[Cinci-NFB] Convention Thanks

Sheri Albers sheri.albers87 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 15:32:46 UTC 2019

Hello NFB of Ohio,

I want to thank everyone and anyone, whether or not you were on the
convention committee, for your assistance this weekend. I am fully aware
that there were many challenges with the hotel and no matter how much I try
to prepare for them, they seem to be unavoidable. I have heard of many
silent "angels" who have taken a moment or two to help out members in need,
and to you, I owe you a debt of gratitude. I just cannot be everywhere at
the same time, nor can I always be available to get to my phone. I apologize
for that. In spite of all the things that may have gone awry, I sincerely
hope that all of you found fellowship, empowerment, and some new direction
in your journey in living the life you want.


Best Regards,

Sheri Albers, Vice President

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio


Sheri.albers87 at gmail.com


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