[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati Meeting Minutes for September 2017 (Revised)
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
info at onhconsulting.com
Thu Oct 19 22:13:09 UTC 2017
National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati
Meeting Minutes for September 2017
1. The September 2017 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind
of Cincinnati was convened by President Deborah Kendrick on Saturday
September 23 2017 at 2:00 P.M. at the Washington Platform Restaurant in
Downtown Cincinnati. In Attendance were: Deborah Kendrick, Christopher
Sabine, Deanna Lewis, Diane Carmony, Judy Rudick, Lillie Pennington, Emily
Pennington, Joy Thomas, Lisa Hall, Paul Dressell, Bernie Dressell, Sheri
Albers, Paul Jordan, Parnell Diggs, Walter Mitchell, Annie McEachirn Carson,
Kim McEachirn, Jean Selvidge and Elif Emir Oksuz. There was a ""mini-blind"
this month: Things for which we are grateful.
2. Walter Mitchell moved to accept the august 2017 minutes as emailed;
Judy Rudick seconded. The motion passed.
3. Emily Pennington gave this month's Treasurer's report. Lillie
Pennington moved to accept the report; Paul Jordan seconded. The motion
4. Deborah asked all Chapter members to send her material for
inclusion in this year's Gavel Awards for State Convention as soon as
possible. Deborah indicated that she will be organizing a conference call of
all officers to review before submitting the report to the Ohio Affiliate.
The gavel award recognizes members of the Ohio Affiliate who have served to
demonstrate the capabilities of Blind people in the community, promoted the
use of Braille, recruited new members or otherwise forwarded the aims of the
National Federation of the Blind.
5. Committee Reports:
a. Christopher Sabine gave a report of the Membership Committee, which
met by telephone conference at 7:00 P.M. on September 18 2017. Dale Barta,
David Perry, Lisa Hall and Christopher Sabine attended. Christopher
expressed that the primary focus of this meeting was outreach efforts and
Presentations in the Community. The outreach event for the Senior Ministry
at Assumption Parish is scheduled for October 18 2017. Christopher also
expressed that he has reached out to the Administration and Healing Ministry
at the Vineyard Church and received and email from the Healing Ministry's
Executive Director following the meeting that she did not think it could
accommodate an outreach presentation from an outside organization such as
the National Federation of the Blind. He expressed that he has concerns that
this person is not the right contact at the Vineyard and stated that he
plans to reach out to the church's Director of Public Relations by email.
Christopher has not heard from several others regarding their plans to reach
out to other community organizations. It was agreed that Sheri will take
part in the Assumption Parish Outreach event on October 18 along with
Christopher Sabine and Deborah Kendrick. Christopher agreed to obtain large
print catalogs from St. Xavier Society for the Blind for participants and
bring Braille materials from that organization to show off at the event.
Further discussion will occur following the meeting. Christopher also
reported that the Facebook page has 100 likes and several people have shared
the event of the White Cane Safety Walk on October 2.
b. Annie McEachirn Carson gave a report of the Recreation Committee,
which reportedly met by telephone conference on September 12 2017. Sheri
Albers, Deanna Lewis, Paul Dressell, Walter Mitchell, Kim McEachirn and
Annie McEachirn Carson attended. The meeting revolved around the white Cane
Safety Walk and Fundraiser at Fountain Square on October 2. Sheri Albers
stated that two tables and six chairs have been reserved at Fifth and Vine
for the fundraiser from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Volunteers staffing the
tables will be setting up T shirts and literature at 10:00 with take down at
2:00. Sheri indicated that there is a $25 per hour charge for a site manager
this year, and the total cost to reserve the table at Fountain Square was
$156.40. Deborah asked why the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and
Visually Impaired was not covering these expenses as they have done in the
past. Sheri expressed that she has signed she has paid for the event and
treated it as an individual donation to the Chapter-signing the contract for
the tables at Fountain Square herself. Annie also reported that she has
emailed letters to Chris Faust, Executive Director of the Clovernook Center
and John Mitchell, Executive Director of the Cincinnati Association for the
Blind and Visually Impaired (CABVI), inviting staff from both agencies to
this event. She received a very positive response from Chris Faust from the
Clovernook Center concerning granting time off for employees attending the
event. However, Annie expressed that it was her understanding that she did
not believe many people at Clovernook supported the event. Annie also
received a letter from John Mitchell indicating that for several reasons, he
would not be bringing his employees to the event this year as he had done in
the past. Instead, he will reportedly send Patsy Baughn, CABVI's Director of
Development, who will distribute literature on Fountain Square. Annie
reported that she has sent public service announcements to several
organizations, including Ability Front, City Cable and the Personalized
Talking Print Service. Information has also been posted to Facebook.
Proclamations have been sent to City Hall as well as a request for the Mayor
to speak. Lisa Hall has agreed to read the history of the White Cane Safety
Walk at City Hall and read the Braille proclamation at Fountain Square.
Three sighted volunteers have been recruited to assist in the event, and
Annie has obtained donated food cards for members of the Fundraising
Committee helping to organize the event. A "dinner and a movie" night in
October was also discussed briefly at the end of the Recreation Committee's
report. Deanna Lewis moved to schedule this event on October 7 2017 from
2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Judy Rudick seconded, and the motion passed. Finally,
it was agreed that the annual Chapter Christmas Party will be held at the
Northgate Red Lobster, the same location as last year. Walter Mitchell moved
to hold the event at this location. Christopher Sabine seconded. The motion
passed. Annie agreed to contact the venue and determine if this date and
location is available. It was agreed that Chapter members will give items to
be donated to a non-profit organization at the Christmas Party-as in years
c. Walter Mitchell gave a report from the Fundraising Committee. The
report revolved around the success of the Bake Sale held on September 2 2017
and the status of the T shirt fundraiser, which has reportedly generated
$250 in gross revenue since the project began in early September.
6. Sheri Albers began a brief discussion of transportation
arrangements to this year's State Convention, which is scheduled for October
27 to 29 2017 at the Hilton by Doubletree Hotel in Worthington, Ohio. Due to
the Chapter's limited funds and the proximity of the Convention site, it was
agreed that each member planning to attend the convention will pay his or
her own way. Sheri agreed to share information regarding specific
transportation options. Ten members have expressed that they plan to attend
State Convention this year.
7. Sheri Albers encouraged all Chapter members to submit items for the
Cincinnati Chapter Auction basket and door prizes at State Convention. Annie
McEachirn agreed to take charge of auction items and door prizes-so that
Sheri Albers can focus on her duties as Convention organizer.
8. Deanna Lewis announced that a raffle is being held at State
Convention for a hand-crocheted afghan made by long time Federationist and
guide dog user Louise Anderson. The cost for a ticket is $1 and $5 for six
tickets with proceeds benefitting the Ohio Association of Gide dog users.
The afghan was on hand to show to Chapter members.
9. Emily Pennington moved that our next Chapter meeting (for November
2017) be held on December 2 2017. Christopher Sabine seconded, and the
motion passed.
10. The September 2017 meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati was adjourned at approximately 3:50
P.M. on September 23 2017.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati
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