[Cinci-nfb] Summary of Yesterday's NFB of Ohio cincinnati Chapter "Meet the blind Month, " and White Cane Safety Day" Event
Annie McEachirn
annie.edgertonmceachirn at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 19:32:06 UTC 2017
Sure. Thank you, Chris.
From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2017 3:28 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'
Cc: Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Summary of Yesterday's NFB of Ohio cincinnati
Chapter "Meet the blind Month, " and White Cane Safety Day" Event
Annie. May I post this summary to our FB Page.
From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Annie
McEachirn via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2017 3:16 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'
Cc: Annie McEachirn; Kimclick99 at icloud.com
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] Summary of Yesterday's NFB of Ohio cincinnati Chapter
"Meet the blind Month, " and White Cane Safety Day" Event
Dear NFb Family:
The NFB of Ohio Cincinnati chapter Planning committee and I would like to
thank all of you who participated in and supported the "Meet the blind
Month," and "White Cane Safety Day" walk. We were blessed with beautiful
weather yesterday.
We were grateful to have all of the volunteers, visitors, (Dr. Peters and
Gloria Robinson from the Miami Valley chapter) and Cincinnati family. One
of my volunteers said there were around 50 people at the City Hall ceremony
and about 40 people who walked from there to Fountain Square. Beautifully
designed programs, by one of my volunteers, were handed out to some of our
sighted friends and a copy was given to vice Mayor David Mann and I
presented David Mann with one of our t-shirts at the end of his readings. A
volunteer took lots of pictures and did a video which she will email to me.
Today, I was informed of another very good source, a person at city cable
and Sam, at clovernook, who had also taken several pictures. When I receive
all of the pictures and the video, I plan to send them to Chris for the NFB
Face book Page and to anyone else who wishes to have this information. I
might also mention that it was a blessing that a person at city Cable made
sure we had a great sound system with a podium, and Walter and I had sound
systems at Fountain Square.
I began the ceremony with a silent moment for those killed or injured in the
Los Vegas shooting and welcomed everyone afterwards. Vice Mayor David Mann
did a wonderful presentation and reading of the proclamations. Lisa Hall
did well with all of her NFB historical readings, Lillie did well with the
singing of "Glory National Federation with the audience joining in on the
chorus," and Sheri Albers did an excellent job giving the walking route
directions and leading us on the walk to fountain Square. Sheri has been my
right arm in the planning of this event.
The walk to fountain Square was pleasant and well organized. Several
volunteers walked along making sure everyone stayed fairly close together;
even my director of the cancer Justice Network, Steve, walked with Kim.
After we arrived at fountain Square, Cassy, a friend/volunteer, took more
pictures including a group picture. I introduced the recreation and
fundraising committees. Lisa Hall read a Braille copy of each of the
proclamations. Sheri and I led the group in the one-minute message of NFB.
Walter and Kim used the sound system well to get the word out about NFB and
our purpose for being at Fountain Square. Jean passed out lots of NFB
literature and in addition to my volunteers, Lisa, Julie and Cassy, helped
sell t-shirts.
Nine t-shirts were sold yesterday totaling fifty-seven t-shirts since we
purchased them. Congratulations to Kim McEachirn who has sold twenty-six
thus far of the fifty-seven. Currently, the revenue from the sale of the
t-shirts totals $855.
Finally, I really appreciate the contributions of gift cards, lemon cookies
and ice cream from the various venders. It was a great event and everyone
seemed to enjoy meeting and greeting the public and selling the t-shirts.
Again, thank you everyone. Together, we did it!
Annie M. Carson, Chairperson, recreation committee/Event coordinator
The National Federation of the blind of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter
Annie.edgertonmceachirn at gmail.com
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.
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