[Cinci-nfb] Fw: [bardtalk] Newswire: Tek Talk meeting of 3/18/19 at 8pm Eastern features Andrea Deklotz, Accessibility Officer, to discuss the use of the NFB NewslineSkill for Amazon devices

Lisa Hall lisahall at samobile.net
Wed Mar 13 22:13:51 UTC 2019

For your information,

Here is a message I received from a list I belong through 
www.accessibleworld.org. This web site have archived meetings on a wide 
variety of topics for the blind which includes technology, book club 
categories, and so much more.

Check it out and see for yourself.


Lisa Hall

Forwarded message:

From: "Alan Lemly" <walemly at gmail.com>
to: "Bardtalk" <bardtalk at groups.io>,
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Cc: "Jim Ruby" <accessibleworld1 at gmail.com>
Subject: [bardtalk] Newswire: Tek Talk meeting of 3/18/19 at 8pm Eastern
 features Andrea Deklotz, Accessibility Officer,
 to discuss the use of the NFB NewslineSkill for Amazon devices
Reply-To: bardtalk at groups.io
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 00:21:18 -0500


Tek Talk welcomes Presenter, Andrea Deklotz, Accessibility Officer, to 
discuss the use of the NFB NewslineSkill for Amazon devices, March 18, 2019.

Time: 5:00 pm Pacific, 6:00 pm Mountain, 7:00 pm Central, 8:00 pm 
Eastern, and elsewhere in the world Friday 01:00 GMT.

On Monday March 18, Andrea will be discussing the NFB newsline skill 
for the Amazon devices. This skill enables those who have a free 
account with the NFB newsline service to read hundreds of local, 
national and world newspapers and magazines using their amazon device. 
Most tasks, including various types of navigation and linking your 
Newsline account can be done using your voice.

Presenter: Andrea DeKlotz, Accessibility officer

E-Mail: catmom3260 at gmail.com <mailto:catmom3260 at gmail.com>

About 10 minutes before the program dial the Zoom numbers or work with 
your computer link found on your Zoom invitation.

Zoom invitation

Welcome to the Zoom platform:

You can attend Zoom meetings in many different ways including with a 
Windows, Mac or Linux computer after downloading and installing the 
applicable Zoom meetings client software, on an iOS, Android or Amazon 
Fire smart device if you've installed the Zoom Cloud Meetings app, or 
on a regular telephone.

The Zoom meeting invitation for this Training Class is the following:

Hi there,

Robert Acosta is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Tek Talk welcomes Andrea Deklotz, Accessibility Officer, to discuss the 
use of the NFB Newsline Skill for Amazon devices.

Time: Meets Monday, March 18, 2019, from 8-9 p.m. Eastern. If you have 
installed the Zoom client software on your computer, I would recommend 
your starting that software before executing the below link on your 
computer. If you have installed the Zoom Cloud Meetings app on your 
smart device, I suggest you open that app before executing the below 
link on your smart device.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/839935813 

Or iPhone one-tap:

US: +16468769923,839935813# or +14086380986,839935813#

Or Telephone:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 408 638 0986

Meeting ID: 839 935 813

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/cnnUjZ1oh 

If you execute the above link from a computer with installed Zoom 
client software, the software should automatically launch and take you 
to the meeting. If you execute the above link from a smart device 
containing the Zoom Cloud Meetings app, the app should automatically 
launch ant take you to the meeting. If you prefer to use your iPhone as 
a regular phone without the app to call into the meeting, you can 
double tap on one of the above two numbers to initiate the call.

Subscription information

Special note. To subscribe to our Tek Talk Discussion list, send a 
blank email to: tek-talk-discussion+subscribe at groups.io 
<mailto:tek-talk-discussion+subscribe at groups.io>. You will receive a 
reply and just reply back without putting anything in that message.

To subscribe to our one-way announcements list, send a blank note to: 
aw-announcements+subscribe at groups.io 
<mailto:aw-announcements+subscribe at groups.io>. Follow the above 
instructions to get subscribed.


Robert Acosta: Chair Emeritus

www.accessibleWorld.org <http://www.accessibleworld.org/> and 
www.radiooutofthepast.org <http://www.radiooutofthepast.org/>.

Phone: 818-998-0044

Email: boacosta at pacbell.net <mailto:boacosta at pacbell.net> Web Site: 
www.helpinghands4theblind.net <http://www.helpinghands4theblind.net/>

Larry Gassman: Accessible World Co-Chair

Phone: 714-449-1958

Email: larrygassman at roadrunner.com <mailto:larrygassman at roadrunner.com>

Alan Lemly: Accessible World Co-Chair

Phone: 601-919-6907

Email: walemly at gmail.com <mailto:walemly at gmail.com>

The Accessible World, a division of Helping Hands For The Blind, a 
501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, seeks to educate the general 
public, the disabled community and the professionals who serve them by 
providing highly relevant information about new products, services, and 
training opportunities designed specifically to eliminate geographic 
and access barriers that adversely affect them.

Robert Acosta


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Congress or any of its divisions including the National Library Service 
for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.

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