[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for November 2021
Christopher Sabine
info at onhconsulting.com
Sat Dec 18 16:19:53 UTC 2021
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for November 2021
1. The November 2021 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at approximately 1:32 P.M. on Saturday November 20, 2021. In attendance were President Gloria Robinson, Christopher Sabine, Emily Pennington, Marianne Denning, Dave Perry, Gary Warren, Chris Windham, Lisa Hall, Frank Bragassa, Candice Armstrong, and Amy Barker.
1. The Cincinnati Chapter held its biennial elections at today's meeting. The nominating committee for the 2021 Chapter elections was composed of Frank Bragassa, Vice President Marianne Denning, Christopher Sabine, and Gary Warren and was chaired by Vice President Marianne Denning. The following Chapter members were elected as Officers and Members of the Board of Directors for the 2022-23 term: Gloria Robinson, President, Marianne Denning, Vice President, Emily Pennington, Treasurer, Christopher Sabine, Secretary, and Dave Perry, Gary Warren, and Chris Windham, At-Large Board members.
1. President Gloria Robinson reiterated the need for all members, especially Board members, to actively participate in all meetings of the Cincinnati Chapter and asked all Board members unable to attend a Chapter meeting to inform her at least 48 hours in advance.
1. President Gloria Robinson gave this month's Transportation Committee Report, summarizing a meeting between her, Christopher Sabine, and Chris Windham from the Chapter and Khaled Shammout, Vice President of Strategic Planning and Operations, and his management team at the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA). This meeting took place on October 29 to discuss Chapter members' ongoing concerns regarding service to Blind users of SORTA's fixed route service, Metro, and its paratransit service, ACCESS. Gloria indicated that two programs were mentioned that could be of interest to Chapter members. First, SORTA has a program, Everybody Rides Metro (ERM) which provides discounts on rides on Metro and ACCESS for members of participating nonprofit organizations. Also, Mr. Shammout indicated during the meeting that SORTA is conducting a pilot program of Trapeze, an app being used by several paratransit services for eligible riders to schedule and manage rides. The Chapter agreed to sign up three members who are paratransit users to participate in the pilot, and Dave Perry agreed to reach out to executive management at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired regarding employees and consumers who might be eligible for this program.
1. Christopher Sabine gave a brief report from the Membership Committee. He indicated that the Committee is still not holding regular meetings due to the Pandemic, but recruitment efforts through State Convention and other channels are still ongoing. Christopher expressed that he would like to continue to serve as Chair of the Membership Committee.
1. Marianne Denning gave this month's Legislative Committee Report, agreeing at today's meeting to continue serving as Chair of the Legislative committee. She indicated that Todd Elsey from the Ohio Affiliate has emailed the Ohio-Talk List that the Affiliate's Prescription Medication Accessibility Legislation has been introduced into the Ohio General Assembly as H.B. 448. The Affiliate is partnering with En-Vision America, the providers of the ScripTalk Talking Prescription Labeling Platform, to promote H.B.448 on social media and other channels throughout Ohio and is seeking stories from users who obtain and utilize ScripTalk labels from local pharmacies for a short video piece on the need for accessible prescription labels. The ScripTalk platform uses RFID technology to enable pharmacists to program critical information about a patient's medication, including indications, dosage, and possible side effects readily available on print prescription labels. Users can use a smartphone app or standalone RFID scanner available from En-Vision America to scan and read these labels. The technology to create accessible prescription labels is available at many mail order pharmacies, but not at many local pharmacies. H.B. 448, if passed into law, would require all pharmacies operating in Ohio to have this or similar technology available to render prescription labels accessible to Blind people. At members' request, Amy Barker from Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, who attended today's meeting, agreed to provide Christopher Sabine with a contact in charge of serving Ohio customers at En-Vision America. Christopher Sabine posted this information to the Cinci-Talk Listserv following today's meeting. Marianne Denning concluded her report by announcing that Washington Seminar, the Federation's annual national legislative event, is being held again virtually this year, according to the web site of the National Federation of the Blind.
1. President Gloria Robinson, Chris Windham, Dave Perry, Gary Warren, Frank Bragassa, and Marianne Denning agreed to serve on the Chapter's Community and Outreach Committee, responsible for reporting to the President and Chapter on community activities impacting the Chapter and helping organize community events as needed. Amy barker from Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities also agreed to collaborate with this committee due to her work with seniors in the agency's Independent Living Program.
1. Gary Warren and Dave Perry expressed that they would continue to co-chair the Chapter's Fundraising Committee.
1. President Gloria Robinson expressed that she would like to begin organizing leisure activities for Chapter members every few months, such as bingo, happy hour, and exercise programs. Christopher Sabine suggested that the Chapter organize a committee to organize and plan these events, and President Gloria Robinson, Dave Perry, Marianne Denning, and Christopher Sabine all expressed that they would serve on such a committee, which would begin meeting after the first of the year. These activities would foster cohesion within the Chapter and help to recruit new members.
1. President Gloria Robinson expressed that she would like to emphasize supports for seniors within the Chapter and continue to strengthen the Chapter's connection with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. Amy Barker gave a summary of her work managing the Independent Living Program at the Southwest Regional Office of Opportunities for Ohioans with disabilities, which serves Blind consumers ages 55 and older.
1. Emily Pennington gave this month's Treasurer's Report. Marianne Denning moved to accept the treasurer's Report as presented. Dave Perry seconded, and the motion passed.
1. Emily Pennington moved to accept the October meeting minutes as presented. Marianne Denning seconded, and the motion passed.
1. Marianne Denning expressed that she would be willing to host a Christmas party for the Chapter if people are interested. This party would take place on Saturday December 11 from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. Concerns were raised about the lack of accessibility at Marianne's home. President Gloria Robinson agreed to reach out to the Northgate Red Lobster location to see if a private room is available for the event.
1. Gloria Robinson indicated that she had a discriminatory experience with a private medical transportation provider on October 29 which she has discussed with Affiliate leadership. She has reached out to Fox 19 News, The Cincinnati Enquirer, and the Cincinnati Herald regarding this incident.
1. Marianne Denning announced that the I Device Users Group, which has met for the past ten years, will hold a meeting at Price Hill Chili on Monday December 13. No further information about this meeting was available. The group meets from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. the second Monday of each month and is designed primarily for Voiceover users. The group has been meeting virtually due to the Pandemic, but generally holds in-person meetings at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and visually Impaired. Marianne Denning agreed to forward information about this group to Amy Barker to forward to her consumers at Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities.
1. The November 2021 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 2:30 P.M. on Saturday, November 20, 2021.
2. The next meeting of the National Federation of the blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter will be held by telephone conference on Saturday January 23, 2022, from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
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