[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for September 2019

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Fri Oct 11 14:07:29 UTC 2019

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for September 2019


1.	The September 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind
of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by Chapter President Sheri Albers
at approximately 1:37 P.M. on Saturday September 28 2019 in Room 3A of the
Cincinnati / Hamilton County main Branch Library at 800 Vine Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. In Attendance were: Sheri Albers, Christopher
Sabine, Gloria Robinson, Tapeka Turner, Marianne Denning, Joy Thomas,
Anthony King, Deanna Lewis, Diane Carmony, Paul Jordan, Lisa Hall and Bernie
Dressell. Angela Maddox arrived later in the meeting. Mia Ison and Quinton
Thomas attended today's meeting as guests of the Chapter. President Sheri
Albers presented a membership medallion to Bernie Dressell. She also
presented Bernie with an honorary medallion in memory of Paul Dressell.
President Sheri Albers led the Chapter in a recitation of the NFB pledge
prior to convening today's meeting.


2.	Gloria Robinson moved to approve the August Chapter minutes as
emailed. Tapeka Turner seconded, and the motion passed.


3.	There was no Treasurer's report this month as Emily Pennington,
Treasurer of the Chapter, was absent from today's meeting. 


4.	Christopher Sabine began the presentation of this month's Membership
Committee report, which was followed by an additional report from Sheri
Albers regarding other activities related to Meet the Blind Month.


a.	Christopher Sabine expressed that he and Sheri Albers met on
Thursday September 26 with Liz Bonis, Medical Reporter for WKRC Local 12,
for an interview on the National Federation of the Blind, White Cane
Awareness Day, The Cincinnati Vision Fair at the Urban Artifact Brewery on
October 12 and the Walk from City Hall to Fountain Square on September
29-discussed later in Christopher's report. This interview will air on
Sunday September 29 at 6:00 A.M. as part of the "What's Up with Health"
Program on Local 12, and an excerpt aired on Friday September 27, prior to
today's meeting.


b.	Christopher expressed that the Membership Committee met on September
24 at 7:00 P.M. to tie up loose ends regarding publicity and set up, and a
final meeting is set for October 8 at 7:00 P.M. to finalize the program for
the Vision Fair. The press release is being shared on the Facebook pages of
the Chapter and the Urban Artifact, the release was also shared with the
Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired and is included
in the Radio reading Services Personalized Talking Print service, and all
publicity activities have for the most part been finalized.
c.	Christopher expressed that the Walk on September 29 is scheduled to
start at Cincinnati City Hall at 1:00 P.M. Chapter members will walk from
Cincinnati City Hall to Fountain Square for a "meet and greet" from 2:00 to
4:00 P.M. Unfortunately, the Chapter was unable to secure a representative
from the City of Cincinnati to give a proclamation as in year's past, so
President Sheri Albers will give a brief speech on the history of White Cane
Awareness Day and the significance of the White Cane as a symbol of the
independence and self-confidence of the Blind.


d.	Sheri Albers expressed that she will be passing out fliers for the
Cincinnati Vision Fair. It was also confirmed that Angela Maddox and Chris
Windham will serve as greeters for the Cincinnati Vision Fair at Urban
Artifact on October 12, and Joan Sabine, Christopher's mother, will also
assist with greeting at the event. Gloria Robinson will ensure that the
table at Fountain Square is properly set up. Gloria and Diane Carmony will
set up the Chapter's banner and organize the literature on the table, and
Deanna Lewis will bring the sound system for the Meet and Greet at Fountain


5.	Gloria Robinson gave a report from the Fundraising Committee. She
expressed that she plans to have scented candles available at the Chapter's
exhibit table at State Convention to sell for $5 and will be reaching out to
Double Good for a donation of 15 bags of popcorn which she will bring to
Convention and sell directly. This is in addition to the current Double Good
fund raiser which will begin in October, in which customers can have bags of
popcorn shipped to them. Gloria also reported that she has jewelry sets
containing a necklace, bracelet and ear rings which she will sell at $3 or
$4 apiece at the exhibit table. Sheri indicated that she has two extra-large
and 1 2X long sleeve "Meet the Blind" T shirts from last year's fund-raising
campaign and the supply of the Braille puzzle books available for sale.


6.	Sheri Albers reminded Chapter members that two of the Affiliate's
three pieces of legislation, The Accessible Prescription Reader Bill and the
Parental Rights Bill, have been introduced and are being considered by the
Health Committee of the Ohio House of Representatives. She requested that
all Chapter members who have not done so already have written testimony for
this legislation when a proponent hearing is scheduled. However, the House
has not set a hearing date for either bill as of today's meeting. Sheri gave
a brief overview of all three of the Affiliate's legislative priorities for
the benefit of Quinton Thomas and Mia Ison, guests at today's meeting. She
also reminded Chapter members that information on the Federation's National
legislative priorities is available at the web site of the National
organization at http://www.nfb.or <http://www.nfb.org> g and through
President Mark Riccobono's monthly Presidential Release Podcasts. Press
releases from National Office are also available from the Cincinnati Chapter
Facebook Page. Finally, Marianne Denning indicated that legislation has been
introduced that would substantially increase earnings limits for SSI
recipients and modify how income is counted for both SSDI and SSI
beneficiaries. The National Federation of the Blind is currently not
endorsing this legislation. 


7.	President Sheri Albers gave an overview of preparations for State
Convention, which is scheduled from Friday November 1 to Sunday November 3
2019 at the Doubletree Worthington Hotel-outside Columbus. Several items
related to Convention were discussed:


a.	The deadline for room reservations is October 11, and the deadline
for convention preregistration is October 24. The convention registration
form is available from the Affiliate's web site at http://www.nfbohio.org.
The registration form can be submitted online through the State Convention
page on the Affiliate's web site or printed and mailed. If not completed
online, all mailed forms must be returned to Sheri Albers; all checks must
be sent to Sheri Ruth and be made payable to the National Federation of the
Blind of Ohio. The cost of the hotel is $89 per night plus tax, which
includes a complimentary breakfast buffet. The cost of Convention
preregistration is $15 plus $40 to attend the banquet on Saturday evening
November 2. 


b.	The convention assistance form has been posted to the Ohio-Talk
Internet list by Affiliate President Richard Payne-following the last
meeting of the Ohio Affiliate Board. All requests for convention assistance
must be submitted by October 15. For members of the National Federation of
the Blind of Ohio, all applications must include a completed convention
assistance form and a letter of support from the applicant's chapter or
division president. The form includes an amount that the applicant's chapter
can contribute to the cost of their attendance at Convention. Those who are
not members must also contact Affiliate President Richard Payne for an
interview. Contact information for President Payne is available from the
Ohio Affiliate's web site at http://www.nfbohio.org.


c.	The Chapter is exploring the feasibility of renting a van to
transport Chapter members to and from State Convention. However, no firm
plans were finalized as of today's meeting.


d.	Sheri Albers expressed that the Ohio Community Service Division
decided at the last Affiliate Board meeting to adopt a community service
project. All attendees at State Convention are being asked to bring a new
child-sized hat, scarf and mittens which will be donated to students at the
Ohio State School for the Blind. Since red and blue are school colors, those
colors are preferred. Bins will be available at General Session to drop off


e.	It was decided that the Capital Chapter will be in charge of the
Hospitality Room at this year's Convention-not Cincinnati as previously


8.	President Sheri Albers requested information from Chapter members
for two specific sections of the annual Gavel Awards Report. She is looking
for instances in which Chapter members demonstrated accomplishments in the
community (either inside or outside the Federation). She is also looking for
any instances of participation involving work with another chapter or
division of the National Federation of the Blind-either in or out-of-state.
To qualify for this year's Gavel awards, all activities must have occurred
between October 1 2018 and September 30 2019. The Gavel Awards recognize the
accomplishments of Chapter members to the work of the National Federation of
the Blind and the community at large.


9.	Christopher Sabine gave a brief overview of an article he wrote that
was published in the Fall 2019 issue of Future Reflections, the quarterly
publication of the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children. Using
his own experience as a person with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia as a backdrop,
this article revolves around the importance of serving and empowering Blind
children and adults who also have additional disabilities-enabling them to
live the lives they want. The article includes a discussion of Optic Nerve
Hypoplasia and the additional disabilities and developmental differences
that can occur in children and adults with this condition and a short
bibliography of resources from the professional literature. Christopher
expressed special thanks to Deborah Kendrick, Immediate Past President of
the Cincinnati chapter, for reviewing the article and connecting him with
Deborah Kent Stein, Editor of Future Reflections, who accepted it for


10.	Gloria Robinson requested that all Chapter members interested in
volunteering at the Chapter's exhibit table at State Convention to contact
her. The exhibit hall is currently scheduled on Saturday November 2 from
12:00 to 4:30 P.M.


11.	Gloria Robinson announced that she will be starting a new job
working at home for a company serving Delta Airlines. The new job will start
as soon as she receives her new computer and office equipment at her home.


12.	The remainder of today's Chapter meeting was dedicated to a birthday
celebration for long-time member Joy Thomas. Mia Ison and Quinton Thomas
took a few moments to introduce themselves to the rest of the Chapter.


13.	The September 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind
of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:00 P.M. on
Saturday September 28 2019.


14.	The next meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio,
Cincinnati Chapter is set for Saturday October 26 2019 at the Cincinnati /
Hamilton County Main Public Library.


Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter



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