[Cinci-NFB] Membership Committee Meeting: Need to reschedule

info at onhconsulting.com info at onhconsulting.com
Sat Jul 6 01:30:15 UTC 2019

Hello All.


I'd like to know if we need to reschedule our Membership Committee meeting
to another day the week of the 15th. The purpose of this meeting is to begin
planning for our White Cane event at Urban Artifact. I understand there is a
BELL planning meeting on the 15th, and I have the sense that this is not a
good day to hold such a meeting. This event is very important for the
Chapter, and we need as many people as possible to help with the planning.
My schedule that week is flexible. Please let me know what would be a better
time to hold this important meeting. 


Very Best,



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