[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, meeting Minutes for October 2018
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
info at onhconsulting.com
Mon Nov 12 16:43:22 UTC 2018
Thank you.
From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Dale
Barta via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 11:21 AM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'
Cc: Dale Barta
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio,
Cincinnati Chapter, meeting Minutes for October 2018
Hey Chris: that was a thorough job. Sincerely, Dale Barta
From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2018 1:54 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'
Cc: Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati
Chapter, meeting Minutes for October 2018
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for October 2018
1. The October 2018 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Sheri Albers on Saturday
October 27 2018 at approximately 2:05 P.M. at the Washington Platform
Restaurant in Downtown Cincinnati. Members in attendance were: President
Sheri Albers, Walter Mitchell, Anthony King, Tracy King, Gloria Robinson,
Paul Jordan, Joy Thomas, Christopher Sabine, Emily Pennington, Tammy Smith,
Parnell Diggs, Kim McEachirn, Lisa Hall, Chris Windham, Paul Dressell, and
Bernie Dressell. Tonya Cooper, Bill and Karren Innis and Brooke Albers also
attended today's meeting as guests of the Chapter. Chris Windham and Tracy
King paid dues to the Cincinnati Chapter at today's meeting and are now
members. Sheri Albers began today's meeting with a recitation of the
"one-minute speech."
2. Walter Mitchell moved to approve the September Chapter minutes as
emailed; Gloria Robinson seconded. The motion passed.
3. Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's report. Tammy
Smith moved to approve the Treasurer's report. Paul Dressell seconded. The
motion passed.
4. Sheri Albers expressed that the Chapter Board of Directors held a
meeting earlier this month in response to President Richard Payne's concerns
about the large number of members requesting Convention assistance this year
and the Affiliate's ability to support all members needing Convention
assistance. Sheri expressed that despite the low balance in the Chapter's
treasury, it is incumbent on the Chapter to do its part to ensure that all
members attending State Convention receive needed financial assistance. For
this reason, the Board of Directors has opted to issue stipends of $50 to
all Chapter members in good standing to attend State Convention.
5. Gloria Robinson moved that the Chapter allocate $75 to Money for
the Movement, which supports the cost of Convention and the Ohio Affiliate's
General Fund. Walter Mitchell seconded. Walter Mitchell made a friendly
amendment to Gloria Robinson's motion that the amount be changed to $100,
and the motion passed as amended.
6. A discussion of door prizes followed. Paul and Bernie Dressell
expressed that they will contribute a book on CD. Walter Mitchell moved that
the Chapter allocate $20 cash as a door prize at State Convention.
Christopher Sabine seconded, and the motion passed. Sheri Albers , Paul
Jordan and Immediate Past Chapter President Deborah Kendrick-who did not
attend today's meeting but texted three members in attendance during this
discussion-also agreed to contribute items for door prizes.
7. Christopher Sabine gave this month's Membership Committee report.
He expressed that the Membership Committee did not meet officially as only
two other members showed up for the meeting teleconference as scheduled.
Christopher reported that he received a follow-up email from representatives
of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who met with him and Sheri Albers in August
regarding the development of a working document on effective ministry to the
Blind in the Archdiocese. The representatives have made contact with a
ministry at the Diocese of Toledo already dedicated to people with
disabilities including Blindness and are interested in scheduling a follow
up meeting with him and Sheri Albers after State Convention in November.
Christopher also reported that he met with Walter Mitchell, Chair of the
Cincinnati Chapter Fundraising Committee, regarding the ability of the
Chapter to solicit donations through its Facebook Page. Christopher
determined that the Chapter will need to renew its status as a nonprofit
organization with the IRS. (The Chapter was a registered 501 (c) (3)
nonprofit organization in the past, but the designation expired recently and
reverted to the State Affiliate.) Christopher made a motion that Emily
Pennington, the Chapter Treasurer, contact the IRS and the Ohio Attorney
General's office to inquire about renewing the Chapter's nonprofit status.
Kim McEachirn seconded, and the motion passed.
8. Gloria Robinson gave a report on the Chapter's participation in the
Mercy Health Fair which took place on October 13 2018at the Mercy Health
Partners Campus. Gloria attended this event along with Paul Jordan and
President Sheri Albers. Gloria explained that the event was a great success,
and Dr. Ken Robinson, who organized the event, is interested in writing a
news article on the event which will include information about the National
Federation of the Blind and Blindness and Diabetes. He is also interested in
sending one of his staff to present at one of our chapter meetings or doing
so himself. Gloria expressed that a similar event may also be scheduled in
February in honor of Black History Month and encouraged all members to
consider attending health fairs to recruit new membership to the Chapter.
9. Walter Mitchell gave a report from the Fundraising Committee, which
met by telephone conference on October 18 2018. Walter Mitchell, Kim
McEachirn, Gloria Robinson, Deanna Lewis and Sheri Albers attended. The
report-given by Walter and Kim McEachirn-consisted of an update concerning
the production of Braille puzzle books for State Convention and T shirt
sales at Convention and the "Meet the Blind Month" event earlier in October.
Kim indicated that the production of the Braille Puzzle Books is complete
and passed out a copy to Chapter members. The books will be sold at the
exhibit hall at State Convention for $5 apiece along with the remaining T
shirts and hoodies from the Meet the Blind event. Walter Mitchell also
reported that plans are still in the works for a bake sale on December 1
2018, but this event has not been finalized.
10. Sheri Albers gave a brief legislative report. The Marrakesh Treaty
Implementation Act, the bill formally ratifying the Marrakesh Treaty, was
passed by the House of Representatives on September 24 2018 and signed by
President Donald Trump on October 10. The bill still has to be filed with
the International Authorities to be finalized. Adopted in 2009 by the World
Intellectual Property Organization in Marrakesh, Morocco, the Marrakesh
Treaty is a landmark international agreement which provides for copyright
exemptions for the production of accessible materials for the Blind to
registered users of such materials in member countries.
11. Sheri Albers gave a report on the Meet the Blind month event on
October 8 2018 and expressed her thanks to those who helped organize the
12. In accordance with the Chapter Constitution, President Sheri Albers
appointed Gloria Robinson to the vacant at large position on the Chapter's
Board of Directors formerly occupied by Annie McEachirn Carson, who resigned
from the Chapter in August 2018 before completing her term.
13. The Chapter agreed to hold discussions by teleconference at a later
date concerning a change of venue for Chapter meetings starting in January
14. Sheri Albers led a discussion about the 2018 State Convention, which
is scheduled for November 2-4 2018 at the Holiday Inn Strongsville, Ohio.
Information concerning transportation arrangements to and from the Hotel
posted to the Ohio-Talk Listserv earlier this week was reviewed. The bus to
the convention site is set to depart from the main entrance to the
Clovernook Center (7000 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati) at 4:00 A.M. on November
2 and arrive at the Holiday Inn Strongsville at 9:45 A.M. with stops in
Dayton, Springfield and Columbus. The bus will depart Strongsville at 1:00
P.M. on Sunday November 4 and make the reverse trip. The cost of riding the
bus is $50. There will be a "rooky round-up" for first time attendees from
12:15 to 1:30 on Friday and a hospitality room opened at 5:30 with food and
drinks available to provide members with the opportunity to network and
socialize. The National Association to Promote the Use of Braille (NAPUB)
will perform its annual play directed by long time Federationist Bob Pierce,
in which cast members read their scripts in Braille. Registration will take
place on Friday and Saturday starting at 8:45 A.M. where Convention
attendees can pick up their registration packets and print and Braille
agendas. The vendor list for the exhibit hall, open from 12:00 to 4:30 P.M.
on Saturday, has been posted to the Ohio-Talk Listserv. Gloria Robinson, Kim
McEachirn and Walter Mitchell have agreed to staff the Cincinnati Chapter
Table at exhibit Hall selling Braille puzzle books and shirts as discussed
previously. Christopher Sabine agreed to assist Gloria Robinson and Kim
McEachirn from 12:00 to 2:00, and Chris Windham agreed to assist Walter
Mitchell and Gloria Robinson from 2:00 to 4:30 P.M. Sheri expressed that
Brooke Albers, who is currently conducting a project for a senior leadership
class at the Ohio State University, will be serving the State Affiliate
during Convention. As part of her project, she has updated the Affiliate's
print brochure and has scheduled fundraisers at two Columbus-area
restaurants in November and December. She will also be making videos of
Convention activities and conducting interviews with attendees to develop a
brochure for prospective corporate donors to the Ohio Affiliate.
15. Gloria Robinson collected items for the Chapter's auction basket.
16. Lisa Hall gave a report on a presentation at the Smart Regions
Conference in Columbus on Thursday October 25 concerning her use of AIRA in
her daily activities. A list to information about the conference from the
Aira Explorers Community has been posted to the Ohio-Talk listserv.
17. The Chapter agreed to hold its next meeting by Teleconference on
Saturday November 17 2018 from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. in order to discuss a
proposed change in the meeting venue starting in January 2019.
18. The October 2018 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:50 P.M. on Saturday
October 27 2018.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
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