[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for May 2022

Christopher Sabine info at onhconsulting.com
Sun Jun 12 03:14:07 UTC 2022

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for May 2022

  1.  The May 2022 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at approximately 1:35 P.M. on Saturday May 28, 2022. In attendance were President Gloria Robinson, Emily Pennington, Christopher Sabine, Dave Perry, Gary Warren, Chris Windham, Lisa Hall, Frank Bragassa, and Marianne Denning. Jacque Perry attended today's meeting as a guest of the Chapter.

  1.  Emily Pennington moved to approve the April Chapter minutes as presented. Gary Warren seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  Emily Pennington gave this month's Treasurer's Report. Gary Warren moved to approve this month's Treasurer's Report as presented. Dave Perry seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  There was no substantive report from the Transportation Committee. Several incidents involving ACCESS and Chapter members were discussed, and it was agreed to reach out to invite a member of the SORTA Management Team to discuss members' concerns and other pressing issues of the Committee. SORTA, The Southwest Ohio Regional Transportation Authority, is the agency that operates all mass transportation services in Hamilton and several adjacent counties in Southwest Ohio. ACCESS is SORTA's paratransit service for riders with disabilities.

  1.  Dave Perry gave a report from the Fundraising Committee, which reportedly met the evening of May 27, 2022. The Committee has decided to make the Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser an outgoing event to be conducted along with other future events. Gary Warren expressed that orders will be taken "every couple of months" by President Gloria Robinson. President Gloria Robinson expressed she will continue the current round of orders until June 12 due to the Holiday weekend and other member concerns. The Chapter previously agreed to suspend orders for this campaign on May 26. Gary Warren also expressed that the committee is making plans for an event to recognize Blind Equality Achievement Month in October. Early plans call for this to be an educational event to provide training on use of IOS and Android Devices, BARD Mobile and other devices to access materials from the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, and possibly other trainings such as the One Touch Self Defense Program offered locally by Chuck Geiger at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. President Gloria Robinson expressed that in-person events of the Chapter will still be contingent on the numbers of Covid-19 cases but encouraged all Chapter members to assist the Committee in planning this event.

  1.  Christopher Sabine gave a brief Legislative Committee Report. He indicated that Senate Bill 202, Ohio's Parental Rights Bill, passed the Senate and is now set for reconciliation with the version of the bill passed in the Ohio General Assembly, House Bill 352. This is the last step before this legislation is sent to the Office of Gov. Mike DeWine for his signature. The Ohio Parental Rights Bill would prohibit a child welfare agency or county department of job and family services from discrimination concerning custody, visitation, foster care, or adoption of a minor child based solely on disability.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson gave a brief Community Service and Outreach Committee update. She reported that the Committee has not organized any events because of the Pandemic but plans for a spaghetti dinner and other activities associated with Blind Equality Achievement Month are in the works, which are being managed by the Fundraising Committee. President Gloria Robinson requested that all members interested in helping with outreach activities for Blind Equality Achievement Month reach out to the Fundraising Committee.

  1.  After vigorous discussion and debate, Christopher Sabine moved to continue to hold Chapter meetings virtually for the next 90 days and revisit the topic in August at the request of President Gloria Robinson. Gary Warren seconded, and the motion past with one dissenting vote. President Gloria Robinson and other Chapter leaders expressed ongoing concerns regarding the increased numbers of Covid-19 cases in Ohio, the number of Chapter members at increased risk of contracting the virus and spreading it to their family members, and the lack of a meeting space at the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library's Downtown Branch due to renovations at the library facilities.

  1.  Christopher Sabine indicated that the Chapter is still actively pursuing new members to recruit to the Chapter.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson encouraged all members to join the next session of the One Touch Self-defense Class being held at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired and taught by Chuck Geiger. The next session will start in July, and members interested can reach out to President Gloria Robinson for further information.

  1.  The May 2022 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 2:25 P.M. on Saturday May 28, 2022.

  1.  The next meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter is currently scheduled for Saturday June 26, 2022, from 1:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. by telephone conference.

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Sabine


National federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

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