[Cinci-NFB] Summary of Membership Committee meeting on August 13, 2019, next meeting August 27

info at onhconsulting.com info at onhconsulting.com
Fri Aug 16 17:11:18 UTC 2019

Hello All. 


The following is a summary of the Membership Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday July 30. The purpose of the meeting was to continue planning for our
"Meet the Blind event on October 15 and the Cincinnati Vision Fair on
October 12 at the Urban Artifact Brewery. Christopher Sabine, Sheri Albers,
Gloria Robinson, Lisa Hall, Tapeka Turner, Marianne Denning, Deanna Lewis
and Dale Barta attended the meeting.


The meeting began with updates from Committee members concerning the
planning process. Christopher Sabine indicated that he has secured verbal
commitments from Julie Ney from Universal Low Vision Aids (The Humanware
representative, can also discuss or demonstrate Vespero products) and J.W.
Smith, who may also be inviting a representative from Opportunities for
Ohioans with Disabilities and discussing OOD's services. He has also
contacted Liz Bonis from WKRC Local 12, who has indicated that she can air a
segment on the National Federation of the Blind and the Vision Fair for her
Health Show. Liz contacted Christopher following the meeting, and a date has
been scheduled to conduct the interview at the Local 12 studios in late


Sheri Albers indicated that she has obtained a verbal commitment from Chris
Faust at Clovernook to send a representative to exhibit at the Vision Fair.
However, she is still working on securing the venue for the White cane walk
on October 15 at Fountain Square from the correct person at 3CDC. Sheri has
also reached out to Tyler Hill from Urban Artifact and has selected a
version of the Urban Artifact logo to be used for fliers and promotional
materials for the Vision Fair. Marianne reported that she will be reaching
out to Patsy from the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually
Impaired to ask for their participation in the "Meet the Blind" March and
Vision Fair Exhibit Tables. She will also be in touch with public relations
staff at CABVI concerning printing and distribution of fliers for the Vision
Fair. Sheri is also working on postcards to distribute to borrowers of
materials from NLS through the Cleveland Public Library. Other ideas
concerning distribution of fliers were discussed, and it was agreed that the
Committee will record a message which will go out to the Personalized
Talking Print service operated by CABVI.


It was agreed that Christopher will work on a draft of a promotional message
to send out to Personalized Talking Print and other venues for the Vision
Fair. Sheri will connect with Tyler to approve the flier and distribution
with the Urban Artifact Logo and connect with 3CDC concerning the Meet the
Blind venue. Lisa Hall agreed  to take contact information for those
registering for the event in Braille for door prizes.


The Committee agreed to hold its next meeting on Tuesday August 27 at 7:00
P.M. by teleconference.


Very Best Regards,



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