[Cinci-NFB] Information on How to Pay Chapter Dues

emilypennington at fuse.net emilypennington at fuse.net
Wed Dec 28 22:16:26 UTC 2022

Hi, everyone.

I hope you are enjoying the holidays. Below is some information about the
various methods you can use to pay your chapter dues. As a reminder, dues
are $10 per year.

You can PayPal us using our GMail address, nfbcincinnati at gmail.com
<mailto:nfbcincinnati at gmail.com> 

You can CashApp us at $NFBCincinnati and, if it's easier to search for a
phone number, it's linked to mine, which is (513) 668-6866.

We are working on setting up a Venmo, but if that's your preferred way to
pay, there's a work-around for that, so feel free to text/call me concerning
that or any other payment questions.

Lastly, if you prefer to mail a check, you can send it to my address, which
is 6808 Center Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45244.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at the
above-listed number and I'll be happy to help!




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