[Cinci-NFB] FW: (Time Sensitive) Invitation to Enroll as an Eligible Voter for 2020 National Convention

Tammy Smith tammysmith at zoomtown.com
Thu Jul 2 22:09:43 UTC 2020

Yes I need help my computer is not capadable to doing online or zoom please help me.


Tammy Smith

From: Cinci-NFB [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-NFB
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2020 5:53 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List' <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org>
Cc: info at onhconsulting.com
Subject: [Cinci-NFB] FW: (Time Sensitive) Invitation to Enroll as an Eligible Voter for 2020 National Convention


Please let me know if you need any assistance with this process. 




From: National Federation of the Blind <postmaster at nfb.org <mailto:postmaster at nfb.org> > 
Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 4:46 PM
To: National Federation of the Blind <postmaster at nfb.org <mailto:postmaster at nfb.org> >
Subject: (Time Sensitive) Invitation to Enroll as an Eligible Voter for 2020 National Convention



NFB20 Voting Enrollment Details: Time Sensitive Information

This message is to invite you to enroll as a voter for the 2020 National Convention of the National Federation of the Blind. Please read and act on this email in a timely fashion. Note that voter enrollment is optional but all eligible members are encouraged to participate actively in the Convention proceedings. One of the most important components of our democratic organization is the voice of its members. One way in which we make our voices heard is by voting—electing our leaders and passing resolutions that guide the organization’s activities. 

Because you are a member of the National Federation of the Blind and have registered for the 2020 National Convention, you are eligible to vote during our general sessions. We have arranged for a voting platform that will allow you to vote via SMS (text message) or by phone. However, before you can vote during the convention, you must first enroll the phone number you’ll use to vote. This is necessary to ensure the integrity of our voting process. Similarly, because only convention-registered members are eligible to vote, you should not forward or share this email with others.

Enroll Today

The enrollment process is straightforward and can be done in three easy steps using a web browser. 

1.	Visit  <https://www.nfb.org/libraries/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=17647&qid=3886722> https://www.nfbvote.org. 
2.	Enter your first name, last name, and the phone number from which you are planning to vote. Please use the same form of your name you used to register for the convention (e.g., Robert or Bob). While the phone number doesn’t need to match the one listed when registering for the convention, it is imperative that you enter the phone number you’ll be using to vote during the convention.
3.	Click the submit button to finalize your enrollment. You will be redirected to a confirmation page indicating a successful enrollment.

That’s it. That’s all there is to it. But wait! There are two additional important details. First, you MUST enroll to vote by 12:00 p.m. EDT on Sunday, July 12. No late enrollments can be processed. Second, you should read the proposed principles of engagement being recommended to the Convention by the Board of Directors of the National Federation of the Blind. This document, which follows below, is being proposed to the Convention as the voting process during our virtual convention this year. This proposal will be offered to the Convention for consideration. As it proposes a number of procedures that are different from the process followed in our in-person conventions, we urge you to read it carefully.

Once the enrollment window has closed, enrolled voters will receive additional information about the voting process to help prepare for the floor votes that will be held during the convention. 

National Federation of the Blind Proposed 2020 National Convention Principles of Engagement

These principles of engagement were adopted by the National Federation of the Blind Board of Directors on Thursday, June 25, 2020, for recommendation to the Convention. 

Nothing in these rules of engagement is intended to change Article V, Section A of the Federation’s constitution. The Convention remains “the supreme authority of the Federation. It is the legislature of the Federation. As such, it has final authority with respect to all issues of policy. Delegates and members in attendance may participate in all convention discussions as a matter of right. Any member of the Federation may make or second motions [and] propose nominations.” These procedures simply implement the method for following the constitution in an electronic convention. 

The below principles and procedures are intended to provide clarity and advanced notice on how the convention will be managed in 2020. This document will be read at the NFB board meeting on July 15 and then a second time on July 16 after the roll call of states. The intention is for it to be voted on the evening of July 16. Those eligible to vote on this proposal will be any enrolled voters present and voting at the session on July 16 as described below.

A subcommittee of the Board of Directors comprising those who are not standing for election this year shall deal with questions and issues of credentials for voting. The subcommittee will include Denise Avant, Illinois; Everette Bacon, Utah; Norma Crosby, Texas; Ever Lee Hairston, California; Joe Ruffalo, New Jersey; and Terri Rupp, Nevada. Everette Bacon shall chair the subcommittee.


1.	Every member in good standing who registered for the convention by June 15, 2020, will be offered an opportunity to enroll in the NFB20 voting system. All voters must be enrolled by July 12, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. EDT.
2.	All individuals who are members, are registered for the convention, and who opt into the voter enrollment system by the specified time, will constitute the pool of convention voters.  
3.	All voting will be done via SMS (text message) or by phone.
4.	Any matter must receive 51 percent support of the votes cast by the convention voters present and voting in order to be affirmed.
5.	Present and voting will mean the subset of convention voters who actually cast a vote on a given question. Thus, voters who are indifferent to a matter cannot block its consideration by the Convention by choosing not to cast a vote.
6.	All votes will be allocated two minutes for vote time. 
7.	After two minutes, if the outcome to the question under consideration is unclear, the chair will poll the delegates by voice vote for a definitive outcome. 
8.	If voting indicates 75 percent support for or against a question prior to the two-minute period elapsing, the chair may elect to move to the next order of business.
9.	An opportunity to practice voting will be offered in the convention on a question that has no impact on the policy of the organization.

Motions and Nominations from the Floor

1.	Only delegates will be able to make motions, second motions, and nominate candidates from the floor during the convention. 
2.	Should a member of a delegation wish to make a motion or nominate a member for election by the Convention, their delegate must bring it forward on their behalf.
3.	A member may petition another delegate to support their motion, especially if the delegate from their own state will not support the motion.


1.	Resolutions to be presented to the Convention must proceed through the resolutions committee process as usual.
2.	Resolutions being recommended to the Convention by the committee will be posted to the web at  <https://www.nfb.org/libraries/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=17648&qid=3886722> http://www.nfb.org/resolutions by 8:00 p.m. EDT or three hours after the committee meeting (whichever is later) on July 15, 2020.
3.	Affiliate delegations will be encouraged to discuss resolutions during their state caucus on July 17.
4.	Those wishing to speak for or against a resolution on the floor of the Convention must submit their interest in doing so by sending an email to  <https://www.nfb.org/libraries/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=17649&qid=3886722> resolutions at nfb.org by 5:30 p.m. EDT on July 17. The email must contain the individual’s full name, state affiliate, the number of the resolution they wish to discuss, whether they are for or against the resolution, and a phone number where they can best be reached in case there is an issue with the Zoom platform.
5.	Reminders will be given at each of the general sessions prior to the deadline regarding the above process. 
6.	In determining the amount of debate a resolution requires, the chair may use the Zoom polling option to get a sense of the crowd, ask the delegates for their feeling on cutting off the debate, or engage some other strategy outside of the voting system to gauge the sense of the Convention. 











National Federation of the Blind | 200 E Wells Street | Baltimore, MD 21230 | 410-659-9314 

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