[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for November 2019

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Fri Dec 6 00:37:38 UTC 2019

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for November 23, 2019


1.	The November 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Sheri Albers at
approximately 1:45 P.M. on Saturday November 23 2019 at the home of Board
Member Gloria Robinson. In Attendance were: President Sheri Albers,
Affiliate President Richard Payne, Gloria Robinson, Tapeka Turner, Candace
Armstrong, Deanna Lewis, Marianne Denning, Emily Pennington, Karren Innis,
Tammy Smith, Christopher Sabine, Taslim Dibba, Joy Thomas, Diane Carmony,
Diane Gudaitis, Paul Jordan and Tony King. Lyka Crebillo, Aleah Robinson,
Julia Miller, Emily Hoppe, Patty Fleager and former member Elif Emir Oksuz
attended today's meeting as guests of the Chapter.

2.	Paul Jordan moved to approve the October meeting minutes as emailed.
Emily Pennington Seconded, and the motion passed.


3.	Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. Deanna
Lewis moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Gloria Robinson
seconded, and the motion passed. Sheri expressed that the Chapter grossed
$114.25 in sales from the exhibit Table at State Convention, which was given
in cash to Emily Pennington at today's meeting. Sales from the exhibit table
at State Convention included: T shirts from the previous Meet the Blind
campaign, Braille puzzle books, and oils and jewelry provided by Gloria
Robinson. The table earned an additional $36 for the Ohio Affiliate from the
sales of two tumblers; a check for this amount will be mailed to Sherry
Ruth, Treasurer of the Ohio Affiliate, following today's meeting.


4.	There was no report from the Membership Committee this month.
Affiliate President Richard Payne requested that Christopher Sabine, who
chairs the Chapter's Membership Committee, give him an overview of how the
new national onboarding process is being implemented.



5.	Gloria Robinson gave a brief Fundraising Committee report. She asked
all Chapter members who would be willing to donate items for potential
Fundraisers to reach out to her directly and encouraged all members to
consider selling jewelry and essential oils as gifts for the Holiday season.
She expressed that her goal is to enable the Chapter to minimize the cost of
fundraising efforts to the Chapter Treasury.


6.	Sheri Albers reminded Chapter members that starting in January 2020,
the new chapter president will issue new committee assignments and requested
that all Chapter members consider joining or chairing a committee. Those
interested in serving on a committee should contact the Chapter President
with the committee on which they would like to serve. Those interested in
chairing a committee should contact the Chapter President and, in writing,
explaining their interest and why they believe they should chair their
desired committee.



7.	Sheri Albers and Affiliate President Richard Payne reported that all
members who wish to serve on a committee of the Ohio Affiliate must email
Richard Payne no later than November 26 2019. Those interested in chairing a
committee of the State Affiliate need to email Richard Payne concerning
their interest with a statement of why they wish to chair their desired
committee. A list of the available committees of the Ohio Affiliate has been
posted to the Ohio-Talk Listserv prior to today's meeting.


8.	Sheri Albers expressed that proponent testimony for Ohio H.B. 214,
Ohio's accessible prescription legislation, took place at the Ohio State
Capital on Tuesday November 19 2019.


9.	Members who attended this year's State Affiliate Convention of the
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio shared their experiences. Sheri
Albers gave a heartfelt thank you to all who participated in Convention
planning and all members of the Chapter on the heels of her pending
relocation to San Francisco to take a position as Community Relations
Coordinator at the San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind.


10.	Former member Elif Emir Oksuz announced that she has just completed
her doctoral study in psychology at the University of Cincinnati and has
been awarded a Ph. D. She will be returning to Turkey in the near future
with her husband and two-year-old daughter.


11.	Aleah Robinson gave a brief fair well speech for departing President
Sheri Albers.


12.	Gloria Robinson announced that the annual Chapter Christmas party
will be held on Saturday December 7 2019 from 3:00 to 7:00 P.M. at the
Clovernook Procter Center. Cassandra Jones will be reaching out to Chapter
members concerning food items.



13.	The meeting concluded with biennial Chapter elections. The
candidates elected to serve on the Chapter Board of Directors for the 2020 -
2021 term are: Gloria Robinson, President, Marianne Denning, Vice President,
Emily Pennington, Treasurer, and Christopher Sabine, Secretary. Paul Jordan,
Taslim Dibba, and Lisa Hall were elected to the three at large Board seats.


14.	The November 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:05 P.M. on
Saturday November 23 2019.


Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter





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