[Cinci-NFB] FW: a Town Hall Exchange with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

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From: Suzanne Turner <smturner.234 at gmail.com> 
Sent: Friday, March 5, 2021 7:11 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Announcement and Discussion List' <ohio-talk at nfbnet.org>;
NFBOH-Cleveland at nfbnet.org; 'Lisa Bostick'' <lbostick04 at jcu.edu>;
Victory71351 at AOL.COM; AlexisTyson2000 at Yahoo.com; 'Edgarsfarm''
<edgarsfarm at aol.com>; 'Sandra Krems' <slkrems at yahoo.com>;
bdowdy1983 at gmail.com; shawgriff781 at gmail.com; Nricks123 at me.com;
stuff12993 at aol.com; lmr.upshaw at gmail.com; Dr.Carolyn.Peters at gmail.com; 'Dave
Bertsch' <dwbertsch at hotmail.com>; patrinkle at icloud.com; 'Ali Benmerzouga''
<ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com>; jimweiss72 at icloud.com;
regina.mason216 at gmail.com; ccjeff at ameritech.net; Arringtonrs at gmail.com;
NFBOH-Cleveland at nfbnet.org; Victory71351 at AOL.COM; BigPapaZo at roadrunner.com;
WO.Turner5 at sbcglobal.net; 'Heather Ways' <heatherways at yahoo.com>;
lewisbarbee at yahoo.com; remacd3 at gmail.com; Chefgreen56 at gmail.com;
delcenia at prodigy.net; Campbelllegal87 at gmail.com; riscw619 at gmail.com;
davidgGray1984 at gmail.com; dwjann57 at gmail.com; jimweiss72 at icloud.com;
charlenebolden at att.net; BillieGraham38 at gmail.com; williamsjoann at outlook.com;
Butler.Henry at icloud.com; TMcKenney51 at Icloud.com; lelinda at roadrunner.com;
TurnerW794 at gmail.com; info at onhconsulting.com; 'ali benmerzouga'
<ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com>; Tawnt at yahoo.com; nnulite at sbcglobal.net;
thorpe.ronda at gmail.com; auntro3135 at gmail.com; TraceySinkovic17 at gmail.com;
Nricks123 at me.com
Cc: smturner.234 at gmail.com
Subject: a Town Hall Exchange with Opportunities for Ohioans with



National Federation of the Blind of Ohio (NFBO)




a Town Hall Exchange with

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) Bureau of Services for the
Visually Impaired (BSVI)



Ohio Zoom Room



March 23, 2021



04:30 P.M.


The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio would like to invite you to an
organized Town Hall RoundTable, to learn about programs and services for
blind Ohioans, that are administered by Opportunities for Ohioans with
Disabilities, Bureau for the Visually Impaired; presenting their specific
and inter-related services for the blind and persons with various


The segments will focus on the untapped group of disabled employees,
students transitioning from school to work, and Ohio's older blind
population. Highlighted topics include OOD's eligibility process,
information and referrals, adaptive aids with supportive training,
rehabilitation services and statistics on nutrition, and more.


For more information contact,

Richard Payne, Ohio Affiliate President

(937) 829-3368

 <mailto:Rchpay7 at gmail.com> Rchpay7 at gmail.com


Join by Zoom




One Tap Mobile: +1-646-876-9923

Pass Code: 4081850851#

Call: 669 900 6833 Id: 4081850851

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