[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for June 2022

Christopher Sabine info at onhconsulting.com
Sun Jul 17 17:59:30 UTC 2022

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for June 2022

  1.  The June 2022 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at approximately 1:35 P.M. on Saturday June 25, 2022, by telephone conference. In attendance were President Gloria Robinson, Emily Pennington, Tammy McRae, Christopher Sabine, Dave Perry, Lisa Hall, Chris Windham, Frank Bragassa, and Haley Thurston. Richard Payne, President of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, also attended today's meeting. Robert Shoemake attended as a guest of the Chapter.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson reported that Marianne Denning has resigned her membership in the Cincinnati Chapter effective immediately. President Gloria Robinson and the Cincinnati Chapter Board of Directors have appointed Dave Perry as Vice President of the Cincinnati Chapter to replace Marianne Denning. Frank Bragassa has agreed to replace Dave Perry as at-large Board Member. The Cincinnati Chapter Board of Directors therefore consists of the following members, Gloria Robinson, President, Dave Perry, Vice President, Emily Pennington, Treasurer, Christopher Sabine, Secretary, and At-large Board members Gary warren, Chris Windham, and Frank Bragassa. Dave Perry will chair the Membership Committee with Christopher Sabine, as Dave currently sits on the Membership Committee for the Ohio Affiliate. He has also agreed to serve with Christopher Sabine on the Chapter's Legislative Committee.

  1.  Dave Perry moved to accept the May minutes as presented. Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  Emily Pennington presented this month's treasurer's Report. Dave Perry moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Christopher Sabine seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  Prior to today's meeting, The Chapter elected to allocate $100 to Gary Warren, who is currently recovering from a kidney transplant on June 14 at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland.

  1.  Dave Perry gave a brief Fundraising Committee report. During Dave's report, President Gloria Robinson indicated that the Popcorn Fundraising Campaign for the Cincinnati Chapter is ongoing. She will be accepting orders from Chapter members between July 8 and July 12. She also reported later in the meeting that she will be receiving the Amazon Smart Oven in the next two weeks which will serve as the grand prize for the Chapter's next fundraising campaign, allowing it to commence. President gloria Robinson expressed that plans are in the works for a training on using the Apple IOS and Android Operating Systems, BARD Mobile, and other technologies to commemorate Blind Equality Achievement Month in October. This will feature representatives from Apple and a member of leadership from the Ohio Affiliate to provide the training on Android. A date for this event has not been set. Dave prefaced his report by thanking all members of the Chapter Board of Directors for nominating him to be Chapter Vice President, citing his experience as a Union Steward at National Industries for the Blind and his activities on the Socialist Workers Party as key to his leadership of the Chapter. At the conclusion of his report, Dave made a motion to allocate $250 toward transportation expenses for Gary Warren related to his recent kidney transplant and recovery. As part of his motion, Dave promised to donate $100 of this amount to the Chapter. Christopher Sabine seconded the motion, and it passed without further discussion.

  1.  There was no report from the Legislative Committee this month.

  1.  There was no report from the Transportation Committee this month.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson expressed that she is tapping Tammy McRae to serve on the Community and Outreach Committee, which also consists of Dave Perry and President Gloria Robinson.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson reported that One Touch Self-Defense Classes will be offered at the Cincinnati association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. The final class of the current session is set for July 5, and a new session will start in September. The one-touch self-defense program is an eight-week course of self-defense program specifically geared for the Blind. This program is being offered locally by Chuck Geiger, former Job Developer and Recruiter at the Cincinnati Association for the blind and Visually Impaired. Further information is available from President Gloria Robinson.

  1.  The June 2022 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 2:25 P.M. on Saturday June 25, 2022.

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

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