[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for September 2022

Christopher Sabine info at onhconsulting.com
Thu Oct 13 16:01:24 UTC 2022

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for September 2022

  1.  The September 2022 meeting of the National Federation of the blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at approximately 1:35 P.M. on Saturday, September 24, 2022, by telephone conference. In attendance were President Gloria Robinson, Emily Pennington, Dave Perry, Frank Bragassa, Gary Warren, Chris Windham, Walter Mitchell, Christopher Sabine, Lisa Hall, Tapeka Turner, Haley Thurston, Tammy Smith, Tammy McRae, Paula Collins, and Darnell Hudson. Ahkeela Cade attended this meeting as a guest of the Chapter.

  1.  Gary Warren moved that the Chapter accept the August Chapter minutes as presented. Gary Warren seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  Christopher Sabine moved to accept the June minutes as presented. Gary Warren seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  Emily Pennington gave this month's Treasurer's report. Gary Warren moved to accept this month's Treasurer's report. Dave Perry seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  Dave Perry gave a report from the Membership Committee. He expressed that about fifty people attended the Affiliate Board Meeting which took place on September 17 at the Doubletree Independence in Cleveland, the site of this year's State Convention. He emphasized that a lot of first timers from the Cincinnati Chapter will be attending State Convention this year and encouraged as many members as possible to register. He reported that he will be staffing the information table at Convention on Friday and Saturday November 4 and 5 with other members of the Ohio Affiliate, where he will help give out information about the Federation and the Convention and direct people to the exhibits. Later in the meeting, Paula Collins and Darnell Hudson were accepted as members of the National Federation of the Blind and the Cincinnati Chapter by unanimous vote at a new member onboarding ceremony.

  1.  Dave Perry began this month's Membership Committee Report by expressing that the current Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser is still ongoing, and the Committee is awaiting the Amazon Air Frier to commence the drawing for that campaign. Gary Warren indicated that he is auctioning two pairs of Ncredible 1 wireless blue tooth headphones at State Convention. The Ncredible 1 is marketed and backed by Nick Cannon and other leading audio producers. He provided a description of the device and expressed that tickets are $5 apiece or 3 for $10. The Committee will also be auctioning off baskets of merchandise as well. Further information concerning the baskets will be announced at the October meeting, but they will have a "romantic theme."

  1.  President Gloria Robinson expressed that she has been "talking to the community" about donations and has compiled a letter for prospective donors that she plans to have publicized on Channel 19 (morning and evening news). The letter features the colors of the NFB logo.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson emphasized that State Convention is set for November 4-6, 2022. Anyone needing financial assistance to attend this year's convention needs to complete the Convention Assistance Form (previously forwarded to the Chapter email list) and send it to Affiliate President Richard Payne. She expressed that she will be completing the required letters of recommendation for members requesting assistance and will be "coming down very hard" on members who attend meetings only to obtain assistance and fail to participate or regularly attend meetings. Gary Warren expressed that those seeking assistance must be current with their annual dues and attend at least the September or October meeting to receive financial assistance to attend state Convention. If members have any difficulty with these requirements, they need to discuss them with President Gloria Robinson. Members needing a roommate should also request this through President Robinson.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson expressed that the Chapter will continue to meet by phone until at least January 2023, citing the Board's decision to continue to hold meetings by telephone conference, the numbers of Covid cases and members with relatives who are at particular risk of contracting the virus, and the inability to find a suitable meeting location. She indicated that Cincinnati is not the only Chapter holding its meetings by phone or virtually.

  1.  Chriss Windham gave a brief report from the Transportation Committee. He indicated that he and Robert Shoemake, Advocate for the Hamilton County Department of Developmental Disabilities, regarding ongoing issues with drivers' failure to audibly announce bus stops or indicate their routes using their external speakers. Issues regarding updated neighborhood services on Metro and safety concerns were also discussed. Christopher Sabine indicated that a public hearing was held at SORTA's main conference room in the 525 Vine Street building regarding new neighborhood services in Springdale and the Northgate area starting on a pilot basis in December 2022. He expressed that he shared this information with Chris Windham and President Gloria Robinson. However, when Gloria went to the meeting location and tried to participate, she was told that she could not enter because the room was at capacity.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson gave an update from the Community Outreach Committee. She stated that she is looking for members to join the committee to contact her if interested. She indicated that she has recently passed out 32 book bags of school supplies to students at Cincinnati Public Schools and has met with a family of a student who is visually impaired. She has also spoken to students about Blindness at Cincinnati Public Schools for the Everybody Counts program. She works to feed the homeless, particularly in Price Hill and is working with the Fundraising Committee to organize an IOS training for Blind Equality Achievement Month. Tammy Smith expressed interest in joining the Committee. President Robinson expressed that all members attending the State Convention will receive a snack bag, and any unclaimed snack bags will be sold for $4.

  1.  Lisa Hall expressed that she is trying to persuade the Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, where she works as a Braille transcriptionist, to sponsor State Convention.

  1.  Christopher Sabine gave his thanks to Frank Bragassa for organizing his hiring as Secretary for the Ohio Vendors Representatives Council.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson reported that she has secured a van to transport members to State Convention. The van will depart Cincinnati from the Queensgate Frisch's Restaurant located at 1003 Gest Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45203, at 6:30 A.M. The van will depart the hotel on Sunday November 6. Donations to cover the cost of the van will be accepted, and snack bags will be provided to all members.

  1.  The September 2022 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 2:30 P.M. on Saturday, September 24, 2022.

  1.  The next meeting of the National federation of the blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022, from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M. by telephone conference.

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

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