[Cinci-NFB] FW: Come and communicate with Denise Avant, Co-Chair of the National Membership Committee

Christopher Sabine info at onhconsulting.com
Sat Mar 12 15:57:54 UTC 2022

Please attend this event if at all possible. If you need to be patched into the Zoom Room, please reach out to me and let me know.


From: Suzanne Turner <smturner.234 at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 8:40 PM
To: BarbaraPierce9366 at gmail.com; dgventure915 at gmail.com; Dr.Carolyn.Peters at gmail.com; marianne at denningweb.com; Christopher Sabine <info at onhconsulting.com>; jordystringer83 at gmail.com; jjstover at kent.edu; patrinkle at icloud.com; carolinekarbo at gmail.com; 'Kathy Legg' <kalegg0220 at gmail.com>; 'Kinshuk Tella' <kinshuk.tella at gmail.com>; 'Todd Elzey' <toddelzey at gmail.com>; TurnerW794 at gmail.com; babyruth2 at windstream.net; Grob702 at gmail.com; n8tnv52 <n8tnv52 at gmail.com; shw937 at gmail.com; 'President Capital chapter' <president.capital.nfboh at gmail.com>; 'Susan Day' <greymaster95 at gmail.com>; aanderson at csjtech.com; c16a19f at sbcglobal.net; williamjoann at outlook.co; 'Eric Duffy' <peduffy63 at gmail.com>; jssocil at gmail.com
Cc: smturner.234 at gmail.com; rchpay7 at gmail.com
Subject: Come and communicate with Denise Avant, Co-Chair of the National Membership Committee

Dear Ohio Presidents,

I trust all is well!

The Ohio Membership Committee is hosting the National Co-Chair of the National membership Committee, Denise Avant,  who will come to address us on March 16th. This will be a wonderful opportunity to get your questions answered regarding the onboarding process, registering new members, The Pledge Cards, suggestions on how to increase your membership in your respective chapter and anything else you can think of relating to membership.

Please attend and encourage your members to attend as well; especially your board members. The info is below!


The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio Membership Committee invites all affiliate board members, chapter presidents, chapter board members, and each member of the Ohio affiliate to an essential presentation on the importance of growing our membership, and sharing innovative ideas in building the federation.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022
NFB Ohio Zoom
Live Caption Included

Keynote speaker:
Denise Avant, National Board Member, NFB Illinois First Vice President, & Co-chair of the National Membership Committee

Presentation from committee members:
Dr. Carolyn Peters, Chair of NFB Ohio Membership Committee
David Perry, Cincinnati Chapter
Patricia McPherson, Akron Chapter
William Turner, Cleveland Chapter
Maggie Stringer, Capital Chapter

The Membership Committee believes that an affiliate that works together, builds greatness together. We encourage all of our Ohio members to take part in this vital event.

NFB Ohio Zoom:


Meeting ID: 408 185 0851

One tap mobile +1-646-876-9923, 4081850851#

National federation of the Blind of Ohio
Membership Committee
Chair Person, Dr. Carolyn Peters
Email: dr.carolyn.peters at gmail.com<mailto:dr.carolyn.peters at gmail.com>

"I am filled with hope, energy, and love by participating in the National Federation of The Blind because my expectations are raised, my contributions make a difference to me and to others, and I can celebrate the realization of my dreams with my Federation family"

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