[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for May 2021

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Fri Jun 4 16:07:00 UTC 2021

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for May 2021


1.	The May 2021 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at
approximately 1:40 P.M. on Saturday May 22 2021. Members in attendance at
today's meeting were: President Gloria Robinson, Christopher Sabine, Emily
Pennington, Taslim Dibba, Lisa Hall, Dave Perry, and Frank Bragassa. Suzanne
Turner, Vice President of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, also
attended today's meeting representing the Affiliate. Amy Barker, Counselor
for Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, Bureau of Services for the
Visually Impaired, attended today's meeting as a guest of the Chapter. 


2.	Emily Pennington moved to accept the April Minutes as emailed. Dave
Perry seconded, and the motion passed. 


3.	Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. Dave
Perry moved to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Christopher
Sabine seconded, and the motion passed.


4.	Christopher Sabine gave a brief Legislative Committee Report, as
Marianne Denning, Chair of that committee, was unable to attend today's
meeting. He indicated that the Access Technology Affordability Act, H.R. 421
/ S. 212, has gained some additional co-sponsors. This act, if passed, would
provide a $2,000 tax credit for the purchase of access technology used by a
Blind person. This credit would expire over a period of three years.
President Gloria Robinson indicated that Marianne Denning has invited a
guest presenter to speak on legislative topics at the June meeting. No
further information was provided at this time.


5.	Dave Perry, Co-Chair of the Fundraising Committee, provided this
month's report, as Gary Warren was unable to attend today's meeting. He
reported that plans to implement a point system for Chapter members are
moving forward, which the Board plans to meet to discuss. Under this new
system, which Gary Warren previously instituted at the Delaware Affiliate,
members will earn points for participating in fundraising and other
activities. Financial Assistance to attend state and national convention
will depend on the number of points each member has earned. Plans are also
still moving ahead for a summer fundraising initiative. Like the Fall
campaign, the Chapter will sell tickets to win an Amazon Air Frier /
rotisserie oven. Tickets will sell for $5 apiece and 3 for $12, with
proceeds going to the Chapter. A start date for this fundraiser was not
specified. President Gloria Robinson asked each Chapter member to sell at
least 10 tickets apiece to help cover costs related to Convention and other
Chapter activities.


6.	Christopher Sabine gave a brief report from the Transportation
Committee, as the chair of that committee, Chris Windham, was unable to
attend today's meeting. Christopher indicated that seven of the highest
volume rides on Metro, the fixed route bus system operated by the Southwest
Ohio Regional Transit Authority serving Hamilton County and surrounding
locations, are being converted to 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week service
starting June 1. 


7.	Following the Transportation Committee Report, a discussion of
Covid-19 resources and vaccination ensued. President Gloria Robinson and
Christopher Sabine expressed that the National Organization is offering a
Lyft code for those interested in obtaining the vaccine who need
transportation. The code is only valid for travel to a vaccination site and
is only being provided to state affiliate presidents, so anyone in the
Chapter needing to use it will need to contact Affiliate President Richard
Payne or Affiliate Vice President Suzanne Turner directly. Some insurance
carriers-particularly Medicaid-are also offering access and transportation
to vaccinations for Covid-19. Ohio Councils on Aging offer transportation to
vaccination sites for those eligible for their services. Finally,
Christopher Sabine expressed that AIRA is currently offering 30 minutes of
free access for those signing up online for a vaccine or navigating to or
within a vaccination site. This offer is valid until June. Christopher
agreed to post information regarding this offer to the Ohio-Talk web site at
the request of Suzanne Turner. 


8.	Christopher Sabine gave a Membership Committee report. He indicated
that efforts to recruit new members are ongoing despite the Pandemic. He is
reaching out to some people, including an individual who recently received a
free white cane who expressed that she was a member of the National
Federation of the Blind in the past. He is also considering recommencing
committee meetings as the numbers of Covid-19 infections declines and public
health orders are lifted. 


9.	President Gloria Robinson gave a report from the Community Outreach
Committee. She indicated that her committee is reaching out to several
people concerning guest presentations at Chapter meetings, including
representatives from the State Library of Ohio concerning the NLS Talking
Book program and the Cincinnati Police Department regarding interactions
between the police and members of the Blind community. President Gloria
Robinson asked all Chapter members to reach out to members of the community
who could serve as a guest speaker at a Chapter meeting. Anyone inviting a
speaker needs to give President Robinson sufficient notice-at least one
month prior to their meeting. Gloria also expressed that she is working with
Marianne Denning to engage several current Chapter members who are seniors
who have not been able to attend Chapter meetings to connect them with
supports in the community.


10.	Amy Barker, Counselor at the Bureau of Services for the Visually
Impaired, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, gave a guest
presentation concerning the agency's Independent Living Program, which
provides independent living services to Blind consumers aged 55 and older to
enable them to gain the skills, resources, and assistive technology they
need to remain in their homes. 


11.	Suzanne Turner, Vice President of the National Federation of the
Blind of Ohio, discussed a number of items related to State and National
Convention as well as leadership initiatives in the Federation:



a.	Suzanne reminded Chapter members of a meeting of the Ohio Affiliate
to discuss leadership issues. This meeting will be held on May 26 at 7:00
P.M. on the Ohio Affiliate Zoom Platform. Notice of this meeting was
disseminated to Chapter members prior to today's meeting through the
Cincinnati Chapter Listserv and by group text. She expressed that further
information concerning State Convention will be provided at that time. The
Ohio Affiliate Convention is being held from Friday November 5 to Sunday
November 7 at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel in Worthington, Ohio-outside


b.	The Community Service Division of the National Federation of the
Blind is holding this year's community service project on behalf of the
Ronald McDonald House and the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland,
who is hosting this year's National Convention. The division holds such a
project each year during the annual convention of the National Federation of
the Blind. This year's convention will take place virtually from July 6-10
2021. The Community Services Division is asking members to donate blankets,
throws, and other items to the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House
as well as written words of encouragement. Information about this project
has been shared on the Ohio-Talk Listserv and other media, and Suzanne
promised to post reminders to Ohio-Talk following today's meeting.


c.	The last day to register for National Convention is May 31 2021. All
members who register for National Convention must pay dues to their
respective chapter or division prior to this deadline, so they can vote on
resolutions and other national matters. Registrants must also check a box
acknowledging that they have read and agree to the National Federation of
the blind Code of Conduct, which is available on the national organization's
web site and reviewed at several national and state conferences, including
two national town hall meetings held virtually in April. The Convention
registration form is available on the national organization's web site and
can be completed online and as a fillable PDF which can be mailed or emailed
to the National Office.  The National Office has released a Convention
toolkit which it is asking all members to post to their social media feeds
and other venues. Members are also requested to post a personal story about
the importance of the National Federation of the Blind to them a why they
joined the Federation. Suzanne expressed that she will post a link to the
toolkit on the Ohio-Talk listserv following today's meeting.


d.	A national chapter president's meeting, moderated by Kathryn
Webster, is scheduled for Sunday May 23 at 5:00 P.M. on Zoom. A link to this
meeting was provided to chapter presidents and officers prior to today's
meeting, and Suzanne expressed that she will be forwarding the link to
chapter and division presidents in the Ohio Affiliate prior to the meeting.


e.       The Ohio State School for the blind is seeking donations for its
model restoration program. Most schools have tactile models and maps of
buildings and objects to enable Blind students to develop a concept of what
buildings, animals and other features of the environments-such as a giraffe,
the White House, or the Empire State Building-look like. These models are
generally costly to maintain. Those that the Ohio State School for the Blind
uses date back to the 1930's and 1940's, and some have fallen into
disrepair. The State of Ohio will match all donations to the program from
individuals and organizations. Donations can be submitted to Todd Elsey,
Treasurer of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, on behalf of an
individual or organization. Todd Elsey has posted information on how to
submit a donation to the Ohio-Talk Listserv prior to today's meeting.
Donations can be sent via Zelle, PayPal or postal mail with a check or money
order. Those donating electronically via Zelle or PayPal are asked to
contact Todd Elsey in advance of payment.


f.        The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio now has a Deafblind
committee and all members of the Affiliate are invited to participate. The
two goals of this committee for 2021 are to recruit new membership from the
Deafblind / Blind / Hard of Hearing community and help members of the
community obtain a Single Service Provider (SSP) program to support with
daily living activities. There is an organization serving the Deafblind
community in Ohio, but the Ohio Affiliate has few Deafblind members. Suzanne
expressed that Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities has a Deafblind
Manager who will participate in this community to discuss concerns impacting
the community.


12.	Gloria Robinson expressed concerns about the participation of the
membership in Chapter meetings and activities. These concerns revolve around
members requesting financial assistance to attend State or National
Convention. Suzanne Turner expressed that the Affiliate is forming an ad hoc
committee to draft a policy for members of the Affiliate's Board and those
holding office in a chapter or division of the Affiliate regarding their
attendance and participation in Chapter meetings.  President Gloria Robinson
expressed that she will be scheduling a meeting of the Chapter Board of
Directors to discuss the issue, but a date for this meeting was not set at
today's meeting.


13.	The May 2021 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 2:47 P.M. on
Saturday May 22 2021.


14.	The next meeting of the National Federation of the blind of Ohio,
Cincinnati Chapter will take place virtually on Saturday June 27 2021.


Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter


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