[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for May 2020

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Wed Jun 10 15:26:34 UTC 2020

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for May 2020


1.	The May 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at
approximately 1:33 P.M. on Saturday May 23 2020. Due to the closure of the
Cincinnati / Hamilton County Public Libraries as a result of the current
public health crisis, this meeting was held by telephone conference. In
attendance were: President Gloria Robinson, Candice Armstrong, Marianne
Denning, Christopher Sabine, Emily Pennington, Ahkeela Cade, Walter
Mitchell, Allison Meloy, Amy Barker, Deanna Lewis, Diane Carmony, Dave
Perry, Jacque Perry, Robert Harris, Amy Barker, Dale Barta, Tony King, and
Joy Thomas. Marianne Dunnellon attended today's meeting as a guest of the


2.	Gloria Robinson encouraged all Chapter members to reach out to her
if they are facing any difficulties related to the Covid-19 Pandemic or
otherwise. Membership can also reach out to Walter Mitchell as he is working
with Cheryl Fields, who is in charge of the daily welfare check-in calls
through the Ohio Affiliate. Gloria Robinson began today's meeting by
announcing the passing of the father of Chris Windham, the father of
Cassandra Jones, and the mother of Immediate Past President Sheri Albers
from Covid-19. She reported that she is sending condolence cards to those
affected personally by the Pandemic. Gloria announced that the June Chapter
meeting will be held by teleconference due to the Pandemic and expressed
that the July and August meetings could be held by phone conference as well.
Big Lots locations are selling masks, and Gloria is working on supplying
hand sanitizer for Chapter members. Later in today's meeting, Walter
Mitchell expressed that his company, L 2 T Products & Services, which
provides cell phone service to people with disabilities, is also selling
reusable masks for $7 apiece. Those interested can contact L 2 T Products &
Services at (800) 340-8211, Selection 2.


3.	President Gloria Robinson expressed that National Convention is
being held virtually and asked all Chapter members to register online. The
link to the online registration portal is provided in Christopher Sabine's
Membership Committee report below. 


4.	Dale Barta moved to approve the April 2020 Minutes as emailed.
Marianne Denning seconded, and the motion passed.


5.	Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. Marianne
Denning moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Dale Barta
seconded, and the motion passed.



6.	Marianne Denning, in her Legislative Committee Report, requested all
Chapter members contact their local congressional representatives and
senators and urge them to sponsor the Accessible Technology Affordability
Act. This legislation, which would provide a $2,000 tax credit for the
purchase of assistive technology for those who are Blind, currently has 90
co-sponsors in the House and Senate. The goal of the National Federation of
the Blind is to secure 100 co-sponsors for this legislation. This
information was posted as a legislative alert to the Ohio-Talk and
Cinci-Talk Internet Listservs on May 22-prior to today's meeting.


7.	Christopher Sabine gave a report from the Membership Committee,
which met at 7:30 P.M. on Friday May 22 by teleconference. Dale Barta, Dave
Perry and Gloria Robinson also attended the meeting. The Committee agreed to
institute a "Saturday Social Hour" following the current Pandemic. The goal
of the Saturday Social Hour will be to discuss the needs of participants
concerning Blindness. This group would consist of members and nonmembers of
the National Federation of the Blind and be advertised through traditional
and social media. The committee Also agreed to develop a new membership
pamphlet to share with community organizations. President Gloria Robinson
added that she plans to ask various Chapter members to share their personal
experience with blindness and feature information on community resources,
such as Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, at the Saturday Social
Hour. She has reportedly spoken with a representative from the Cincinnati
Enquirer about an article and would like to advertise the event on other
platforms as well. She will also be asking all Chapter members to distribute
5-7 copies of the pamphlet when it is completed. Christopher concluded his
report by asking all members who need assistance to register for National
Convention to reach out to him directly. The link to the Convention
registration Portal is https://www.nfb.org/registration.


8.	Robert Harris gave a report from the Transportation Committee. He
indicated that the Board of the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority
(SORTA), the agency which operates Metro and ACCESS, met on Tuesday May 19
prior to today's meeting. The passage of Issue 7, officially announced on
May 19, will provide the agency with significant funding over the next 25
years. Issue 7 also places SORTA under the auspices of Hamilton County,
whereas SORTA has previously operated de facto as a branch of the City of
Cincinnati with no County funding. The additional funding will enable SORTA
to begin rolling out 24-hour-a-day service on certain routes as well as new
service throughout Hamilton County over the next three months. All changes
which SORTA will implement as a result of Issue 7-including twenty-four-hour
service and expanded service in Hamilton County-will also apply to ACCESS,
SORTA's paratransit service for riders with disabilities. SORTA is also
redoubling its efforts to ensure rider safety during the Pandemic. All
riders are encouraged to maintain adequate social distancing and wear masks,
and he has observed that most drivers and passengers are waring facial
coverings while on the bus; some have also been wearing gloves. SORTA is
also washing down all buses nightly. He suggested, however, that facial
coverings are not required for riders at this point. Robert expressed that
Gov. Mike DeWine is "more than willing" to reinstitute stay at home orders
or issue other restrictions if people fail to comply with social distancing
guidelines. He encouraged anyone with concerns regarding SORTA's operations
to contact him directly. Following Robert's report, Gloria expressed
particular concerns regarding drivers' failure to announce bus stops and
activate automatic announcement systems on buses. She also asked Robert
specifically about drivers treating passengers with disabilities with
disrespect. Robert reported that he will determine who at SORTA is
responsible for bus stop announcements and report back to the Transportation
Committee. He also encouraged all members to "always report" a problem
driver and gave his contact information for those who wish to reach him


9.	At President Gloria Robinson's request, Walter Mitchell gave a
report on the Ohio Diabetes Action Network (DAN). He reported that DAN is
continually growing its membership after a few years of decline. The
Division's business management is better, and there is improved camaraderie
among group members. The Division currently meets at 10:30 A.M. the second
Saturday of each month by teleconference and has begun holding "Educate,
Inspire, and Empower" meetings on various topics. At a national level, DAN
continues to advocate for all Blind people with Diabetes to have access to a
continuous glucose monitor and is also leading the charge for passage of the
Greater Access and Independence through Nonvisual Technologies (GAIN) Act,
which includes glucose monitoring devices. The officers of Ohio's Dan
Division are: Susan Day, President, Walter Mitchell, Vice President, Wanda
Sloan, Secretary, Colleen Roth, Treasurer, and Sue Ott, At Large Board
Member. Walter encouraged anyone interested in joining DAN or attending a
meeting to reach out to him directly. Gloria asked that Walter represent the
National Federation of the Blind at this year's upcoming Health Fair and
take part in other community outreach activities of the Chapter and Ohio
Affiliate to promote exposure of the National Federation of the Blind in the
wider Diabetes community.


10.	Amy Barker and Allison Meloy gave updates on services from the Ohio
Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired (BSVI)) as the current Pandemic
continues. Amy Barker, who works in the Independent Living Program for Older
Americans, expressed that the Pandemic has shifted how the program is
delivering services to consumers. All intakes and needs assessments are
being conducted by telephone. However, some services, such as low vision
evaluations, require face to face meetings with the consumer. Amy indicated
that she calls all her consumers every two weeks to check in on them, as
isolation is a significant issue facing her consumers and the older
population in general. Walter Mitchell agreed to take some information from
Amy concerning food pantries and other resources to forward to Cheryl Fields
from the Senior Division of the Ohio Affiliate, who is spearheading efforts
to reach out to members of the Affiliate in need of social contact or basic
supplies or resources. Allison Meloy indicated that intake for BSVI
consumers interested in employment is still by telephone. The contact is
Wendy Ray, and she can be reached by telephone at (513) 768-6705. 


11.	Marianne Denning expressed that the Ohio Association of Blind
Students has begun an "Adopt a Senior" Program for Blind Seniors who will
miss out on graduation ceremonies and other graduation activities due to the
Covid-19 Pandemic. Information on this program is available on Facebook at
"nfbohioadoptasenior." Currently, there are only four seniors in the
program. However, one is set for a social graduation from a local high
school. Members of the Ohio Affiliate can sign up to adopt a senior, but the
seniors do not have to be members of the National Federation of the Blind.
Those adopting a senior can send gifts to their adoptees. More than one
person can adopt the same senior, and even entire chapters can adopt a given
senior. Marianne expressed that efforts are underway to promote the program
with the Ohio State School for the Blind. Members with questions about the
"Adopt a Senior" Program can reach out to Marianne directly.


12.	President Gloria Robinson reported that she has secured the table on
Fountain Square for this year's Meet the Blind event, which is currently set
for Tuesday October 13 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. The Chapter will
need to pay the City of Cincinnati $200 for the permit for this year's
event. Gloria expressed that she would like everyone using a white cane to
attend this event and requested that Marianne Denning reach out to John
Mitchell from the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
and Deanna Lewis connect with Chris Faust from Clovernook to bring Blind
employees from both agencies to the event. 


13.	President Gloria Robinson expressed that the Fundraising Committee
is currently on a brief hiatus due to the Pandemic. However, plans for the
Italian Dinner and Portrait Studio are still in the works. The Chapter is
also accepting donations-either by cash or check sent to Treasurer Emily
Pennington or another officer of the Chapter or through the Chapter's PayPal
account, nfbofcincinnati at gmail.com <mailto:nfbofcincinnati at gmail.com> .


14.  President Gloria Robinson and secretary Christopher Sabine requested
that all Chapter members who have paid dues to the Chapter and have not
given him their contact information to provide their information to
Christopher, so that he can enter it into the National Membership Database.
This is vital to ensuring that all members receive the right of a vote at
National Convention. Christopher also expressed that moving forward, the
process of entering new members into the Chapter is being streamlined
through National Office, and all members who intend to renew their
membership or drop out of the Chapter need to contact him right away to
ensure their current contact information and membership status is reflected
in the National Database. Christopher provided his email address and
telephone number to Chapter members.


15.  Gloria Robinson encouraged all Chapter members to reach out to her if
they are having any personal concerns related to the Covid-19 Pandemic or
otherwise. She is also starting a separate connections group for those
experiencing vision loss.


16.  The May 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio,
Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:17 P.M. on Saturday May
23, 2020. 


17.  The June 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio,
Cincinnati Chapter will be held by teleconference from 1:30 P.M. to 3:30
P.M. on Saturday June 27 2020. 


Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter


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