[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati, Meeting Minutes for February 2018

Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting info at onhconsulting.com
Wed Mar 7 01:57:51 UTC 2018

National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati

Meeting Minutes for February 2018


1.       The February 2018 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind
of Cincinnati was convened by Vice President Deanna Lewis at approximately
2:02 P.M. on Saturday February 24 2018 at the Washington Platform Restaurant
in Downtown Cincinnati. In attendance were: Deanna Lewis, Emily Pennington,
Lilly Pennington, Cassandra Proud, Christopher Sabine, Lisa Hall, Joy
Thomas, Diane Carmony, Kim McEachirn and Paul Dressell. Julie Proud attended
today's meeting as a guest of the Chapter.


2.       Paul Dressell moved to approve the January minutes as emailed.
Lilly Pennington seconded, and the motion passed. 


3.       Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. Julie
Proud moved to approve the report; Diane Carmony seconded. The motion
passed. Please note that this motion was approved in error, as Julie Proud
is not a member of the National Federation of the Blind of Cincinnati at
this time.


4.       Christopher Sabine gave a report of the Membership Committee, which
met by telephone conference at 7:00 P.M. on February 23 2018. The primary
topic of discussion was planning a visit to long-time Federationist Marion
King, who is currently unable to attend Chapter meetings due to physical
limitations. Christopher reported that he organized a visit in September
2016, and it was agreed at that time that the Chapter would make quarterly
visits to her. However, this fell by the wayside. Christopher indicated that
the Chapter Facebook page has 112 likes, and community outreach efforts are
still ongoing. These efforts suffered a setback when representatives of the
Vineyard Church, which Dale Barta has contacted, indicated that they did not
have the staff or resources to host an event by an outside organization.
Christopher has emailed the church's Director of Communications and Healing
Ministry, which offers community support and referrals, regarding services
to people with Blindness and vision loss in Greater Cincinnati. 


5.       Kim McEachirn gave a report from the Recreation Committee, which
consisted of an update concerning the White Cane Awareness Day Event set for
October 2018. It was agreed that the Chapter will commit to have funds
available for a table for this event as in past years. A motion to allocate
these funds will be made once Annie McEachirn (who was absent from today's
meeting) can provide the Chapter with the specific amount. No further action
was taken at this time.


6.       Deanna Lewis gave a Fundraising Report, which revolved around the
activities of the Ohio Affiliate. Deanna expressed that the Affiliate has
started an online Easter candy sale through Malley's Chocolates. The link to
the Web page is
. Malley's is offering free shipping for orders of $69 or more. Deanna also
gave an overview of the Affiliate's participation in the Flying Pig Marathon
and the Piggest Raffle Ever, the proceeds of which will benefit the
Affiliate. Deanna expressed that 30 volunteers are needed to staff the table
at the event, which is scheduled for the morning of May 6 2018. Paper raffle
tickets were sold to Chapter members at today's meeting for $5 apiece.
Deanna expressed that online tickets are also available. 


7.       Deanna Lewis gave a follow-up report on the "Interested Parties"
meeting regarding Ohio's service animal rights legislation, which was held
Friday February 23 2018 at the Ohio State House in Columbus. Deanna Lewis,
Marianne Denning, Debbie Baker and Michael Leiterman from the Ohio Affiliate
attended with representatives from other interested organizations; Deanna
expressed that about twelve people in all attended. Deanna indicated that
the purpose of the meeting was to resolve concerns about the types of
service animals covered and abuse of the law by people using fraudulent
documentation to try to pass pets and other exotic animals as service
animals-primarily for emotional support. Deanna indicated that the meeting
went well, and the legislation is still a work in progress.


8.       Deanna indicated that this year's Ohio Bell Academy is schedule for
June 24 to 30 2018 at the Ohio State school for the Blind in Columbus.
Rachel Kuntz will serve as coordinator this year.


9.       Paul Dressell agreed to present an article from the March issue of
"The Braille Monitor" for discussion at next month's meeting. There was no
"Braille Monitor" discussion this month, as Paul Jordan, who agreed to
present an article, was absent from today's meeting.


10.   All Chapter members interested in volunteering for Ohio's Braille
Challenge were asked to contact Deanna Lewis. Ohio's Braille Challenge is
set for Friday March 2 2018 at the Clovernook Center. Lisa Hall gave an
overview of this event for Chapter members.


11.   The February 2018 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Cincinnati was adjourned at approximately 3:10 P.M. on February 24 2018. 


Respectfully Submitted,



Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the blind of Cincinnati


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