[Cinci-nfb] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for May 2019

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Mon Jun 3 14:08:34 UTC 2019

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for May 2019


1.	The May 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Sheri Albers at
approximately 1:49 P.M. on Saturday May 18 2019 in Room 3A of the Cincinnati
/ Hamilton County Public Library at 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
In attendance were: President Sheri Albers, Christopher Sabine, Gloria
Robinson, Lisa Hall, Ahkeela Cade, Chris Windham and Anthony King. Since
there was no quorum at today's meeting, no votes were taken. President Sheri
Albers began today's meeting with a recitation of the "one-minute speech",
and the Presidential Release Podcast was played preceding the meeting.


2.	President Sheri Albers indicated that she has received new member
medallions for all Chapter members and presented one to each member in
attendance. A summary of the new onboarding process was reviewed, and
President Sheri Albers expressed that she will be holding welcome ceremonies
for all five new members who joined the Cincinnati Chapter in 2019 per the
new national onboarding process. A representative from the Chapter will also
be registering all new members with National Office. Moving forward, all new
members will receive a membership card, copies of letters from long-time
Federationists to assist with orientation and the new member medallion. New
members will be required to recite the pledge as part of their welcoming
ceremony and officially voted into the Chapter as members. 


3.	As there was no quorum, there was no motion to approve the April
2019 Chapter minutes. There was also no Treasurer's report. 


4.	Sheri Albers discussed executive changes to the Chapter in the wake
of Paul Dressell's passing. 


5.	Christopher Sabine gave a report from the Membership Committee,
which met by conference call on May 12 2019 at 6:00 P.M. Christopher Sabine,
Tammy Smith and Dale Barta attended. Christopher reported that Dale and
Tammy are still disseminating copies of the membership flier. However, later
in the report, Gloria Robinson indicated that she met with the Ohio
Affiliate's Membership Committee by telephone conference and received a
request to suspend distribution of the flier until Affiliate President
Richard Payne and other members of the Affiliate's Membership Committee
approve it. Christopher reported that he is in the process of contacting
several perspective venues for a Vision Expo to be held in October to
coincide with Meet the Blind Month and National White Cane Awareness Month.
First discussed at the April Chapter meeting, this event will consist of a
seminar featuring the capabilities and accomplishments of the Blind in
Greater Cincinnati, vendors and technology demonstrations, and a showing of
"Do you Dream in Color", a film produced in collaboration with the National
Federation of the Blind. Christopher expressed that he is reaching out to
several venues, and a conversation with one in particular prior to today's
meeting was very positive. Sheri recommended that Christopher approach the
Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and other means
of advertising the event as well as venues were discussed. However, no
specific action was taken at today's meeting. Gloria Robinson made several
other recommendations to promote increased attendance at Membership
Committee meetings. Gloria also stressed the importance of attracting
members who can participate actively in the organization-not just pay dues
and fail to attend meetings. 


6.	Sheri Albers began this month's Fundraising report by congratulating
the Chapter for selling 52 tickets to the Piggest Raffle Ever for a total
contribution to the Ohio Affiliate of $260. Of this, the Cincinnati Chapter
will receive $2 for every $5 raised for a total of $104 from the raffle.
This amount does not include online sales. Gloria presented this month's
report following Sheri's discussion. She indicated that she is collecting
orders for the Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser and will be submitting them on
Tuesday May 21. She Estimated that the Chapter will make between $250 and
$300 for the Chapter. The Committee is still waiting to hear back from the
Clovernook Center on a potential date for the Italian Dinner Fundraiser;
Gloria expressed that this might happen sometime in August. Gloria also
discussed several other ideas for fundraisers, but no action was taken at
today's meeting. Sheri expressed that the National Office is selling tickets
for the Ken Jernigan Raffle through state Affiliates. Tickets are being sold
for $10 apiece-with the winner receiving an all-expenses-paid trip to the
2020 National Convention with $1,000 spending money. Sheri asked all Chapter
members to contact her prior to the June Chapter meeting if interested in
purchasing a ticket. 


7.	Christopher Sabine agreed to follow up with Kim McEachirn to obtain
copies of his Braille puzzle book to sell at National Convention. He
expressed that he will also obtain from Kim the recording of the services
for Paul Dressell to send to Immediate Past Chapter President Deborah


8.	Sheri reported that she has been nominated to the Southwest Ohio
Regional Transit Authority's Advisory Committee following the conclusion of
its "Count Me On" initiative. 


9.	Christopher Sabine gave a summary of several articles from the May
2019 Braille Monitor. Lisa Hall agreed to lead the Braille Monitor
discussion at the June meeting.


10.	Sheri Albers reminded all Chapter members in attendance about the
One Touch Self Defense Course being offered by Chuck Geiger. The next
eight-week session will be held starting July 1 2019 at Aikido of
Cincinnati. Sheri asked all interested to reach out to her directly for
Chuck Geiger's contact information.


11.	The June 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter will be held on Saturday June 22 2019 from 1:30 to
3:30 P.M. in Room 3A of the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library
Main Branch at 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.


12.	The May 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:05 P.M. on
Saturday May 18 2019.



Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter


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