[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for October 2019
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Fri Nov 8 00:31:21 UTC 2019
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for October 2019
1. The Cincinnati Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio was convened by President Sheri Albers at approximately 1:40 P.M. on
Saturday October 26 2019 at the Main Branch of the Cincinnati and Hamilton
County Public Library at 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. In
attendance were: President Sheri Albers, Christopher Sabine, Gloria
Robinson, Emily Pennington, Deanna Lewis, Paul Jordan, Marianne Denning,
Taslim Dibba, Joy Thomas, Tapeka Turner, Diane Gudaitis and Diane Carmony.
Lyka Crebillo and Tracy Turner attended today's meeting as guests of the
Chapter. President Albers streamed the October Presidential Release prior to
today's meeting.
2. President Sheri Albers began the meeting by announcing the passing
of long time Chapter member Bill Innis on Friday October 25 2019. Sheri
reported that she has reached out to Karren Innis, his wife and also a
long-time chapter member, concerning ways that all members can support her
in her loss. Services and other arrangements have not been finalized as of
today's meeting. President Sheri Albers also discussed the sudden passing of
Chris Tolle on October 12 2019 at the age of 45. Sheri Albers and Marianne
Denning attended the services, which took place on Saturday October 19. All
of Christopher's Children, grandchildren and extended family attended, and
Sheri expressed that the services were very spiritually uplifting. Finally,
Sheri Albers announced the passing of Christopher Payne, nephew of Affiliate
President Richard Payne, on October 25 2019. All Chapter members held a
moment of silence for members of the Federation, family members and friends
who have passed.
3. All Chapter members expressed thanks to Gloria Robinson's nephew,
Kendall Ty, for sponsoring the van transporting Chapter members to and from
State Convention this year. Gloria Robinson also expressed that The
Cincinnati Technology Academy and the New Prospect Baptist Church have also
agreed to sponsor transportation to Convention.
4. Gloria Robinson moved to approve the September minutes as emailed.
Tapeka Turner seconded, and the motion passed.
5. Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's report. Marianne
Denning moved to approve the Treasurer's report. Gloria Robinson seconded,
and the motion passed.
6. Sheri prefaced the Membership Committee report by expressing thanks
to all who participated in planning, organizing and assisting with the
Cincinnati Vision Fair which took place on October 12 at the Urban Artifact
Brewery in Cincinnati. Though the turnout for the event was not what
organizers expected, Sheri expressed that participants were engaged, happy
and able to make the most of the event. Christopher expressed that though
the turnout was not what the Chapter was expecting, several connections were
made and the event generated several potential new members. Christopher
expressed that the importance of this year's event was that it took place at
an entertainment venue and craft brewery that is a significant part of
Cincinnati's heritage, embodying the philosophy of the National Federation
of the Blind of living the lives we want. Christopher concluded his report
by recommending that the Chapter consider making the Cincinnati Vision Fair
an annual event and collaborating with the Fundraising Committee to hold
future events at Urban Artifact. Since the venue has a sound stage and a
wall to project movies, hosting a talent show and holding a feature film
night and showing "Do you Dream in Color" were mentioned as possible future
events. Christopher concluded his report by asking that the Membership and
Fundraising Committees meet in January to plan and organize these events.
7. The Chapter agreed to arrange its annual Christmas party at the
Clovernook Procter Center on either December 7 or 14 2019. Deanna Lewis
agreed to contact the Clovernook Center concerning availability. Ham will
be served, and everyone will bring a side dish. Gloria Robinson agreed to
form a committee with Tapeka Turner and Marianne Denning to plan additional
details for this event.
8. Gloria Robinson gave a report from the Fundraising Committee. She
indicated that the Committee has opted to brand the Cincinnati Convention
Table at State Convention as the Cincinnati Connection Store. Gloria
expressed that she plans to have candy apples at the table to sell, jewelry
sets for $3 or $4 apiece, body oil for $5 per bottle and Braille puzzle
books produced by Kim McEachirn for $5 apiece. The remaining inventory of
Meet the Blind t shirts will also be available to sell at the exhibit table.
All interested in assisting at the exhibit table, which is scheduled for
Saturday November 2 from 12:30 to 4:30 P.M., is asked to email Gloria
directly. Gloria also has brochures available for the Double Good Popcorn
fundraiser. It was agreed that orders will be taken for a delivery in
December. The Double Good Fundraiser is an ongoing campaign powered by
Double Good Gourmet Popcorn of Chicago in which customers can purchase a
seasonal menu of popcorn with half the proceeds going to the Chapter.
9. Sheri Albers gave a report from the Ohio Legislative Committee. She
expressed that H.B. 188, the Ohio Parental Rights Bill, has been scheduled
for a proponent hearing on November 5 2019 at the Ohio Statehouse in
Columbus. The bill, which prohibits county departments of child and family
services from interfering with the custody of a child based solely on the
blindness of a parent or guardian, is now being considered by the Health
Committee of the Ohio House. The chair of the committee, Rep. Scott Lipps
(R-Franklin), is requesting that only three people testify at the hearing;
three Blind parents with the most compelling stories have already committed
to testify in person at the hearing. However, written testimony is being
taken until October 31. All written testimony should be submitted to Kelsey
Hopkins, aide to Rep Erica Crawley (D-Columbus), the primary sponsor of H.B.
188. President Sheri Albers has posted a message concerning the hearing to
the Ohio-Talk listserv prior to today's meeting, and Christopher Sabine
agreed to forward the message to the Cinci-Talk List. Sheri also expressed
that there is a "glitch" with the Ohio Affiliate's proposed service animal
legislation: the draft bill does not call for a penalty for a person passing
off an unlicensed animal as a service animal. The bill may need to be
retracted if the issue is not resolved, which means the bill will need to be
reintroduced and the Affiliate will need to seek new sponsors.
10. Sheri Albers indicated that the deadline for preregistration for
State Convention has passed, though members can still register at
Convention. All applications for Convention Assistance have been finalized,
and all members receiving assistance have been contacted prior to today's
meeting. Sheri expressed that she has a list of people riding in the van to
and from Convention. The van will pick up passengers on Friday morning
November 1 at 7:00 A.M. at the Frisch's Big Boy Restaurant at 1001 Gest
Street in Queensgate. The van will depart at approximately 1:00 P.M. on
Sunday November 3 and will arrive at the Queensgate Frisch's at
approximately 3:30 to drop off members. Sheri indicated that she will post a
description of the van on Thursday October 31 to the Cinci-Talk listserv.
Sheri expressed that the meat and vegetarian banquet meals on Saturday
November 2 will consist of ribeye steak and four cheese ravioli,
respectively. There will be a cash bar preceding the banquet with shrimp
cocktail, bruschetta and other hors d'oeuvres. There will also be a "meet
and greet" following the Board of Directors meeting on Friday November 1
with hors d'oeuvres including egg rolls, beef sliders, fruits and
vegetables. Sheri reminded all Chapter members of the Affiliate's Community
Service project: All attending State convention are asked to bring hats,
gloves and scarves which will be donated to students at the Ohio State
School for the Blind.
11. Sheri Albers indicated that Affiliate elections are set for this
year's convention. The at large seats occupied by Deanna Lewis from the
Cincinnati Chapter, Cheryl Fields from the Cuyahoga County Chapter, William
Turner from the Cleveland Chapter and Barbara Pierce from the Loraine County
Chapter are up for reelection. Sheri expressed that she is Chair of the
Affiliate Nominating Committee and asked all interested in running for a
seat on the Ohio Affiliate Board of Directors to contact her and ask to be
nominated. Sheri also reminded Chapter members that if they are not
nominated for a seat on the Board, they can request that someone nominate
them from the floor or nominate themselves.
12. Sheri Albers expressed that elections for Chapter Board of Directors
will need to take place next month. Gloria Robinson agreed to serve on a
nominating committee with two other Chapter members, who will develop a
slate of candidates for elections at the November Chapter meeting. Terms of
all members of the Chapter Board of Directors will begin on January 1 2020.
13. The Chapter decided to offer $25 cash from the treasury as a door
prize at State Convention.
14. The Chapter is offering two baskets for the "Not So Silent" Auction
at this year's State Convention. The first is a set of Braille books from
Paul and Bernie Dressell. The second includes an Amazon Firestick, a bottle
of wine, summer sausage and other food items donated by Gloria Robinson and
Christopher Sabine.
15. Emily Pennington presented cash stipends to all Chapter members
attending State Convention.
16. The November 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was scheduled for Saturday November 23 2019 at 1:30
P.M. at the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library at 800 Vine
Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
17. The October 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:15 P.M. on
Saturday October 26 2019.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
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