[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for July 2018

Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting info at onhconsulting.com
Wed Aug 8 22:16:00 UTC 2018

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for July 2018


1.       The July 2018 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Sheri Albers at
approximately 2:02 P.M. at the Washington Platform Restaurant in Downtown
Cincinnati. In attendance were: Chapter President Sheri Albers, Ohio
Affiliate President Richard Payne, Emily Pennington, Lillie Pennington, Paul
Dressell, Paul Jordan, Christopher Sabine, Gloria Robinson, Lisa Hall,
Anthony King, Caroline Karbowski, Walter Mitchell and Jean Selvidge. Mike
Karbowski, Jackie Conner and Cassandra Jones attended today's meeting as
guests of the Chapter. Caroline Karbowski paid annual dues to the Chapter at
today's meeting and is now a member.


2.       Lillie Pennington moved to approve the June 2018 meeting minutes as
emailed; Paul Dressell seconded. The motion passed.


3.       Emily Pennington gave this month's Treasurer's report. Walter
Mitchell moved to approve the Treasurer's Report; Gloria Robinson seconded,
and the motion passed.


4.       Sheri Albers addressed the Chapter regarding concerns raised by
Christopher Sabine, Chair of the Membership Committee, regarding lack of
participation in meetings. Sheri reminded Chapter members of the important
role of Membership Committee in the Chapter, and a discussion on future
Committee Projects and steps to take as a Chapter to ensure a successful
Membership Committee ensued. Ohio Affiliate President Richard Payne and
Sheri Albers led the discussion. Several ideas were explored
specifically-including collaboration with the Butler County Chapter,
offering incentives to those who recruit new members, and setting up a table
with Federation literature at local colleges. However, Christopher
emphasized the need for members to attend meetings. A potential meeting with
representatives of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to improve participation of
Blind people in parish life and recruit new Chapter members was also
discussed. It was agreed that Christopher Sabine would schedule a meeting of
the Membership Committee to discuss participation-with Sheri Albers
emphasizing the need for members to support Christopher Sabine to manage the
Committee effectively.


5.       Walter Mitchell gave a report from the Fundraising Committee.
Walter expressed that he was unable to do the Chapter fundraiser at National
Convention as planned. He also indicated that he is giving out two gift
cards from Gold Star Chili to those volunteering at last month's Italian
dinner at the Clovernook Procter Center. 


6.       Sheri Albers gave an update on preparations for the White Cane Walk
/ Meat the Blind Month event scheduled on October 8 2018 at Fountain Square.
She is now in charge of planning this event and will be contacting certain
Chapter Members individually to assign tasks. Walter Mitchel reported that
he received an email from Dr. Carolyn Peters, President of the Miami Valley
Chapter, asking to collaborate with the Cincinnati Chapter on this year's
event. This was agreed to without a motion or further discussion; Walter
agreed to forward Dr. Peters' email to Sheri.


7.       Sheri Albers gave a brief legislative report. She is reportedly
trying to bring Ohio Sen. Bill Colley (R-Liberty Township) to meet with
members of the Cincinnati chapter regarding major pieces of pending
legislation-particularly Ohio HB 271, which would curtail protections for
those filing discrimination claims based on disability, and H. B. 309,
Ohio's parents' rights bill. There is also another bill, Ohio House Bill
587, which would classify white canes as medical devices-making them
eligible for Medicaid reimbursement. This bill -brought to the Affiliate's
attention by Cleveland Chapter secretary Cheryl Fields--is supported by the
Cleveland Sight Center. Finally, Sheri encouraged all Chapter members to
follow developments concerning passage of the bill implementing the
Marrakesh Treaty in the House.


8.       Emily Pennington, Caroline Karbowski, Lisa Hall, Richard Payne and
Sheri Albers shared their experiences attending the 2018 National Federation
of the Blind National Convention.


9.       Jackie Conner , Vice President , Multistate Center East at the
Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, gave a guest
presentation on a grant awarded to the Clovernook Center to discuss the
challenges facing people with disabilities and older adults concerning
pedestrian travel and transitioning to using Metro's fixed route bus service
and the Cincinnati Bell Connector-Cincinnati's street car service. The
Grant, entitled "Count Me On", is one of seventeen inclusive transportation
projects funded from July 1 to December 31 2018. The project is a
collaborative effort of The Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually
Impaired, The Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority-which operates Metro
and the Cincinnati Bell Connector, The City of Cincinnati, The Ohio Kentucky
Indiana Regional Council of Governments and other organizations. The project
reportedly held its kickoff meeting the week of July 23-27 2018 and will
consist of community meetings, focus groups, and a "travel buddy program" in
which participants will travel a route involving Metro and the Cincinnati
Bell Connector-with the grant providing funding for fares. The project will
focus on Metro's Route 17, which runs from the North College Hill / Mt.
Healthy Area (where the Clovernook Center is located) to Downtown Cincinnati
and connects with the Cincinnati Bell Connector. The National Federation of
the Blind of Cincinnati is reportedly a stakeholder in this project, and
Sheri Albers wrote a letter in support of the grant. Jackie requested that
all Chapter members participate in this project, and anyone interested
should contact Sheri Albers or Deanna Lewis. 


10.   Sheri Albers took an account of all Chapter members attending the open
house and 80th birthday party for Paul Dressell scheduled for August 3 2018
at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. 


11.   Richard Payne gave an overview of the National Federation of the Blind
of Ohio State Convention, which is scheduled From Friday November 2 to
Sunday November 4 2018 in Strongsville, Ohio. Plans for an educational event
on Thursday November 1 are reportedly in the works. The theme of this year's
convention is, "One team, one goal."


12.   The Chapter agreed to hold its next meeting on August 25 2018 at 2:00
P.M. at the Washington Platform Restaurant in Downtown Cincinnati.


13.   Cassandra Jones won this month's auction item.

14.   The July 2018 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio,
Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:45 P.M. on July 28 2018.


Respectfully Submitted,



Cristopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter


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