Columbus before the Ohio House
Community and Family Advancement Committee concerning HB 309, Ohio's
parental rights bill. The bill, sponsored by State Representative Ann
Gonzales (R-Westerville) would ensure that blindness is not an impediment to
the custody, adoption, fostering, adoption or visitation of a child. The
bill also prohibits the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services from
declaring a parent unfit do to blindness.
10. Emily Pennington moved that the Chapter allocate $80 for Money for the
Movement at State Convention. Parnell Diggs seconded, and the motion passed.
Walter Mitchell introduced a friendly amendment to change the amount being
allocated to $100. This also carried.
11. It was agreed without a motion that the Chapter hold its next meeting
and Chapter elections on Saturday December 2 2017.
12. Emily Pennington moved to adjourn this month's meeting. Walter
Mitchell seconded. The motion passed. The October 2017 meeting of the
Cincinnati Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati was
adjourned at approximately 3:50 P.M. on October 21 2017.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati
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